
What does folliculitis look like?

What is folliculitis?

Folliculitis is an inflammatory condition affecting hair roots. It forms as a small red tender bump. The bump is usually surrounded with a dot of pus around a hair. Older sores that have actually lost the pus look like red bumps surrounding the opening of the hair follicle with no hair. Folliculitis can form anywhere on the skin where there is hair and can affect one or many hairs.

Who develops folliculitis?

Anybody can develop folliculitis rash in areas where hair roots are present on the body. Lesions of folliculitis forms on the face, chest, scalp, back, thighs, groin, and buttocks. Folliculitis does not affect the mouth, eyes, palms of the hand, or soles of the feet. These places have no hair follicles. Folliculitis most likely affects everyone at one point or another in their lives.

Some people are more susceptible to develop folliculitis. Individuals with diabetes and those with a compromised immune system, that is, people with HIV/AIDS, cancer, hepatitis, immune-suppressing drugs, systemic chemotherapy, or chronic illness might be more prone to folliculitis.

What are the reasons for folliculitis?

A lot of infectious organisms can cause folliculitis. However, often, folliculitis is sterile and seems to be induced by irritating chemical compounds, physical irritants like shaving, drugs, and occlusive clothes. Distinguishing these causes is essential if the doctor is going to be able to deal with the condition effectively.

Folliculitis facts

Is folliculitis treatable?

Many cases of folliculitis are totally curable. It is very rare to find cases of folliculitis that might not be curable. Often these more resistant cases might be managed with correct treatment and medication. Folliculitis in some cases clears completely by itself without treatment. Many patients experience a short course with simple cleaning.

Is folliculitis contagious?

Although the majority of folliculitis is not infectious, folliculitis brought on by contagious agents may be passed through skin contact, hot tubs, or shared razors. It is possible to pass down the infection to another person through close skin contact. Some people are just more susceptible to folliculitis because of their general health, exposure history, altered immune status, and other predisposing skin conditions like dry skin or eczema.

What are the possible problems of folliculitis?

Complications are uncommon since folliculitis is usually a self-limited skin condition. Seldom, the infected bumps may grow big, causing an abscess (furuncles or carbuncles) or uncomfortable cysts needing minor surgical drainage. Deeper or more substantial skin infections called cellulitis can be an unusual problem. Another potential issue includes short-term skin discoloration called post-inflammatory hypopigmentation; this is where the skin becomes lighter than normal. And also hyperpigmentation where the skin becomes darker than normal. This transformed skin color may take place after the irritated, red bumps have actually improved or after a temporary flare. Irreversible scarring is unusual but might occur from overly aggressive scrubbing, deep inflammation, or regular picking.

How to diagnose folliculitis?

The medical diagnosis of folliculitis is usually based on the appearance of the skin. Microbial culture of pus from the pustule can, in some instances, help to identify an infection. It might be needed to take out a few of the affected hairs and examine these microscopically using potassium hydroxide in order to spot fungal infections or other transmittable organisms. Occasionally, a little skin biopsy may be utilized to assist the physician in verifying the diagnosis. Contagious causes include fungi, infections, germs, and parasites. Typically, no specific blood tests are needed in the diagnosis of folliculitis.

What else does folliculitis look like?

There are many unique skin problems that may involve swelling of the hair roots. It takes a professional to distinguish these. If the condition does not solve spontaneously, you should see a dermatologist.

What are the common types of folliculitis?

Acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is common in puberty, among the teens. Usually, acne vulgaris is not considered as folliculitis, but it particularly impacts the hair roots of the face, back, and chest.

Cutting oil folliculitis

Insoluble cutting oils used to decrease the friction while machining metal parts can cause folliculitis on the exposed skin. Machinists are at risk.

Drug-induced folliculitis

Topically used or systemically administered steroids are a well-known folliculitis cause. Certain anti-cancer drugs produce a type of folliculitis.

Staphylococcal folliculitis

Staphylococci are bacteria that live on the skin. S. aureus is one of the species that frequently cause of folliculitis. Periodically, this organism might be insensitive to the common prescription antibiotics such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. In such a case, it is extremely important that a culture of the organism with level of sensitivities be carried out, so the ideal antibiotic is chosen to deal with the infection.

Fungal folliculitis

Folliculitis from a fungi infection can occur on the face and on the lower legs. It is frequently intensified by shaving. It can also happen on the trunk (Pityrosporum folliculitis).

Scarring scalp folliculitis

These are rare, inflammatory, scarring folliculitis that can lead to irreversible hair loss.

Viral folliculitis

Folliculitis from a virus infection typically impacts the face and is from herpes simplex infection impacting the lips. They are usually known as a cold sore.

Eosinophilic folliculitis

Eosinophilic folliculitis is an uncommon condition. It occurs periodically as a response to certain drugs, in immunosuppressed patients such as those with bone marrow cancer and AIDS. In infants, it affects the scalp. Little is known about eosinophilic folliculitis.

What is jacuzzi folliculitis or hot tub folliculitis?

Hot tub folliculitis is commonly triggered by the germs Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This bacterial infection is likely to take place from bathing in poorly maintained jacuzzis and is common on the back. Jacuzzi folliculitis triggers scattered little purple or red bumps all over the torso. These might be very scratchy or not itchy at all. The conditions are usually observed after days spending time in a hot tub. Make sure to rinse off the skin in a shower after this sort of bathing.

