
What do diabetic blisters look like?

People who have diabetes sometimes experience a lot of blisters on their skin. These blisters are likely to be diabetic blisters. These blisters are also known as diabetic bullae or diabeticorum. Diabetic blisters come in spontaneous eruptions but are usually painless. Moreover, they heal by themselves and leave no scars. Compared to the other skin conditions related to blisters, diabetic blisters are rare. In fact, half of 1% of people with diabetes in the United States experience blisters. Men are more likely, twice as likely as women to experience diabetic blisters.

How diabetic blisters look like?

The appearance of diabetic blisters

These blisters usually show up on the feet, legs, and toes. They can also at times appear on the arms, hands, and fingers. Diabetic blisters are usually small; however, they can be up to 6 inches big. These blisters are similar to the blisters you get after a burn, only that they are painless. They are, however, itchy with a clear, sterile fluid. Its appearance is in clusters or bilateral. They rarely appear as a single lesion. Diabetic blisters do not cause swelling or redness around the skin; if this is the case, you need to consult a doctor promptly.

Symptoms of diabetic blisters

People with diabetes for a number of years are the likely victims of diabetic blisters. Diabetic blisters, on rare occasions, can be prediabetes, or a sign of diabetes. These clear blisters mostly appear of the feet, legs, and toes. They may be:

Diabetic blisters do not cause any form of swelling or redness on the skin around it. Immediate attention is required if this is the case.

Causes of diabetic blisters

The precise reason for diabetic blisters is still a mystery. There are, however, many factors that contribute to the formation of these blisters. Diabetic blisters are as a result of:

There some diabetic patients that are more vulnerable to diabetic blisters than others. The patients more susceptible to diabetic blisters include:

Treatments for diabetic blisters

Without any intervention or interference, a diabetic blister will heal between two to five weeks. However, because of the risk of ulceration or infection, it is proper to see a dermatologist. This will also help ensure it is a diabetic blister and not any other dangerous condition.

To prevent infection, draining the sterile fluid in the blister should be avoided. Puncturing the blister will expose the wound to infection as blisters are meant to protect a wound. A dermatologist can, however, drain it if the lesion is large.

If the diabetic blister accidentally punctures, it can be treated with a bandage with antibiotic ointment or cream. This will protect it from additional injury. To combat severe itching, a steroidal scream can be recommended by your doctor. All said the best way to deal with diabetic blisters is to control your diabetes. If your blood sugar level is controlled, then you will heal faster or potentially avoid the blisters all together.

How to prevent diabetic blisters?

Apart from blisters, people with diabetes are prone to other skin conditions that are more dangerous. Regularly inspect your skin for any signs of these conditions if you have diabetes.

Diabetic blisters can be prevented in the following ways:

However, the most effective way of preventing diabetic blisters is by controlling your blood sugar levels. To control your diabetes, you need the correct mediation and make some lifestyle and dietary changes.

What is the best treatment for diabetes?

How to treat diabetes?

If you do not like the complications that are associated with diabetes, such as diabetes blisters, the best thing to do is to treat it and have it under control.

You cannot treat diabetes on your own; it is a very deadly condition. A doctor is supposed to design a simple and comprehensive diabetic treatment plan that specifically suits you. Moreover, there are a host of other medical professionals that are involved in the treatment process. These health care professionals include an endocrinologist or a diabetes specialist, a nutritionist to help with the diet, an eye doctor, and a foot doctor are also necessary.

Since diabetes is characterized by the high levels of blood sugar in the body, the best way to treat it is to regulate those levels. This involves setting goals and targets by the doctor and you keeping those targets. This, together with a diabetes diet, diabetes medication, and exercise, will hopefully resolve the situation.

It is very essential to vet, filter, and keep a close eye on what you consume. This will ensure the levels are stable and do not keep changing rapidly. These changes are not desirable since they would require quick adjustments in treatments such as changes in insulin dosage.

Diabetes type 1 is treated by insulin, exercise, and a diabetes diet for type 1 diabetes. Diabetes type 2 is first treated by reducing your weight, then you stick to a type 2 diabetes diet, and you keep exercising. If these measures do not work, then diabetes medication is prescribed. Insulin here is only an option when all other medications fail.

Part of the treatment is wearing a tag that identifies you as a person with diabetes or wearing a MedicAlert bracelet. This comes in handy in case you fall into a severe hypoglycemic attack that makes you unable to properly communicate or if you are involved in an accident. This will ensure you get immediate medical attention.

There are also alternative medications such as vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6 and B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, and magnesium. There are also herbal medicines such as evening primrose oil and capsaicin cream.

Other conditions that cause blisters

What medical conditions cause blisters?

Blisters are not only caused by diabetes. Many other conditions, medical or environmental can lead to blisters. The conditions are discussed below.

Cold sore blisters

These blisters appear near the lips and mouth as red, painful, fluid-filled sacks. They are usually accompanied by swollen lymph nodes, body aches, low fever, and other flu-like symptoms. Before the sore is seen, the area tingles or burns.

