Some of the everyday bugs that bite humans at night include mosquitoes which may spread a number of illnesses like malaria and Zika virus. Another notorious nocturnal insect is the bed bug that feeds on human blood mostly when you are asleep which makes them difficult to discover. Bat bug is an insect that resembles the bed bug but mostly resides on bats, it is known to attack humans especially when bats migrate. You also need to be wary of kissing bugs that bite close to your mouth as well as chiggers and pet mites since they’re all active when we’re asleep.
7 Common Bugs That Bite People at Night
A Guide For Nocturnal Bugs That Attack Humans
If you receive frequent treatments for bugs control ; the possibility of getting bit by a pest while you sleep is quite rare. Therefore, if you think that you are attacked when you are asleep, you ought to be watchful for some of these nocturnal bugs:
What Time of Day are Mosquitoes Most Active?
The amount of activity of mosquitoes relies mainly on the species. At daytime, some certain mosquitoes are more active, while some are more active in the night. Certain mosquito species that fall under the genus Aedes are active at daytime, and during these hours, especially in the morning and early evening, they will attack aggressively.
These types of mosquitoes are popular for transmitting pathogenic substances that cause Zika virus, yellow, dengue, and chikungunya fever. Mosquitoes that fall in the Culex genus, however, are mainly active during the night time and are reputed for transmitting the Nile virus-causing pathogen. The female Anopheles mosquitoes are accountable for transmitting malaria among individuals and are active at night, in the morning and in the evening. Since dusk occurs between day and night time, it's the moment, mosquitoes activity across species tends to be at its maximum.
5 Ways to Prevent Mosquito Bites in Your Sleep
Use these approaches to steer away from the mosquitoes, even when you're asleep.
Don’t leave your skin exposed to mosquitoes
Less exposed skin implies little feeding room for the mosquitoes. Dress in socks, long pants and sleeves, and ensure your ankles, wrists, and collar are tight so that the mosquitoes won't sneak beneath the fabric spaces. You can choose baggy outfits as well to trap mosquitoes in the air instead of them accessing your skin easily.
Run a fan and use white noise to repel mosquitoes
Keep your bedside fan on to maintain a cool environment, use white noise to deter sound and these steps will help maintain the mosquitoes at bay. Get a breeze in your room as a safety measure against mosquitoes: these insects are soft fliers, flying about 1.5 miles an hour, which means a powerful wind should make it difficult for them to reach you. Moreover, via scent together with the carbon dioxide you exhale, mosquitoes are able to easily detect human blood, so the breeze makes it difficult to locate you.
Shower to wash off sweat that contains lactic acid which attracts mosquitoes
Sweating attracts mosquitoes, and the main reason for this is the lactic acid present in sweat. To reduce the chances of mosquito attacks on your body, ensure you take a shower to wash off the sweat accumulated throughout the day. Do this every day before you go to sleep.
Use window Screens to keep mosquitoes away
A cool window breeze may feel amazing as when you're preparing to sleep, however, the morning after you will be scratching your skin from the mosquito bites overnight. First, preventing mosquitoes from being able to bite you is best achieved by keeping them out of your house. The CDC advises keeping your AC running on or ensuring that you install door and window screens, particularly when traveling.
Use mosquito repellents such extracts from cinnamon and lemon grass
A research conducted in the science journal PLOS for a comparison involving 20 extracts of plants showed that lemongrass and cinnamon that's toxic and harmful to mosquitoes proved to be the best bug repellents. Use water to dilute essential oil before spraying it adequately in your bedroom.
Bed Bugs bite at night
This bug is the most popular regarding bites at night. Among the bed bug traits that are highly recognizable is their practice of disguising in bed and beddings. However, if sleep catches you on the couch, consider yourself a victim because bed bugs also like burying themselves in the furniture.
Understanding Bed Bug’s Behavior and Habits
Bed bugs usually feed at night in the bite pattern of 'breakfast, lunch, and dinner.' The meaning of this pattern is these bugs bite an exposed area of your skin then run to hide before coming back next to the previous bite for a second and third bite and these produce a unique bite line. As tens of bed bugs prey on your blood when you're sleeping, you may also obtain a unique bite or even form a bigger bite cluster.
Small bed bugs feed off a host's blood which can either be humans or animals. Generally, feeding takes between 3 to 12 minutes, however, during the night there may be numerous bugs biting. Bed bugs are quite active one or two hours before the sunrises when you're in deep sleep. The bus hide underneath the mattress and in neighboring cracks when daylight comes. These bugs can get very uncomfortable that their feeding breaks your sleep and result in temporary insomnia due to the fear of being bitten. You'll likely also realize their bites as well as dark stains on the bedding they fed or excreted from.
Why Do Bedbugs Bite Humans?