The jacuzzi should be evaluated and possibly treated by experienced pool and medical spa workers for bacterial overgrowth. Afflicted patients may be more susceptible to recurrences in the future and ought to be cautious about hot tub use. Washing the skin with dilute vinegar help with this condition. In most cases, however, the condition gets better without any form of treatment.

What is razor burn folliculitis?

Razor-burn folliculitis is caused by shaving. It is very common on the male neck and ladies' legs. Repetitive use of razors produces tiny cuts that enable germs to get in the skin and get into the deeper hair roots. In addition, very close shaving might trigger trapping of little hairs underneath the skin surface, causing more inflammation. Sometimes waxing can produce folliculitis.

Treatment involves seizing shaving with a razor for a few days or weeks and using topical prescription antibiotics and antibacterial washes. Extra treatments consist of electric razors, laser hair removal, electrolysis, or cream depilatories. It is advised to shave less vigorously and leaving some small bits of stubble.

What is pseudofolliculitis barbae?

Pseudofolliculitis barbae is an ingrown hair condition on the beard location and the neck of guys. Small red bumps on the beard area form and usually flare with repeat shaving. Pseudofolliculitis tends to be worse with extremely curly or kinky hair. Cutting the hair below or near the follicular orifice leads to hairs that penetrate the wall as they grow and twist. These caught hairs trigger inflammation at the hair roots.

The solution is to stop excessively aggressive shaving. You can also try anti-bacterial benzoyl peroxide shaving gels. Other treatment alternatives include professional laser hair removal, a prescription drug called eflornithine, electric razors, and electrolysis.

What is the treatment for folliculitis?

There are lots of treatment options and skin care solutions for treating folliculitis. The treatment depends on the cause of the folliculitis.

Are there any home remedies for folliculitis?

There are homes remedies for moderate cases of bacterial folliculitis. This includes the use of an over-the-counter antibacterial wash like benzoyl peroxide (Clearisil, Proactiv), Phisoderm, or chlorhexidine (Hibiclens) twice a day. The best results might be achieved with combination treatment using anti-bacterial washes and topical products.

Holistic treatment for folliculitis may consist of soaking the affected area in a tub of diluted white vinegar. Use four parts of water with 1 part vinegar. You can also soak in a tub with extremely diluted Clorox bleach. Use a 1/4 cup of Clorox bleach.

Bacterial folliculitis may be treated with topical and/or oral antibiotics and antibacterial skin washes. It is necessary to keep in mind that as with any condition, no treatment is consistently effective for everyone. The cause of the folliculitis will be assessed by the doctor and may need your help.

Mild cases of bacterial folliculitis may be treated by the application of a topical antibiotic, such as metronidazole cream or clindamycin lotion twice a day. A 5- to 30-day course of an oral antibiotic like doxycycline, cephalexin (Keflex), minocycline (Dynacin, Minocin), dicloxacillin (Dynapen), levofloxacin (Levaquin) or ciprofloxacin (Cipro) might be used for folliculitis that is more resistant. After preliminary cleaning with more powerful medications, a milder maintenance anti-bacterial wash, and topical antibiotic may be recommended.

How is fungal folliculitis treated?

Fungal or yeast folliculitis is typically treated with an antifungal hair shampoo or body wash such as ketoconazole two times daily. Deeper or more resistant fungal folliculitis might require an addition of a topical antifungal cream like terbinafine (Lamisil) or miconazole (Lotrimin) and an antifungal tablet such as fluconazole (Diflucan).

Persistent skin discoloration called hyperpigmentation might be treated with prescription fading creams like azelaic acid 15%-20%, kojic acid, and hydroquinone 4%. Non-prescription fading creams with 2% hydroquinone like Porcelana might be somewhat effective.

Is it possible to avoid folliculitis?

Prevention of folliculitis involve great skin hygiene, not sharing razors, avoiding unhygienic pools and hot tubs, changing shaving razors regularly, avoiding shaving closely, and keeping the skin moist and well hydrated.

What is the prognosis of folliculitis?

The prognosis with folliculitis is very good. In general, folliculitis tends to be an easily treated and treatable skin problem. Typically, it is noncontagious, self-limited condition. Seldom, more prevalent folliculitis might be cosmetically damaging and mentally traumatic.

What types of doctors treat folliculitis?

The majority of family doctors, internists, or skin doctors are able to take care of folliculitis.

Conclusion on folliculitis

The root of this problem is, well, the hair roots. This is where folliculitis starts as a small bump. Anywhere on the skin with hair, this bad boy can form, and it can appear on anyone. There are environmental irritants like some drugs, shaving, and also chemical irritants that trigger this condition.

There are many types of folliculitis, some of which can easily be confused for other skin conditions. Therefore, merely looking at the skin may not help with the diagnosis. A more thorough examination or skin biopsy may be required to confirm the condition. Although folliculitis itself is not contagious, the condition can be passed by an agent that triggered it. For example, a shared shaving razor. There are also other complications associated with the condition.

The good thing is folliculitis is completely curable. There are a number of remedies available, including home treatments. For the best results at home, you can combine topical products with antibacterial washes. All in all, your folliculitis can disappear within a couple of days. The best solution, however, is to try to avoid folliculitis altogether. Reduce how often you shave and use a private shaver, no sharing. Find yourself some good shaving cream as well.

How to tighten skin?

To make our skin tighter, eat healthily, exfoliate your skin, limit UV exposure, and use

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