Worried you might be developing an inner thigh rash? An inner thigh rash is a common problem affecting both women and men. For most people they are a significant annoyance, causing everything from discomfort and itching to awkward romantic and social situations especially if they have to rear and ugly appearance and you have to go to swimming. There are many reasons why women develop inner thigh rash. This article has covered the leading causes of, as well as the medications that are most effective for helping you treat, heal and prevent a future occurrence of the inner thigh.
What STD causes rash on the inner thigh?
What causes the rash on female inner thigh near groin?
The inner thighs are a common place for all rashes of all kinds to form. This is so because the area tends to be hot, dark and sweaty with less airflow. Thus a perfect breeding environment for fungi and bacteria. Additionally, inner thighs rub together a lot which exposes them to allergens in clothing material or detergents.
Before we look at the causes of an inner rash in female lets first discuss the symptoms. The symptoms of an inner rash are similar to any other outbreak you would see on your body. They may include:
- A pimple or red like bump may be a potential sign of inner thigh.
- Red, scaly patches could be an indicator of thigh rashes infection.
- Rashes are generally itchy and have a burning feeling.
- If you are oozing or have discomfort or pain in your inner thigh, see a doctor as this could be a possible sign of inner thigh rash.
- Clusters of blisters are a common sign of inner thigh rash.
STD causing a rash on female inner thigh near groin
Several sexually transmitted diseases can produce rashes on the inner thighs and other parts of the body.
1. Genital Herpes can produce small red bumps, which progress to blisters, on the penis, scrotum, anus, buttocks, vaginal area and inner thighs. The blisters from Genital Herpes are usually painful and itchy.
2. Secondary syphilis can cause penny-sized rashes to occur anywhere on the body including rashes on the inner thighs.
3. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2- The STI is highly contagious and can spread through intercourse or direct contact with a herpes sore. Herpes Simplex Virus symptoms include fluid-blisters or painful rashes that form on thighs or buttocks.
4. Scabies - It is not always an STD, but it can spread through skin to skin contact. However, among youths, the mites causing Scabies are often acquired during sex. Scabies causes itchy feeling especially at night and a pimple-like rash.
5. Crabs can also create an inner thigh rash. Crab is a term for lice that set up in public hair. Crabs crawl from one person to another during close contact. The symptoms include intense itching especially in the inner thighs and ting eggs attached to pubic hair.
Who is at risk of STDs causing rashes in the inner thighs near the groin?
STDs can affect anyone sexually active irrespective of gender, race or sexual orientation. Having many sexual partners also increases risk. Some STDs spread through any sexual activity, including skin-to-skin contact and oral sex. This one does not have to have intercourse to be exposed.
How to prevent STDs causing rashes in your inner thighs?
The practical way to avoid getting STD is to:
- Abstain from any sexual contact or be monogamous in a long-term relationship with an uninfected partner.
- To reduce the chances of having an STDs and eventually having itchy inner thighs inquire if your partner has an STD.
- Be tested together with your partner before any sexual activity.
- Use condoms when you are not sure of your partners status.
- Avoid sexual activity if your partner has symptoms of an STD.
- Beware of signs of STD and get regular checkups with your healthcare provider.
Other causes of rashes on the inner thigh
There are possible causes of inner thigh apart from STDs. They include:
- Eczema can cause rashes on the inner thigh. Also called Atopic dermatitis, Eczema is most common in children but can occur at any age. It causes permanent bumps, rashes in the inner thighs and a leathery appearance.
- Inner thighs are prone to chafing as they rub against each other and can be irritated by clothing and pantyhose. Chafing is usually characterized by rashes in the inner thighs, redness, and blistering.
- Contact dermatitis can also cause a rash to flare up following skin exposure to an allergen. Inner thighs are more prone to contact since they come into contact with clothing and detergents frequently.
- Heat rash can cause itchy and irritating of the skin in the inner thighs. It occurs as tiny bumps on the skin and can affect any area of the body especially the chest and inner thighs.
- Jock itch which is more common in women than in men can cause an itchy, and flaky rash on the genitals, inner thighs, and buttocks.
How do you treat an inner thigh rash?
Rash on inner thigh female treatment
Treatment for rashes depends on the cause of the rash. Not all the outbreaks will require medical interventions as some of them can clear up on their own. But when treatment is essential, the options can include the following:
- STDs antibiotics and other infections
- Antifungals for cases of jock itch
- Antihistamines for itching
- Topical or oral steroids to decrease inflammation
Home treatments for inner thigh rash
Based on the type of inner thigh rash, one of the following home treatments may help.
