The fluid in the blister is bubbles that pop up when fluid collects in pockets under the top layer of your skin. Blister fluid contains pus, blood, or the transparent, watery part of your blood known as serum. I know you've wondered before, "What's the liquid inside your blister?" Because contrary to a cut or a bruise, a blister fills up with stuff. But what is this liquid and what's its origin? They're bubbles that pop up when fluid collects in pockets under the top layer of your skin.
They can contain pus, blood, or the transparent, watery part of your blood known as serum. Most resemble circles. Depending on the cause, your blister could itch or hurt a lot or a little. They can look a single bubble or in clusters. A typical blister will have a plasma, which is like blood without the red blood cells. It’s mostly water. It is why your blister will likely appear translucent or transparent. However, it's no cause for worry if your blister isn't clear.
A blister top develops a protective layer and the fluid within functions like a cushion that has cellular and platelet factors, which further reduce damage to the underlying tissue and promotes healing, usually in 7-10 days. The fluid is typically clear or straw colored (serum) but may also contain blood. Majority of blisters heal naturally between three to seven days, and you may not have to visit a doctor. It's essential to avoid popping the blister because this could result in slowing down the healing process or an infection.
In case the blister does pop, avoid peeling off the dead skin. Instead, let the fluid inside the blister drain then cover the part with a dry, sterile dressing to guard it against infection until it heals. According to the cause and location, a blister may differ from the size of a pinprick to longer than 3 cm in diameter. A severe pinch or bruise usually cause a blood blister to the skin that breaks the tiny blood vessels (capillaries).
What Is A Blister?
What You Need to Know About Blisters
Water blisters are common and, if left alone, will typically heal on their own. If a blister grows, becomes painful, or seems likely to be irritated, you might consider draining it using proper sterilization steps and bandaging the open wound. There are ways to prevent blisters, including clothing, shoe, and sock choices. If you can’t determine the origin of a blister, blister drainage continues after you've drained it, or if a blister shows signs of infection, contact your doctor.
How Does a Blister Form?
Blisters form on any part of the body; however, are most common on the hands and feet. It usually develops when there's harm on the outer layer of the skin. Fluid gathers under the damaged skin, cushioning the tissue underneath. It protects the flesh from further damage and allows it to heal. Most blisters contain a clear fluid called serum, which is the part of the blood that remains after red blood cells, and clotting agents are out. However, blisters at times contain blood (blood blisters) or pus if they get infected or inflamed.
What Leads To Blisters?
Causes Of Blisters
Blisters are often due to an injury to the skin as a result of friction. It can be as a result of shoes that rub, for instance. They can also happen when your skin surface is under the exposure of excessive heat, like sunburn or a scald, as a reaction to a chemical product, or as a symptom of an underlying medical condition. In case you expose your skin to heat or friction, it can tear the top layer of skin from the layers below. Your skin surface stays intact but is pushed outwards because serum (blood without red cells or clotting agents) collects in the newly created space between the layers of skin.
Friction May Cause Blisters
If you want to prevent blisters, put on comfortable, well-fitting shoes and clean socks. Blisters are more likely to form on moist skin. If your feet are sweaty feet, try changing your socks twice a day or wearing moisture-absorbing socks.
If you workout often, like through sports, wearing sports socks or thicker wool socks can assist in maintaining the dryness of your feet and minimize your risk of developing a blister. If you're taking a stroll, wear shoes that fit correctly and are comfortable. Putting on shoes, you have worn before is a good idea since brand new may not be suitable and may rub.
Stop if you feel a hot area on your foot while walking, exercising or playing a sport. If possible, tape some padding over the part. Wear protective gloves when using tools like shovels or pickaxes, and when doing manual work for example gardening. It will assist in preventing blisters from developing on your hands.
Blisters from Heat and sunburn
Be careful when dealing with temperatures like boiling water, steam, or flames. Ensure you use the correct safety equipment in working sites that involve chemicals or heat. Objects that get very hot, like a kettle, should also be treated with care to avoid getting blisters that result from either scalds or burns. Apply sunscreen whenever you're in the sun. Maintain a cloth cover for your skin to avoid getting burnt by the sun. As a bonus, don't forget to put on a sun hat. Moisturiser, aftersun or calamine lotion can aid in easing discomfort if you get sunburns.
Blisters Due To Chemicals
Remember to put on protective gloves when dealing with solvents, detergents, cleaning products, and other chemicals. Stay away from any unnecessary contact with chemicals and be careful when dealing with them.
Blisters as a result of Skin diseases
Numerous skin diseases cause blisters. Examples include pemphigus, pemphigoid, and dermatitis herpetiformis. There also are genetic forms of blistering skin conditions, like epidermolysis bullosa (in which trauma or pressure usually leads to blisters) and porphyria cutanea tarda (in which sun exposure provokes blisters).
