You might be getting many blackheads on your nose because of bacteria, clogged pores, dirt, skin cells, and excess oil. There's no denying that blackheads can be a pain. They're small dark spots that are seemingly difficult to get rid of, and they always seem to pop up in the middle of your face, like on your nose, more specifically.
What are blackheads?
Dealing with blackheads on your nose
Blackheads are clogged pores or hair follicles that collect sebum, dirt, skin cells and bacteria. When the gunk in your pores is exposed to air, they oxidize, and the surface turns black, giving them their characteristic look. But why they always seem to be on your nose more than the rest of your face. It all has to do with oil. They are more likely to form on the nose because it has lots of glands compared to the rest of the body.
Not all black spots on your nose are blackheads, however. Some may be the sebaceous filaments, which look like blackheads. Sebaceous filaments are found in the lining of your pores and help sebum get out of the pore and lubricate your skin. They can become visible if they fill with fats and oils and darken. They are more linear and easier to extract than blackheads.
Blackheads are difficult to extract because they're underneath the skin. They are hard and trapped inside pores meaning they can't be scrubbed away or washed off; they need to be extracted. Even if they're extracted, they could recur because your nose, with all of its oil glands, will continue to secrete oil.
How can I treat blackheads on my nose?
Fighting blackheads before they develop
It is easier to prevent blackheads than it is to get rid of them once they develop. A good prevention routine is all about healthy cleansing. Despite your skin type, you should always cleanse your skin every night before you go to sleep.
A skin care product which contains glycolic acid, such as Alpha-H Liquid Gold, can really assist increase skin cell turnover, effectively exfoliating the skin without harsh scrubbing. A physical scrub on sensitive skin types can result in micro-tears and do more harm than good in the long term. If you are not sure, consult your skin care specialist or your health provider.
In case you have oily or combination skin which is not delicate or sensitive, you can exfoliate your skin physically with a product specifically designed to combat blackheads. For a physical scrub, buy an ideal product that provides cleansing and exfoliation benefits, and warms the skin to get rid of blackheads.
Using Home Remedies

Before trying out a home remedy, it is recommended that you wash and steam your face. A facial steam will help soften the blackheads making it easier for the remedy to remove them. To steam your face, you should:
- Gather together a large bowl, some water, and a large, clean towel.
- Boil the water and let it cool a bit then pour it into the bowl.
- Lean over it and cover yourself with the towel to trap the steam.
- Steam your face for about 5-10 minutes. Don't get too close to prevent burning your skin and rinse with warm water then pat it dry.
- Repeat this process various times a week, before you use a facial scrub.
Exfoliate your nasal area with baking soda
Exfoliation is vital because it eliminates dead skin cells, which prevents clogging and the creation of blackheads. It also revives the circulation on your skin and giving you a healthy glow.
- Combine two teaspoons of baking soda and mineral water in a bowl to make a paste.
- Apply it on your nose, and massage gently so you don’t cause harm to the skin. When the paste dries, rinse it off with some warm water.
- Reapply this remedy once or twice weekly.
Baking soda dries up the blackheads and makes your skin look brighter and cleaner. You can also use ACV (apple cider vinegar) to make the baking soda paste. ACV is a natural astringent and antibacterial so it will tighten your skin and kill bacteria.
Make an oatmeal scrub
The mixture of oatmeal, lemon juice, and yogurt works well to keep your skin blackhead free. Place two tablespoons of oatmeal, three of plain yogurt and the juice of half a lemon in a bowl and mix well. Apply the blend to your nose, let it on for a few minutes, and rinse with warm water.
You can also create an oatmeal scrub with honey and tomatoes. Mix one teaspoon honey with the juice from four tomatoes and enough tablespoons of oatmeal. Smear the paste on your nose and let it sit for 10 minutes. Clean it off with warm water. Use this scrub about once a week.
Use a sugar scrub
Whenever possible, use jojoba oil for this sugar scrub recipe, as it closely mimics your skin’s sebum. The sebum is produced by your body to keep your skin from drying. If you cannot get some jojoba oil, use grapeseed, olive, or sweet almond as substitutes.
- To make the scrub, mix 4 tablespoons of your preferred oil into a cup of brown or white sugar in a sealed glass jar and mix well.
- Wet your face, scoop some of the scrub onto your fingertips and massage it over your nose and eventually the whole face in a circular motion.
- Massage for 1-2 minutes and rinse with warm water. Use this scrub no more than 2-3 times a week, to prevent drying out or aggravating your skin.
- Keep it in an airtight container and keep it in a cool dark place for up to 2 months.
Apply a clay mask
Bentonite clay, which can be bought online or at many health food stores, makes a good clay mask. It is rich in minerals and has been utilized for years to treat several ailments, mainly skin related problems. When you put on a clay mask, your skin absorbs these minerals while the clay pulls out the blackheads.
Mix a tablespoon of the clay with water or apple cider vinegar (ACV). The paste is thick but still easy to smear on. Using your fingertips, cover your nose in a thin layer of the paste. Let it sit for about 10-20 minutes, depending on how long it takes to dry. The mask makes it feel like your face is tightening as it dries.
Some find that clay masks dry or irritate their skin if left on for too long, especially if they already have dry skin. Modify the drying time depending on your skin. Rinse the mask off with some warm water and put on some moisturizer to your nose. For the best results, apply the clay mask regularly.