- Use oatmeal bath to reduce itchy and irritation of the skin.- Oatmeal is a universal remedy for skin problems. Medical research suggests that oatmeal bath has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may soothe the itch and irritated skin. You can buy oatmeal online.
- Cold compress an inner thigh rash to reduce itching and inflammation. Rest a cold, wet compress on the rash, and gently pat the skin dry. Repeat the procedure as frequently as necessary until the rash clears.
- Mix tea tree oil with a carrier such as olive oil and apply it to the skin to reduce irritation of the skin. Some research proposes that tea tree oil is more effective in treating allergic contact dermatitis than other home remedies such as clobetasone butyrate and zinc oxide. It was not demonstrated to be useful for irritant contact dermatitis. Tea tree oil can be mixed with a cold compress or applied to the skin if diluted with a carrier oil. Tea tree oil is available for purchase and can be bought online.
- Use natural astringents such as apple cider vinegar, witch hazel extract to ease the symptoms of itchy rashes.
- Avoid irritants and allergens as they can cause rashes in the inner thighs. For example, rashes that are caused by contact dermatitis will frequently clear up once the irritating substance is removed.
- Aloe vera- Aloe vera plant has been used for centuries as an aid for skin care. Aloe vera is also used to treat small cuts. The plant is used to treat a rash on the inner thigh because of its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antiviral properties. Use the clear gel that comes from the aloe leaves to soothe the rash on your inner thigh. It is best to wash and dry the affected area before using aloe gel so that you can have maximum absorption. Cut open a leaf, if you have an aloe vera plant and apply it directly to the affected skin. Drug stores do commercial aloe preparations, which can be easier to use. However, fresh aloe is recommended since aloe can degrade and lose some effectiveness over time. Apply aloe vera gel at least twice in a day on the inner rash.
- Coconut rash- Coconut has high saturated fats and also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Before using coconut on a rash on inner thigh test it first on one spot on the inner arm. If you do not see any reaction within twenty-four hours, consider the oil safe to use. If irritation occurs, discontinue the treatment. Coconut oil can be used as a moisturizer on the rash on the inner thigh. You can apply it all over the body or just on the itchy areas. There are many coconut oil products, but the best one for this case is virgin (unprocessed) coconut oil is best since its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
How to prevent female inner thighs rash?
- Avoid being hot as sweaty skin can provide a breeding environment for bacteria causing heat rash on the inner thigh.
- Keep your skin dry and remove your clothes after workouts to help prevent a rash.
- If you have inner thigh rash, bath with water which is not too hot to avoid worsening of skin condition.
- Certain rashes such as those caused by chafing are common in overweight people thus try it is essential to maintain a healthy weight.
- Avoid sharing towels to reduce the risk of contracting a disease-causing inner thigh rash.
- Abstain, use a condom or remain faithful to open partner to reduce the risk of getting STDs.
How do I get rid of Eczema on my inner thigh?
What helps Eczema on inner thighs?
Eczema rash also known as atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition which results from hypersensitivity reaction in the skin. It is most common in children and adults usually outgrow the condition. Eczema can worsen if you suffer from allergy, cold, dry skin or stress. Atopic dermatitis can occur in inner thighs as blisters, skin color change or stress. If you scratch the skin, it becomes raw and leather-like.
To ease the itchy skin cold compress or use antihistamines. You can also keep your skin moist with a lotion such as petroleum jelly, which is alcohol-free, scents, fragrances and another chemical which irritates the skin.
Symptoms of Atopic Eczema causing rashes on the skin. The signs of eczema can vary from one person to another. The most common symptoms include:
- Skin redness
- Infection of the skin broken areas
- Formation of small, fluid-filled blisters that might ooze when scratched
- Itchiness
- Dry, scaly or crusty skin which might become thick and leathery from long term scratching
How is Atopic Eczema of the thighs diagnosed and treated?
The infection is usually diagnosed with an analysis of a person’s history of symptoms and with an exam of the skin. Atopic Eczema is usually treated using ceramides, glycerin, and mineral oil. Treatment includes over the counter creams and ointments containing steroid hydrocortisone.
How do I prevent Eczema from infecting my thigh?
There is no effective strategy for avoiding eczema, but the signs can be improved. To improve the symptoms of eczema:
1. Reduce stress
2. Avoid scratchy materials such as wool and chemicals which are harsh on the skin.
3. Moisturize your inner thighs more frequently
4. Avoid situations which could make your inner thighs sweaty and hot
5. Keep away sudden changes in temperature or humidity as they can cause Eczema