As summer is approaching and the landscape turn greener, so too are the leaves from poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac. When the oil from these plants gets in contact with most people, they develop an itchy, blistering rash. Even though the rash itself is not contagious, the oil can spread to other parts of the body and from one person to another, if not quickly managed. Luckily, there are home remedies to nurse the rash without medical ointments. If you are entirely sure that the rash is a result of poison from ivy, oak or sumac leaves, relax as this article will be your guide on how to treat the blister and how to avoid spreading to other parts of the body.
How do you treat poison ivy blisters at home?
What to do if you touch poison ivy?
Exposure to poison ivy can be a challenge to many people as it can cause dermatitis which makes individuals have rashes and itching sensation. However, not everyone is sensitive to ivy oil and some people may not develop signs of having come in contact with poison ivy. There are various poison ivy treatments used to treat the sign. Among the treatment steps, the first one is to recognize the symptoms.
Poison ivy rash symptoms
The most common symptoms of poison ivy blister include:
1. Redness of the skin around the blistered area could be a potential sign that you have a poison ivy blister
2. Poison ivy blister feels itchy and may swell
3. A rash or blister from poison ivy appears like a straight line like the way the plants brushes against your skin.
4. The oil can spread to other body parts. And the reaction develops after 12 to 48 hours exposure and can last for two to three weeks.
Frequently the rash appears like a straight line because of the way the plant brushes against your skin. However, if you come into contact with a piece of fur or clothing which has urushiol on it, the rash could spread out. You might also transfer the oil to other parts of the body with your fingers. Poison ivy blisters usually develop within forty-eight hours of exposure. The blister can last two to three weeks. The severity of the rash is dependent on the amount of urushiol that gets on your skin. An area of the skin with more urushiol on it may develop a rash sooner.
What to do if you develop poison ivy blister or rash?
The poison from ivy rash can clear up on its own. However, the itching linked to it can be unbearable.The following home remedies can offer a cure from the symptoms.
Rub alcohol to minimize the discomfort from poison ivy rash
An individual should rub alcohol on the skin as soon as they get in contact with the leaf. It is essential to carry alcohol when going hiking; you might never know when you will need it.
If you touch poison ivy, take a shower or bathe
Wash your skin and under the fingernails vigorously with soap and warm water to remove the oil. Water can be an alternative of alcohol although for good results apply alcohol then shower. It is believed that if you bathe and apply alcohol to poison ivy, it will reduce the seriousness of the blister. Wash all the areas which come in contact with the oil and wear gloves when doing this.
If you touch poison ivy, cold and wet compress the area
To compress an area which has been exposed to poison ivy, run a clean washcloth under cold water. Wring out excess water and press to the skin for about thirty minutes. Repeat this several times in a day. If the pop ivy blister has already formed, compress the washcloth in an astringent liquid such as acidic cider vinegar, chilled black tea to reduce swelling and itching.
If you touch poison ivy, do not scratch your skin
Scratching the skin after you have been exposed to poison ivy can lead to an infection. The infection can make blisters to open and then become infected. Blisters should be prevented from opening as the skin covering them shield the blister from infection. Unscrubbed or long fingernails could contain traces of the oil which can cause further itching.
If you touch poison ivy use topical lotions and creams to treat the blister or rash
There are various creams of poison ivy rash. The good thing about such creams is that they are available over the counter. Topical lotions relieving poison ivy symptoms include; hydrocortisone and calamine lotions. The two creams can also treat the oozing caused by poison ivy. You may use aloe vera gel as an alternative to hydrocortisone creams and calamine lotion.
Use oral antihistamines to reduce allergic reactions from exposure to poison ivy
Do not smear antihistamines cream to the rash or blister as it will cause the itching to be worse.
Smear a paste of bentonite clay and water to the poison ivy blister to reduce symptoms.
When to see a doctor because of poison ivy rash?
Most cases of poison ivy rash clear with home remedies, but it is essential to see a doctor if the rash:
- The blister has pus and or soft yellow scabs
- If the poison ivy blister does not heal in seven to ten days, visit a doctor
- If poison ivy rash covers a large area of your body, you should see a doctor
- Visit a doctor if poison ivy blisters or rush is near the eyes, mouth or genitals
Severe signs of poison ivy rash and require urgent medical intervention include:
- Difficulty In breathing or swallowing
- High fever
- Rash on the mouth area or in the mouth
- Swelling of eyes
Can I pop poison ivy blisters?
Is it safe to pop poison ivy rash?
The answer to this question is yes and no. If you have washed since exposure to poison ivy, there is no danger in spreading the urushiol, as it is soluble in water and washes off with regular soap and water.
Blisters are a normal stage of poison ivy rash. They contain water which spreads the rash on your body or to another person. While doctors do not recommend popping a poison ivy blister due to the risk of infection, some people argue that breaking the blister is ok, since the blister will break anyway.
If the blister is in a sensitive place or an area where the swelling is uncomfortable, use a sterilized needle to release the pressure. Ensure you cover the leaking blister with a clean to absorb the water and keep the open wound clean. If you notice a red tint, do not be alarmed since it is normal; it merely means there is blood in the water. However, if it does not stop in two to three days, you need to seek medical intervention. A yellow color could be a possible sign of an infection, usually caused by scratching with dirty fingernails.
Does poison ivy heal on its own?
What will happen if poison ivy blister goes untreated?
Poison ivy can heal on its own, in a period of one to two weeks. However, if you are allergic to poison ivy and it starts to spread to other body parts, you might need to see a doctor for antibiotics.
Otherwise, most home remedies do not treat rash but control the itching. You can manage the symptoms with jewelweed, by mashing the weed up and apply it to the rash. You can also boil the weed and use a cloth soaked in the devotion to the rash to treat the symptoms and patiently wait for the rush to clear in two weeks.
How long do ivy blisters ooze?
How long do poison ivy rash itch and weep?
The most common symptom of poison ivy rash is itching. You might experience itching for 12 to 48 hours after exposure with urushiol. The itching is reported to go on throughout the healing process. Even after the irritant is removed, you may still experience itching. Good news is there are available treatment methods both home remedies and medical ointments.
To reduce the itchiness fast, do not scratch the skin with the poison ivy rash as that will only worsen the problem. At some point, the pustule that comes as a result of the rash starts oozing. The oozing is often after the blisters break. Oozing should not be a cause of worry, and it usually does not go away until all the fluid in the pustules is released and they dry up.
How long does poison ivy rash last?
If you are a sufferer of poison ivy rash, you must possibly wonder how long the blister will take to break or even the itching to go away. Various factors determine the length and period that poison ivy takes to break. The duration may the rash takes to heal may vary from one person to another, but, the rash will take to heal roughly five to twelve days.
If the rash is severe, then it can take up to a month to heal. Untreated rush usually goes away in at most three weeks. If the ras does not show any improvement in ten days, go back to the doctor as the blister could be infected.
What factors determine how long poison ivy rash will take to heal?
Various factors determine how long the poison ivy rash will take to clear on your skin, they include:
- If you treat a poison ivy rash, it may a short time to clear, but if you do not treat it, it can take a more extended period to go away.
- Skin sensitivity determines how long the poison ivy rash will take to clear from your skin. Some skin reacts severely to urushiol and could take longer to heal
- The level of exposure to poison ivy will determine if the rush will heal faster or will take time. The longer you are exposed to urushiol, the longer you are likely to stay with the rush.
- The severity of the poison ivy rash will also determine how long it will take to heal. If your outbreak is too severe with extreme itching, pain, and big bumps, it will mostly take long to heal.