Burn blisters

This medical emergency requires immediate medical attention. These blisters are as a result of burns.

Blisters from first-degree burns

First-degree burns have minor swelling and are typically dry. They form a tender red skin that when under pressure turns white.

Blisters from second-degree burns

Second-degree burns usually have very painful, clear blisters. The skin has patchy colorations that appear red.

Blisters from third-degree burns

Third-degree burns have blisters that are white or dark brown. They have a leathery look and are not sensitive to touch.

Contact dermatitis blisters

The blisters in contact dermatitis appear days or hours after making contact with an allergen. This can either make it easy to know the cause of the blister or very difficult. They, however, form at the exact place where your skin came in contact with the irritant. The skin becomes itchy, scaly, raw or red. The blisters ooze, weep or becomes crusty.

Herpes simplex blisters

These blisters are caused by HSV-1 and HSV-2 viruses that lead to genital and oral lesions. Herpes simplex blisters are painful, with yellow fluids that crust over. They can either appear alone or in clusters. Herpes simplex blisters are usually accompanied by fatigue, fever, body aches, headache, decreased appetite, and swollen lymph nodes. Sun exposure, menstruation, stress, and illness can cause the blisters to reoccur.

Frostbite blisters

This is a medical emergency that required immediate medical attention. Extreme cold damage is the cause of frostbites. They occur on the toes, fingers, ears, cheeks, chin, and nose. The symptoms of frostbite blisters include numb skin that is waxy or hard. This condition can be very deadly as extreme cases result in the blackening of the skin. The area also becomes insensitive.

Stomatitis blisters

These are inflammation inside the mouth or lips. They are caused by injury, infection, sensitivity, stress, or other diseases. Stomatitis can be in the form of aphthous stomatitis or canker sore and herpes stomatitis or cold sore. Herpes stomatitis (cold sore) is accompanied by body aches, fever, blisters on the lips and mouth, and swollen lymph nodes. Aphthous stomatitis (canker sore), on the other hand, has oval or round ulcers with red borders and a white or yellow center.

Genital herpes blisters

This STD is caused by HSV-1 and HSV-2 viruses. Genital herpes causes painful blisters filled with bumps that ooze fluids when they break. The blister location first starts as an itch or tingle before a blister actually forms. Genital herpes blisters are usually accompanied by mild fever, headache, body aches, and swollen lymph nodes.

Impetigo blisters

This condition is very common in children and babies. Impetigo blisters are usually located around the chin, nose, and mouth. These blisters form a crust that is honey-colored. It is irritating and easy to pop.

Shingles blisters

This forms a very painful rash that itches and burns without the presence of a blister.The rash form in clusters of blisters filled with fluids and break easily. Shingles blisters form in a linear pattern on the torso or even other parts like the face. They are usually accompanied by fatigue, headache, fever, and chills.

Dyshidrotic eczema blisters

Blisters here develop on the palms and soles of the hands and feet respectively. The blisters and the skin become itchy, especially around the hands and feet. Allergies and allergy-related problems are the suspected cause of this condition. The blisters are red, scaly, dry, with deep cracks.

Pemphigoid blisters

This autoimmune disorder results in skin rashes and blisters on the arms, abdomen legs, and mucous membranes. This condition is very rare. Pemphigoids are of different types depending on when and where they take place. The large and thick blister is filled with a clear fluid with some blood. Before its formation, a red rash develops. In case the blister ruptures, it becomes very painful and sensitive.

Chickenpox blisters

Blisters here are clustered all over the body. They are filled with fluid, red, and very itchy. The rash is also characterized by body aches, sore throats, loss of appetite, and fever. Chickenpox will be contagious until the blisters are all crusted over.

Pemphigus vulgaris blisters

This autoimmune disease affects the skin and mucous membrane of the nose, throat, mouth, eyes, lungs genitals, and anus. It is a very rare condition. The blisters are very painful and itchy. They also puncture easily and bleed. When they form in the throat or mouth area, it becomes difficult to eat or swallow.

Dermatitis herpetiformis blister

This itchy burning rush form on the back, knees, buttocks, and scalp. The condition is characterized by itchy pimple-like bumps with a clear fluid. The best way to keep the symptoms at bay is by following a gluten-free diet.

Allergic eczema blister

These look like a burn and they are found on the forearms and hands. The skin becomes raw, red, itchy, and scaly. Allergic eczema blister also oozes or become crusty.

Erysipelas blister

This bacterial infection on the skin is caused the Streptococcus bacterium. The condition is accompanied by swollen areas on the skin, chills, swollen glands, and general illness of the body.

When to see a doctor concerning diabetic blisters?

Blisters, as discussed, usually heal without any intervention. A lot of them are also pain-free. However, they can easily be infected. This and the following signs will require you to immediately visit a physician:

How to tighten skin?

To make our skin tighter, eat healthily, exfoliate your skin, limit UV exposure, and use

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