You won't wake up most likely when a bed bug feeds on you owing to the anesthesia in their saliva and an incredibly strong, mouth that resembles a straw that they use to pierce your body and suck your blood. This saliva as well includes an anticoagulant that stops coagulation, therefore a normal feeding lasts about 3 to 10 minutes before your blood fills the bed bug. These bugs will crawl away to spots within the box springs, baseboards, floorboards, carpeting, image frames, cracks, books, and so on after feeding. Analyzing bed bug traits informs us that these bugs normally hide within 8 ft of the victims, digest their meal, crawl away and lay eggs then go back to bed for the next feeding in less than 5 to 10 days. Ironically, it isn't the human scent that attracts the bugs as they crawl towards your bed from every part of the house. In fact, high concentrations of human aldehydes drive away bugs from the bed. Rather, the carbon dioxide that the human body releases, together with heat and moisture, can attract these bed bug, and they can feel from 3 ft away. They look for blood supplies in random patterns.
Do Kissing Bugs (Conenose) Bite Humans?
Mattresses and bedding are common habitats for these fairly big bugs. Kissing bugs come out during night time to feed on individuals with heavy sleep. They are identified as kissing bugs since individuals and animals are often going to bite close the mouth. Bites from these bugs are typically harmless, however, these insects may spread Chagas disease among people.
Kissing bugs attacks are generally not severe and only trigger minor pain and redness. These bugs may attack both humans and livestock for blood-feeding. During the night time, these bugs feed and the attacks generally go unseen until after the bitten individual wakes up. The bite was not known to most individuals who were infected by these bugs and had very little response. A tiny percentage of individuals develop an allergic response to the bugs ' saliva. Such delicate individuals have had itching, inflammation, as well as other indications of allergy.
Are Bites from Kissing Bugs Dangerous?
Kissing bugs can transfer through their feces the Trypanosoma cruzi protozoa, also known as Chagas disease. If the individual rubbed the feces into a cut in the skin, they might develop an infection. If you itch the bite region you increase the chances of introducing feces into your bloodstream There are instances of Chagas disease present within the United States. For the southeastern United States, disease incidents from Mexico or Central America are causing concern.
Signs of Infestation of Kissing Bugs
These bugs are discreet and in the daytime are unlikely to be visible in the open. Occasionally at night, the bugs travel towards the lights. The other symptoms will be their bites, but several other causes may lead to comparable swelling of the skin. Visit a doctor to identify the reasons for the symptoms on your body.
How to prevent kissing bug bites?
Generally, kissing bugs reside in straw, mud, and bricks throughout the day. In the endemic regions of Mexico, South America, and Latin America, these products are usually used to construct houses. Avoid sleeping in buildings created from such items if you go to these regions. If you're sleeping in these type of buildings, consider these precautions:
- protect your bed using insecticide-coated netting
- spray insecticides to destroy the bugs in the region
- frequently use the bug spray if you reside in South America and notice kissing bugs.
- Seal crevices and crevices with silicone-based caulk inside your household. Mend any window screen damage or holes.
- Empty leaves or debris within your home spanning about 20 feet.
- Have animals sleep inside to prevent bugs from biting the pets at night and transferring the virus to humans.
- Using either an insecticidal solution or a bleach clean every spot
Chiggers Mature through feeding on Human Blood During the Night
Chiggers, despite the common belief, are simply larvae arachnids. Chiggers survive through feeding off individuals throughout this time. These tiny bugs latch onto the individual's skin and stay firmly for a couple of days before they drop off. When you camp or sleep outside during spring, summer and fall, you are quite likely to suffer from chigger bites. A chigger bite is easily noticeable. These types of bites do not trigger pain, however, they may cause highly itchy skin injuries. About 2 days following the bite the itchiness will be quite evident.
Pet Mites attack People at Night
A variety of less prevalent mites are known to attack the human skin during the night time. Hair follicle mites aren't uncommon, however, they are so microscopic that you're likely never going to notice them in your follicles. Pets may carry rodent mites into a household and ultimately make their way to the bed. The bites from these kinds of mites are similar to bed bug bites, but you need to watch out for the main distinction. Rodent mite attacks may leave you with almost black spots of blood-colored stains. Mites inhabiting domestic birds and rodents may at times attack people while they're asleep. Attacks from mites typically result in very itchy reddish papules. A mite issue is generally eliminated by caging rodents and stopping birds from residing in air conditioning sections.
Pet Fleas Will Bite You When You’re Asleep
Fleas are often waiting for an unsuspecting victim, meaning they might be feasting when you're sleeping. Allowing pets to share your bed will increase the chances of a mite attach while you're sleeping. You're likely never going to notice the mite bite unless you're amongst the unfortunate individuals who are susceptible to flea bites or mild to serious infestation. Usually, individuals confuse the flea bites for bed bugs, especially for terrible infestation. Though, as with rodent mites, when they feed, fleas produce blood-colored marks.
Will a Bat Bug Bite me at Night?
Bat bugs chose to remain in their caves (just as the name suggests) flourishing by feeding off resting bats. Bat bugs are like bed bugs, however, they reside specifically where bats habitats are discovered. These bugs do not nest on the bats themselves, however from location to location they are reputed to move with them on their bodies. However, if the bats migrate to another region for some moment, a starving bat bug will settle for a nearby human victim. Bat bug bites and traits are the same as that of a bed bug, meaning they're just as irritating as they begin feeding.
When a bat colony scatters, bat bugs depart. Often these bugs attack people, however, their true food supply is bats. Bat bugs are eliminated by reducing a bat infestation or locking off the region between the bat infestation and your bedroom area.