Feet are not the sweetest smelling parts of the human body. Stifled inside shoes and socks all day, feet become sticky and stinky. They are the perfect part of an infection. Some of the bacteria and viruses lie in and wait on the floors of locker rooms and pool changing areas. When they invade susceptible feet, they can cause a red, itchy condition called athlete’s foot. Read on about athlete’s foot symptoms and how to control them.
Why does athlete’s foot itch so bad?
Athlete’s Foot Itching
Not all types of athlete’s foot manifest itching. But most of the infectious skin diseases come with an itchy feeling. Itching causes a strong need to scratch the affected area.
In athlete's foot, the fungus irritates nerves endings persistently, which in turn creates a continuous itching sensation. Putting on closed shoes when infected with athlete’s foot could also cause burning, pain or itching. Itching and burning may worsen as the infection spreads. The infection can also migrate to the soles of the feet and the toenails.
If you scratch the infection and touch some other part of the body, you might infect the regions. The fungus can also be transmitted to the different areas of the body from contaminated bedding, towels and clothing.
Athlete’s Foot Symptoms
Athlete’s foot is characterized by various level of redness and scaly or flaking of the skin. Rashes signs tend to appear in between the toes, primarily the 4th and the 5th toes. One may also notice a scaly appearance extending to the soles of the feet. If moist is maintained, the region will appear white and soft. If the infection spreads to the nails, the nails have an unpleasant appearance in the sense that they might become twisted, discolored and brittle.
Athlete’s Foot Blisters
Most of feet fungus infections, including athlete’s foot, result to feet smelling bad. This is caused by dead skin cells and the universal infection. Severe conditions and those left untreated can cause painful blisters, skin fissures, crusts, crack and even stronger lousy smell. If the blisters break, they expose small areas of tissue resulting in inflammation and pain.
What happens if you itch athlete’s foot?
Should I itch the athlete's foot
No, you should not scratch athlete’s foot itch. Athlete’s foot is highly infectious and can spread by contact. Scratching an athlete’s foot itch makes one touch the bacteria and spread it around. When you scratch the infection the fungus gets to your nails, or the hands, and everywhere, you walk, or touch leaves bacteria for someone else to touch and spread. Be careful because the fungus can easily infect the eyes, your mouth, and genitals as well. The critical thing to do, despite the urge to scratch, is to keep your hands off and get medication.
Why does it feel good to scratch Athlete’s foot?
Any itching requires scratching. Typically an itch feels better after scratching and the more it itches, the better it feels to scratch. Thus it feels better to scratch athlete’s foot. The specific cause of an itch is not particularly relevant to the need to scratch it but the amplitude of the irritation affecting it. The nerve endings can only feel one sensation at a time so, if you have an itch and you replace it with scratching, putting hot or cold things on the athlete’s foot infection you only feel the scratch or heat or cold, and you have temporary relief from the itch.
How long is athlete’s foot contagious?
Athlete’s foot is mildly contagious. It can spread to other body parts or another person as long as the fungus is present in the skin. You do not stop being contagious when you start treating the infection. However, once you start treatment, if you cover the infection, you can significantly decrease the risk of spreading it to others. The condition is contagious until the fungus is entirely removed from your skin. It is hard to even for the podiatrist to know when all the fungus have been killed. The fungus can also be alive on clothing, bedding and anywhere as their thriving environment (Moist and warm) is present. The fungus can live for as long as three years in the right context.
How an athlete’s foot spread?
Athlete’s feet is highly contagious, and it spreads quickly from one person to another. Walking barefoot in public swimming pools adjacent regions, communal showers gyms, gyms showers, etc. increases the risk of contracting athlete’s foot.
Getting in contact with the skin of a person with athlete’s foot can also result in contraction of the infection. Proper hygiene such as changing sweaty clothes and socks, wearing slippers and pool shoes will reduce the risk of contracting the infection. If a family member has athlete’s foot, ensure the whole family avoids contact with infected skin or clothes.
Giving out clothes, socks, footwear, towels or any other personal object that comes into contact with the infected area could result in spreading the infection. Whether it is a family member, friend or stranger keep your hygiene.
Individuals who experience profuse sweating of the feet are also likely to develop athlete’s foot. Sweat creates an environment in which both bacteria and fungi can thrive in.
Can an athlete’s foot spread to other parts of the body?
While you should not be alarmed of this possibility, athlete’s foot can spread to other parts of the body. This is so especially if you scratch the infected feet and then other areas of the body such as armpits, face, torse, and back.
