To relieve insect bites naturally, use essential oils such as peppermint and lavender oil on your skin. Other natural remedies for bug bites are vinegar soak, echinacea tincture, banana peels, lemon balm plantain leaves, ice cubes, aloe vera, basil, apple cider vinegar, honey, chamomile tea, and many others.
How Can I Get Rid of Insect Bites Naturally?
14 All-natural Solutions For Insect Bites
Below are some of the natural tips you can use to recover from common bug bites as well as guard your skin from further attacks.
Apply Peppermint essential oil on Insect Bites
You can use this essential oil as both a spray that will prevent future attacks and to relieve the impacts of an insect bite. If you suspect you have been attacked by a bug, apply this oil on your skin, you can also spray the essential oil on parts of your household that you think maybe harboring these pests. Once you’ve spotted the place where the insects are entering your room, apply a few drops on the spot to deter them from entering. Also when you’re outdoors and you know parts of your skin will remain exposed to bugs, spread this essential oil on your skin. Don't Apply it on your skin surface before you have diluted the oil with a carrier oil such as sweet almond or coconut oil, you can substitute these carrier oils with a moisturizer like sorbolene.
Lavender essential oil as a Soothing Remedy for Insect Bites
If you’ve had a chance of applying this oil on your skin, you can attest to its soothing effect. Lavender essential oil is a great insect bite remedy due to its cooling effect. This oil is commonly known for its soothing feature for effects like acne, wounds, and minor burns, as well as its cooling fragrance almost immediately after you’ve applied it on your skin. Experts suggest opting for brands that contain 100 % French Lavender that are available in high altitude regions. Using olive or coconut carrier oils, dilute the lavender essential oil before you apply it on the insect bite. If you intend to use the oil as a bug repellent, splash few undiluted drops on your bedding to deter mosquitoes from attacking you while you’re asleep.
Baking soda mixed with lavender paste For Insect Bites
If you’re looking for an insect bite remedy that is both effective for both infants and adults, this natural combination is what you should go for. The function of the lavender paste is to calm the aggravated skin surface while the baking soda alleviates any irritation you may experience. For infants, this combination remedy assists in releasing any pain that comes about due to severe bug bites or wasp and bee stings. To use this mixture:
- Take 25 drops of lavender essential oil and 2 tbsp of baking soda, then mix the two ingredients in a small bowl and spread it on the bite region.
- Let the mixture rest on your skin for approximately 20 minutes
- You can then use a cool damp cloth to clean off the paste.
In case you notice excessive inflammation, heat or unexpected skin rash around the bite region; make sure you seek immediate medical attention.
Echinacea tincture Homemade Medicinal Remedy for Bug Bites
This a DIY medicinal solution that’s common in most households, it’s a liquid extract originating from the echinacea plant. This liquid is commonly used for the treatment of common illnesses like preventing further infection, managing colds or relieving sore throats. To use Echinacea tincture as medicine for insect bite:
- You may start to develop redness, hardening or swelling near the bite site; to counter these effects, spread echinacea tincture on the region after each hour till the inflammation subsides.
- The best way to spread the medicine is by tapping it generously on the affected regions using your fingertips.
- Use a minimum of ¼ tsp for each application.
Monitor the progress of the swelling, if after a day of consistent application there’s no change, or when you begin developing a fever you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.
Use Ice cubes to Relieve Itchiness from Insect Bites
Ice is a common remedy for inflammation and itchiness that’s caused by insect bites. Applying ice cubes on the affected region will cause your brain to transmit a cold response and this will cause the itch to subside. The cold responses sent by your brain will also assist in reducing any inflammation or swelling that was developing. Wrap up the ice before you place it on your skin. You should apply the ice pack on your skin for some minutes before breaking.
Plantain leaves to Fight Insect Bites
Plantain is a popular weed that can be found in common highly packed soils like hiking trails, playgrounds, and sidewalks. The easiest way to spot this plant is through the vertical veins present along with their leaves. The plant contains wound-healing properties and as a result its an active ingredient in most ointments and healing salves. To use this remedy, take some fresh clean leaves of the plant and chew them or smash them between your fingers till they turn soft then apply them on the bite site.
Lemon Balm, a Natural Antihistamine for Insect Bites
This plant is commonly known as Melissa, and it contains a natural antihistamine that assists in relieving itchiness. The best way of using this remedy is by crushing the lemon balm leaves. Next, spread the paste right onto the bite region. Lastly, use a bandage to cover the impacted area.
If your bite situation is severe: Put enough lemon balm leaves into a bath bag then tie the opening to your tub tap. Allow warm water to run through the bag as it fills the tub. Get into the tub to soothe the entire skin itch.
