
What oil is good for burns?

The best essential oils for treating a burn wound include tea tree oil, chamomile oil, lavender oil, peppermint, eucalyptus, pine oil, and juniper. Treating burns and other common household injuries such as cuts and bites is the reason these oils are very popular. Here is how to use essential oils on your burns. There are also other ways of taking care of a burn.

Can essential oils be used for burns?

For minor burns, yes, there are some types of oils you can use. But only for small burns, anything severe should be referred to the doctor. There are also other general guidelines before using essential oils for burns; it should be diluted in a carrier oil, and it should not be taken orally. The use of essential oils for burns is something that is constantly evolving. There are numerous conclusive and inconclusive results on its application in treating burns and related wounds. The essential oils below can be considered when treating a burn.

What are the best kinds of oils for burns?

Essential oils to use on your burn wounds

Does tea tree oil help burns?

Tea tree oil is among the best essential oils for burns. This infection-fighting oil is also anti-inflammatory and therefore a great remedy for burns.

Chamomile oil for burns

Chamomile is a popular choice for dealing with wounds and healing the skin. You will find this ingredient in a lot of the skin products and lotions around. Chamomile has skin-rejuvenating, moisturizing, and emollient properties, and it is, for this reason, it is used in healing minor burns.

Lavender oil for burns

When it comes to healing burns, lavender oil does the trick. The oil will reduce your pain, reduce the inflammation, and potentially prevent infections. Moreover, lavender can speed up the recovery process of the wound.

Peppermint for burns

When it comes to relieving pain, peppermint, and other mint species have proved to be very effective. This is why this why peppermint is good at dealing with burns. The oil will not only get rid of the pain but also reduce inflammation.

Eucalyptus oil for burns

This common topical essential oil is used for healing burn wounds. Eucalyptus is also an astringent, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory and therefore can prevent the burn wound from infections. Apart from burns, research says that eucalyptus can also be used for insect bites, cuts, and lice.

Juniper oil for burns

Various studies have backed the effectiveness of juniper in healing burn wounds. The oil has thujone, which is believed to the reason behind its healing capabilities. Thujone can help in soothing inflammation, prevent infections, and heal the wound. This compound can also reduce scars that result from burn wounds.

Pine oils for burns

Pinene, a compound found in pine, is very useful in killing bacteria, reducing inflammation, and reducing scarring. Moreover, it is believed that pine tree compounds can be wound healers. For this reason, essential oils from pine are used for burns.

Geranium oil for burns

Essential oils from geranium are known to be effective in healing minor burn wounds. The oil is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and also anti-cancer. Moreover, it can be used as a sedative and hence very effective in pain relief. However, geranium can cause some skin irritation.

Sage for burns

The use of sage and its species for healing burns can be backed up by many studies. It can reduce the chances of infection and treat a burn wound, all thanks to its antibacterial properties. The most common variety is the clary sage.

How to use essential oils to treat burns?

Using essential oils for minor burns is safe, that is if you use the oils the right way. You should not use pure essential oils that are not diluted on your burns. This can worsen the wound by increasing the inflammation and the pain. Essential oils can be applied on a burn wound in the following manner:

Compress: A simple way to use essential oils for burns

This compress technique works best for fresh burn wounds.

Essential oils plus carrier oils, lotion, balm, or ointments

Another way of using essential oils on burns is by using together with a carrier oil or with a moisturizing product.

This method is strictly recommended after the burn wound is already healing. Using oils in the initial stages of the burn wound worsens the condition. The oil will likely trap heat from the wound, preventing it to heal quickly. It may also trap pathogen, and hence, the wound will be infected. Therefore, keep this away from fresh wounds and second-degree burns.

To moisturize a healing burn wound, mix 5 drops of essential oil with about an ounce of carrier oil or moisturizer of your choice. The effectiveness of essential oils is enhanced by carrier oils.

Some recommended carrier oils include:

Use this mixture on the healing burn until it disappears. To avoid any complications like allergic reactions to these oils, conduct a spot test first. If the spot or patch on the skin if fine, then you can use the oil. Signs of a reaction include worsening or increased inflammation, the appearance of a rash, or itchiness.

Caution and risks when using essential oils

Do not take essential oils orally

Essential oils should not be taken in the body by mouth. Some are very toxic, and the FDA has not approved or reviewed them. Even when using it the right way ensure you go for a brand that is trusted.

Caution and risks when using essential oils

Complications and side effects of using essential oils

Who should not use essential oils?