How do you stop athlete's foot from itching?
Athlete’s foot treatment
You can purchase many creams, gels, and sprays that treat athlete’s foot at a drugstore. Most of these treatments are available without a prescription. They will ease symptoms including itching. However, the fungus could take six weeks to go away completely. An application such as aluminum chloride and powders help to make the feet dry. Over the counter, antifungal creams include Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Micatin, econazole, naftifine, butenafine and tolnaftate. If you have tried over the counter medication and your athlete’s foot still does not clear up, visit a doctor as you might need another plan. There are also home remedies to relieve the itching.
Athlete’s foot home remedy
Luckily, there are natural remedies that may help get it under control.
Tea tree oil remedy for athlete’s foot
Tea tree oil can minimize the itching, scaling, inflammation, and burning of athlete’s foot when applied to the skin. Nevertheless, tea tree oil can take up to a month to see progress, and it does not work for everyone.
Bitter orange athlete’s foot home remedy
Bitter orange oil is a natural antifungal agent who can help athlete’s foot, ringworm and jock itch. Apply bitter orange oil to the infection three times each day. The fungus should clear in two weeks. Bitter orange can make your skin swell if you use it in its pure form. Besides, it can also increase the chances of sunburn, so be sure to protect your skin from the sun if you use it.
Vinegar foot soak for athlete’s foot
Immersing your feet in a mixture of water and vinegar can help get rid of athlete's foot. Both white and apple cider vinegar works effectively. Soak your feet for at least two times a day.
Green tea remedy for athlete’s foot
Immerse your feet in Lukewarm green tea, and you might have lesser symptoms like itching, peeling, and redness. The nutrients in green tea have antifungal powers.
Topical probiotic remedy for athlete's foot
Whereas oral probiotics are beneficial to your gut and overall health, in the event of an acute athlete's foot infection, you may find the topical application of probiotics helpful. Mix 1 TBSP plain organic yogurt (full fat preferred) and One capsule of Saccharomyces boulardii (a beneficial yeast that has been shown to battle pathogenic species of fungi).
Hair dryer and talcum powder for athlete's foot
If fungi do not have the right environment to thrive in, they cannot keep on growing and multiplying. Getting rid of moisture from the feet, particularly between the toes can help prevent the fungus from spreading and getting worse.
You can remove moisture from your feet by thoroughly drying them with a hair dryer after bathing, ensure that no moisture remains but being careful not to burn the skin. In case you have a loss of sensation, or you are feeling in the feet should not use this approach.
When the feet are dry, sprinkle them with talcum powder to help absorb sweat. Most foot powders have talc and help keep the feet dry.
In addition to these measures, wearing socks that absorbs moisture away from the skin can help keep the feet dry. Changing socks at least once in a day when feet feel sweaty or damp can also keep athlete's foot away. Or, in warmer weather, wear open shoes to increase airflow to the feet.
How long should you use athlete’s foot remedy?
Take the medication for as long as the doctor recommends. The use of ointment treatment is recommended up to two, four, six weeks following the disappearance of your symptoms. To ensure the infection does not reoccur or et deeper layers of the skin affected by the fungus have it gone completely.
Types of Athlete’s foot
Most of the standard kind of athlete’s foot is interdigital tinea pedis. In this type, the skin between the patient’s toes, mostly the fourth and fifth, starts to itch and break down. Fissures develop, with accompanied whitening and thickening, intense pruritus and burning. A foul odor might also develop due to bacterial overgrowth in the open wounds. Athlete’s foot could present in the form of acute vesiculobullous infection. In this type, there is foul odor and intense pruritus. Inflammation and fissuring are also prominent. The signs may virtually disable patients.
The third form of athlete’s foot is the moccasin type, usually caused by anthropophilic fungi which are passed from one-to-person. The individuals notice a fine scale over the plantar surface, but there are no blisters and may be no symptoms. The name is justified due to its locations- heel on the side of the foot. This athlete’s form is usually chronic, persisting for many years and reoccurs in the summer season.
What will happen if athlete's foot is left untreated?
Complications of athlete’s foot
If athlete’s foot is not treated, it could result in skin blisters and cracks. It might also result in acute infectious disease. The toenails might be infected in some types of athlete’s foot. All kind of athlete’s foot can be treated. However, the signs are likely to return after treatment. The infection might return in:
- An individual does not take preventive measures and is exposed to fungus again
- Does not use antifungal medicine for the prescribed period and the fungi are not killed completely
- The fungi are killed entirely even after the full course of medicine