Apply egg whites to your nose
While the smell of raw egg can be unpleasant, egg whites are loaded with nutrients and are less skin drying than other blackhead home remedies.
- Gather an egg, a facial tissue, a bowl, and a clean towel.
- Remove the yolk from the white in a bowl.
- Wash your face with your preferred cleanser. Pat it dry and use your fingers to apply a thin layer of the egg white onto your nose.
- Leave the first layer to dry, then, spread a second layer and let it dry. Apply more layers, but be sure to let each layer dry before applying the next one.
- When you apply the final layer, allow it to dry for 15 minutes. Your face might feel tight and pull a bit. This is a good indication that the egg whites are sticking to your nose and your blackheads.
- Dip the washcloth in some warm water and gently scrub away the egg whites and pat your nose dry.
Make a natural toner for your face
Toner is ideal for removing any dead skin on your face and lessening any redness or inflammation, especially around your nose. Use a cooling herb like mint to calm any irritated skin.
- Combine 3 tablespoons of ACV and 3 tablespoons of crushed, fresh mint leaves in a small bottle.
- Let it sit for about 1 week in a cool, dark place. Strain and dilute it with a cup of water. The toner can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 days.
- Use the toner at night. Rinse your face first with some water and using a clean cotton ball or swab, apply the toner to your nose.
- Let it sit throughout the night or for a few hours for those with sensitive skin. Be sure to put on moisturizer after applying the toner.
Getting Rid of Clogged Pores
In case your pores are already clogged, you require a targeted blackhead treatment that works from within pores. Use skin care products that have BHA, or beta hydroxy acids. Watch out for salicylic acid as an active ingredient a product such as asap clearskin body gel is effective for blackheads on your nose and also the rest of your body, making it a great skincare deal. Do not rub blackhead medications to your entire face. Limit them to your nose or other skin areas which are affected —and then only to the region of your nose most vulnerable to blackheads, since excessive use of targeted medications can irritate your skin. Ensure you are allowing your skin time to adjust to a new medication. You should expect to experience results within one month. Limit yourself to using a new item once every two nights until you are sure your skin is compatible with the product.
Clogged Pores: Practice good skin hygiene
Good skin care is the key to fighting blackheads. You will also need to take proactive measures to keep your skin clean and comparatively free of bacteria:
Do not pop or squeeze your blackheads. Also avoid touching your face excessively, since doing this will introduce more bacteria, oil, and debris into your skin. Always sleep on a clean pillowcase, specifically in case you sweat during the night. Put on makeup made for sensitive or acne vulnerable skin, and make sure you remove the makeup as soon as needed. Never sleep in makeup. Choose skin care products that are lightweight and non-comedogenic.
When you see blackheads lurking just below the skin's surface, popping and squeezing them can prove overwhelmingly tempting. Do not pop the blackheads. You possibly will not get the entire plug out of the pore. In case you do, squeezing results in the skin becoming irritated. Besides, your nails can introduce more oil and dirt to your skin. Squeezing and popping the blackhead can also disrupt the skin's natural barrier so it is best just to let it be.
It takes patience; however, the best thing to do for stubborn blackheads are products with BHAs. Watch out for Salicylic Acid. Specifically, products that contain this ingredient will target exactly what you need it to. Typically, use a serum that will remain on the skin to do the work it is required to do. When selecting a product to tackle blackheads, remember that you may not see overall changes to your skin until one month later, as your skin cycle requires time to show whether or not a product works.
Clogged Pores: Make a natural toner for your face
Toner is ideal for removing any dead skin on your face and lessening any redness or inflammation, especially around your nose. Use a cooling herb like mint to calm any irritated skin.
Combine 3 tablespoons of ACV and 3 tablespoons of crushed, fresh mint leaves in a small bottle. Let it sit for about 1 week in a cool, dark place. Strain and dilute it with a cup of water. The toner can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 days. Use the toner at night. Rinse your face first with some water and using a clean cotton ball or swab, apply the toner to your nose. Let it sit throughout the night or for a few hours for those with sensitive skin. Be sure to put on moisturizer after applying the toner.
Preventing Blackheads
1. Be aware of the false myths surrounding blackheads. Why it is not possible to clean away your blackheads, is because they are not caused by an accumulation of dirt. Instead, they are due to a buildup of dead skin/sebum, which then reacts to oxygen and turns the clog in your pores black.
Also, it is impossible to shrink, close or open your pores, as they are not muscles. They are holes that house hair follicles and sebaceous glands. While certain substances, like lemon or mint, can make your pores look smaller, in reality, they haven't shrunk. Other elements like genetics, age, and sun exposure all play a part in how large your pores seem, but there is no magical cure to making them actually shrink.
2. Keep excess oil off your face.You can do this by cleaning your face about twice a day and no more, with a mild facial cleanser that is oil-free. Make sure you clean your face if you apply makeup on daily, as the residue can cause an oil buildup on your face.
3. Be sure to exfoliate and use a toner often
4. Clean your pillowcases at least once weekly.Cleaning your pillowcases will remove any dead skin and oil your face left behind on the fabric.
5. Style your hair away from your face and try not to touch your face a lot with your hands. Hair can transfer germs and bacteria that could end up on your skin. Your hands can also transfer dirt, germs, and bacteria that can cause acne.
6. Never pick or pop your blackheads. This can make the skin on your nose to get inflamed, infected, and even cause scarring.
7. Also, when using scrubs, avoid rubbing your blackheads too hard as this can cause irritation and inflammation.