There are some groups of people who are more likely to experience the side effects of essential oils or those who should avoid it altogether. These people include:

When to see a doctor regarding a burn?

Essential oils are very effective on sunburns and small first degree burns. When it comes to the more serious burns, a professional unit should have a look.

Seek immediate attention or call 911 if the following happens:

How to treat a burn?

The best home remedies for burns

Away from the essential oils, there are many other home remedies to treat burns. Some work perfectly, some you should use with caution as evidence that backs their efficiency is minimal. Home remedies for burn should only be used on first and second-degree burns. The other two severe types need immediate medical attention.

Run cool water on the burn

First-degree and second-degree burns can be soothed with cool water. The water can also prevent additional injury from the burn.

Relieve the pain with a cool compress

This is simply a wet piece of cloth kept on top of the burn. The compress will do well to relieve the pain and swelling. Apply it on the intervals of 5 to 15 minutes. Remember it is a cool compress, not a cold compress, make sure the water is not extremely cold as it can further irritate the burn.

Allowing cool water to run on the burn for 20 minutes will not only cool the skin but also relieve the pain and prevent the burn from getting deeper and affecting other layers of the skin.

Can aloe vera treat burns?

A lot of products and creams meant for burns have aloe vera as part of their ingredients. This is because of its antibacterial, pro circulation, and anti-inflammatory properties. Pure aloe vera will stop the pain, swelling, and inflammation. It will also play a part in promoting the growth and repair of the skin.

Does honey help burns?

There are honey bandages that prevent infection by sterilizing a burn. The same also relieves the pain associated with burns by soothing the skin. All this is possible because of the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics of honey.

Does oat meals heal with a burn?

When it comes to itchy burns, using oats can be very beneficial. Oats will soothe the skin and help reduce inflammation. Considering the negative effects of scratching a burn, you should try this. Soak in an oat bath for 20 minutes. To prepare the oat bath, mix some oats in the bath water. You can add some baking soda as well; it will help with the inflammation. For smaller irritations, soak the area in a bowl of similar mixture. After you are done, do not dry with a towel, it will remove the remaining thin layer of oats. Let it dry on its own.

Can vinegar help with a burn?

The acetic acid found in vinegar can relieve pain, inflammation, and itchiness from a burn. It will also protect the burn from infection as it has astringent and antiseptic properties. It is a component of aspirin. Alternatively, you can make a vinegar compress. This will draw out the heat reducing the pain in the burn.

Use some antibiotics on your burn

Antibiotic ointments and creams can be used on burns with open blisters. These ointments help prevent infection in the open wound and also accelerates the healing process.

Some burns may need bandages

Burns that are in areas that can easily get dirt or rub with other parts need to be bandaged. This will reduce the risk of a fracture and hence infection. The same applies to blisters that are oozing. It is important not to ties the bandage too tight. And also, the stick part of the bandage should not touch the actual wound.In most cases, however, the minor burns and burn blisters do not require a bandage.

Relieve the pain with some over-the-counter medications

Getting burned is a painful affair, whatever the degree. All through the healing process, the burn can be a great source of discomfort. Take some pain medication that will reduce the swelling and relieve pain. Try ibuprofen which works as an anti-inflammatory medication and a pain reliever.

Using milk to treat a burn

Milk can potentially soothe burn wounds. The proteins and fat in milk will promote healing and relieve the pain. Simply deep the burn in milk and leave it for 15 minutes. Whole milk, full-fat, and yogurt can all work the same way.

Keep the burn shaded from direct sunlight

Try to avoid the sun when healing from a burn. This will prevent the risk of worsening the burn and also reduce the pain. If you cannot stay away from the sun altogether, wear loose clothes that cover the area.

Using vitamin C and vitamin E to treat a burn

Vitamin C plays a part in the synthesis of collagen thereby promoting the healing of wounds. Vitamin E, on the other hand, is an antioxidant, which means it can as well help with skin repair. Eating foods rich in such vitamins will help speed up the healing of burns.

Do not pop burn blisters

Popping away those fluid-filled sacks resulting from burns can be very tempting. This will, however, lead to an infection, especially if the person popping it is not a doctor. You can let the burn blister be or visit a pro.

Conclusion on using essential oils for burns

Essential oils work nicely on small burns and sunburns, which are the majority of the burns we face daily. Using essential oils to treat burns is easy, but with some basic precaution. There are also other home remedies for burns, all of which are meant for minor injuries. For the serious burns, see a professional.

How to tighten skin?

To make our skin tighter, eat healthily, exfoliate your skin, limit UV exposure, and use

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