Apply Toothpaste on Bug Bites to Relieve Itchiness
One of the simplest ways of countering the itchiness that comes from a mosquito bite is by applying toothpaste. During a mosquito bite, the insect produces an anticoagulant that enables them to feed undetected on your skin, the human body, however, produces an anticoagulant and sends them to the impacted spot. This reaction is what causes the itchiness and swelling. Dermatologists suggest spreading a minty toothpaste that has a menthol content that comes with cooling and soothing benefits. Toothpaste is a natural astringent that assists in stopping further inflammation.
Use a Vinegar soak to Reduce Stinging Bite Sensations
Vinegar is naturally a disinfectant that will assist in minimizing burning and stinging sensations, especially when you’ve scratched your bite. According to skin experts, you should soak an absorbent paper towel or a washcloth inside vinegar and cold water then place it on the impacted region for some minutes. In case your skin suffers from multiple mosquito bites, add 2 cups of vinegar into a warm bath and hop in for about 15 minutes.
Use Basil as a Mosquito-Bite Remedy
Basil is a common ingredient for Italian recipes, you can also use this fragrant plant as a remedy for mosquito bites. According to experts, basil contains a chemical compound known as eugenol that will likely play a role in relieving itchy skin.
To use this remedy: Take 2 cups of boiled water then immediately add ½ oz of basil leaves to create a basil rub. Allow the combination to seep till it’s cool. Next, soak a washcloth into the mixture and gently but consistently rub it on the mosquito bite. You may as well cut fresh basil leaves till they’re fine before you start rubbing them onto your skin surface.
Use Apple Cider vinegar to Stop Skin Itchiness
Apple cider vinegar is a common kitchen ingredient and is an excellent home remedy that will assist in blocking any itchiness due to its low acid content. Tap it onto the affected areas. If you have numerous bite spots, the best solution is adding 2-3 cups of apple cider vinegar to warm water then soak the affected region. This will increase the efficiency of this remedy.
Apply Aloe vera to Relieve Itch and Sting Bites
Aloe vera plant is popular for calming sunburns, you can also use it to relieve the itchiness and stinging sensation of insect bites. A histamine response occurs as a result of most insect stings and bites. Take aloe gel from the interior of an aloe vera leaf, spread the gel directly on the bite area. An aloe gel contains both anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory features that arise from inhibiting histamine development and natural salicylates.
Use Coconut oil to Reduce the Skin Redness and Irritation
You will get about three advantages from coconut oil. This oil will assist in soothing the itchiness and redness of the skin. It will likewise guard the bite region against any dirt and dust that may cause irritation. Another advantage of coconut oil is its anti-microbial features that can assist in healing the bite while it soothes and protects the area.
Using Cool compress to Reduce Inflammation and Swelling
Place a cool compress on the impacted region almost immediately to assist in minimizing inflammation and swelling. The coldness on the bite area will result in blood vessels constriction which assists in offering numbness that will alleviate the pain. Create your own DIY cool compress by dipping a cloth in cold water. Put it in a plastic bag that you can reseal then refrigerate it for about 15 minutes. Put the cool compress on the bite region for about 15 minutes on and off for about a day. You can also use a warm compress to assist in minimizing swelling and fluid accumulation on the sting and bite region.

Foods You Can Use to Relieve Insect Bites
4 Common Foods to Soothe Insect Bites
Below are some of the common food sources you can use to soothe bug bites:
Use a Papaya To Minimize Insect Toxins
Papaya is a common fruit that has enzyme contents that neutralize toxins from bugs. Gather around papayas so you can consistently use slices to apply on the bite or sting area for relief.
Baking Soda can bring relief to Insect Bites
You can mix baking soda with a skin lotion before applying it to the bite region. The function of the baking soda is to assist in relieving any swelling while the skin lotion helps to maintain the baking soda on the affected region. Another option is mixing 1 tsp of baking soda and 1 glass of water, after it dissolves, dip a washcloth in the mixture then place it on the bite area. Let the washcloth rest on the bite for about 15 minutes.
Honey is an Anti-microbial that Fights Insect Bites
Most DIY remedies include this common ingredient due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial features. Honey has also been in use for centuries as a remedy for common ailments such as bruises, and sore throats. Apply a small drop of honey on an itchy bite to minimize swelling. Applying honey on the bite will also reduce the urge to itch.
Chamomile tea to Fasten Healing of Insect Bites
Chamomile is a popular remedy for a majority of ailments. Spread this chamomile to on your skin surface to relieve skin irritation, minimize swelling and fasten the healing process. Fill a tea bag with crushed and dried flowers then refrigerate it for about 30 minutes. You can then squeeze out extra water from the tea bag and place it right on the insect bite. Leave it to rest on your skin for about 15 or 10 minutes. Wipe off the area clean using a wet washcloth. Put the tea bag in the fridge to apply it later.