Blisters From Allergies
Allergic contact dermatitis, a type of dermatitis or eczema, may result in blisters. An allergy causes allergic contact dermatitis to a chemical or poison, such as poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac.
What Blisters Do I Have?
Three Types of Blisters
Instead Of speculating what kind of blister you have read on through this section to find out:
Friction May Cause Blisters
How To Deal With Friction blisters
The unbroken skin over a blister offers natural protection against infection. It's essential that the skin surface remains intact to avoid contamination. Even though it's tempting, avoid piercing a blister with a needle because it could slow down the healing process or result in an infection. Let the skin peel off by itself after the skin beneath has healed.
You may choose to protect small blisters using a plaster. You can also seal more massive blisters with a gauze pad or dressing that you can in place. You can cover painful blisters, or those in positions where they are likely to burst, like on the sole of your foot, using a soft dressing to offer padding and protection. Change the bandage every day and rinse your hands before you touch the blister to prevent infection.
Blisters WIth a Burst
How To Handle Burst Blisters
If a blister has burst, avoid peeling off the dead skin on top of the blister. Let the fluid inside the drain and then cover the blister and the parts around it using a dry, sterile dressing to guard it against infection till it heals. Hydrocolloid dressings, available O-T-C from chemists, have been shown to aid to encourage healing and preventing discomfort. If the upper layer of dead skin from a burst blister has already rubbed off, do not pick at the edges of the remaining skin surface. Stick to the advice we've given above to guard it against infection. If the blister forms on your foot, avoid wearing the shoes that led to it, at least until it heals.
Blood blisters
What Should I do With Blood Blisters?
Leave blood blisters to heal naturally. If a blood blister bursts, keep the region clean and dry. Guard it using a sterile dressing to prevent infection. Blood blisters are most times painful. Putting an ice pack to the affected part immediately after the injury can assist in relieving the pain (a bag of frozen vegetables works just as well). Between 10 and 30 minutes should maintain. To avoid the ice touching your skin directly, put a towel over the affected area before applying the ice pack.
Is My Blister Infected?
What Should I Do If I Have An Infection In My Blister?
What of a case when your blister isn't clear or straw-colored or contains something other than blood? An infected blister will contain white or yellow pus. If your blister is infected, It's crucial not to ignore an infected blister because it could lead to secondary impetigo (a contagious bacterial infection of the skin) and further complications, like sepsis or cellulitis. Don't push aside the signs of an infected blister as you could worsen it for yourself in the long haul.
Now you know that a standard blister contains plasma and an infected blister also has pus, you'll know what to searching. If you're unsure about whether your blister is safe or it has infections, you're best off seeking advice from a medical professional, as soon as possible.
How do I get rid of blisters fast?
Blisters from chickenpox, shingles, cold sores blisters from spider bites and persistent health conditions require special treatment.
For a blister that has not popped
- Do not pop it or drain it
- Leave it uncovered or cover it loosely with a bandage
- Do not put pressure on the region. In case the blister is in a pressure region such as the bottom of the foot put donut-shaped moleskin on it.
For a blister that has popped
- Clean the region with warm water and mild soap. Avoid using alcohol, iodine, or hydrogen peroxide.
- Smooth down the skin flap that remains
- Rub antibiotic ointment to the region
- Cover the region loosely with a sterile gauze or bandage
When to drain a blister?
- To drain a blister that is painful, large or in an awkward region
- Clean the region
- Sterilize a needle with applying alcohol and water
- Create a small hole at the edge of the blister. Loosely pop out the fluid
- Clean the blister again and dry it. Do not peel off the skin over the blister
- Smooth down the skin flap
- Smear antibiotic ointment
- Cover the region loosely with a sterile gauze or bandage
Follow up: Remember to change the bandage daily and anytime it gets wet and dirty. Do not wear shoes or doing the activity that resulted in blister until it is gone. Put on thick socks or work gloves for blisters on the hands or feets. Consult a doctor if you have symptoms of infection, encompassing red, fever, pus or warm skin around blisters, swollen lymph glands, or amplified swelling or pain, or in case your last tetanus shot was more than ten years ago.
Try natural remedies
Besides protecting your blister, you can also use some natural remedies to help with the healing process.
Apply aloe vera to reduce pain. Put aloe vera in a refrigerator to cool temperature to assist you to pull heat away from the skin.
You can use green tea on a blister. Green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory values that can enhance wound healing. Green tea mixed into an ointment can reduce wound pain and promote better healing. You can mix green tea with a natural carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil and rub it directly to your blister. You might also brew some green tea. Put on the tea bag on the blister after running it under cold or cool water.
Use Tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial values that may help reduce the risk of infection and speed up healing. You can mix tea tree oil with a carrier oil and apply it directly to the skin. You can also dilute tea tree oil with water and use it as an antibacterial wash.