
Is Neosporin good for burns?

When faced with a mild burn, or scrape, many people will undoubtedly reach for an antibiotic ointment Neosporin. Whereas Neosporin can help prevent infection, it is not always necessary or even appropriate to use. Since proper wound and burn care is vital to the overall healing process and essential in preventing scar formation and prevent bacterial skin infections, it is necessary to get informed guidance on which over the counter medications to use. This article explores the use of Neosporin for burns, read through to figure out when to use Neosporin for burns and when it is not needed.

Does Neosporin speed up healing?

Neosporin for burn

If you are wondering if you can use Neosporin to speed up burn healing you are in the right section. Before we discuss if you can use Neosporin for burns let's look at the various burns category to determine when you can use Neosporin.

How to use Neosporin on burns with no blisters?

Neosporin is an effective burn and wound care self-treatment product. Follow the following steps when applying Neosporin on a burn:

Step 1: Gently apply a compress of cool tap water for five to ten minutes. Alternatively, hold the affected area under cool running water to reduce inflammation.
Caution: Do not apply ice to the burn.

Step 2: Clean the burn area with water and mild soap

Step 3: Apply a thin layer of Neosporin to the affected area.

Step 4: Apply non-adherent dressing or skin protectant to the area of the burn.
Caution: Do not wrap burns in occlusive dressings.

Step 5: Change dressings as many times as needed.

How to use Neosporin on a burn with wounds ?

Step 1: Clean area rigorously with soap and warm water
Step 2: Apply a thin layer of Neosporin to the wound area to reduce infection
Step 3: Cover the affected area with a sterile bandage to create a moist healing environment, promote healing and minimize the chance of scarring.
Step 4: Change dressing as required.
Bandages are available in both waterproof form and liquid bandage form as well as in latex-free for those with allergies.

Exclusions for Neosporin self-treatment of burns

Dressing a Burn

Burn Degrees

Burns are wounding resulting from thermal, electrical, or ultraviolet radiation. The type of burn and severity can be categorized according to their acuteness and depth. Generally, acute burns do not extend the epidermis and are classified as a first-degree and second-degree burn. Chronic burns extend the dermis and usually require doctors care to avoid complications. There are various over the counter medications available for self-treatment of acute burns

A topical non-prescription antibiotic for burn

Nonprescription products are available for acute burns inclusive of skin protectants such as antiseptics and local anesthetic. In some cases, patients experiencing pain linked with a minor burn may benefit from painkillers.

Topical non-prescription antibiotic medicines for burn

Examples of nonprescription antibiotic drugs for burns include:

Neosporin vs. Polysporin

Neosporin is a triple antibiotic ointment containing Neomycin, Polymyxin B sulfate, and bacitracin to cure bacterial skin infections only of small burns and cuts. It is not recommended to be used on large areas of the body or severe burns as discussed above. Polysporin is Neomycin free and does not contain bacitracin Zinc and Polymyxin B Sulfate to treat small burns and bacterial skin infections.

The main difference between the two is that polysporin is Neomycin free. Neomycin can cause contact dermatitis. This is a swelling of the outer layers of the skin caused by a particular substance causing red, dry skin. This is the main reason why one would choose Polysporin over Neosporin. Both ointments work the same for burns care.

Nonprescription antiseptic/anesthetic products for burn

Examples of nonprescription antiseptic/anesthetic products for burns care include:

Can you put Neosporin on an open wound?

Neosporin on open burn wounds

Neosporin ointments are commonly used on minor cuts and burns to prevent infection and encourage healing. While some people are great believers in Neosporin antibiotic ointments, others feel they are less than necessary.

1. Curing a minor wound from a burn is mostly about keeping it clean, and the only thing you need to clean it with is water. Make sure all the dirt and particles are removed from the wound since they are sources of germs that lead to infection.

2. Soap can be essential if the wound is grimy, but you have had to ensure that the dirt is rinsed away thoroughly. Refrain from using alcohol, iodine, peroxide or anything harsh that can damage the tissue further and delay healing.

3. After you cleanse the wound, you can decide if to apply a thin layer of Neosporin or petroleum jelly to keep it moist.

4. Dress the wound with an adhesive bandage and remember to change the dressing every day.

5. In case the cut gets dirty or very wet, you should change it.

6. After the wound has healed entirely that there is no more exposed tissue, you can remove the bandage. Let the scab fall off; do not pick it.

Petroleum Jelly vs. Neosporin for burn scars

Studies have shown that non-infected wounds from burns do not heal faster with Neosporin versus petroleum jelly. Vaseline was first introduced in the market as a burn, cuts, and scrapes treatment, even though it has since been shown to have no appreciable effect on blisters, nor is it absorbed into the skin. That being said, Vaseline does have some benefits concerning speeding up the wound healing process, since it provides a sealing action that prevents bacteria from entering the wound. This action also keeps the surrounding area soft by sealing in moisture.

As discussed earlier Neosporin has Neomycin which causes dermatitis. Besides Neosporin overuse may lead to the development of antibiotic resistance. Below are some tips to help you heal the burn wounds quickly.

1. Always keep your burn clean. Wash the area with mild soap and water to keep away germs and remove debris.

2. To heal burn wounds, use petroleum jelly to keep the wound moist. The jelly will prevent the wound from drying out and forming scab; wound with scabs take long to heal. The jelly will also prevent a scar from getting too large, deep or itchy. It is not necessary to use antibacterial ointments if you clean the burn daily.

3. After cleaning the wound and applying Vaseline or a similar agent, cover the surface with an adhesive bandage. For large scrapes, sores, and burns it may be essential to use hydrogel or silicone gel sheets.

4. Remember to change your bandage every day to keep the wound clean while it heals. If your skin is sensitive, use non-adhesive gauze pad with paper tape. In case you decide to use silicone gel or hydrogel sheets, follow the directions on the product for changing the pads.

5. If your burn need stitches, follow your physician guideline on how to care for the wound and when to remove the stitches. This can help reduce scar appearance and fasten the healing process.

6. After the burn wound has healed apply sunscreen to it. Sun protection can help minimize red or brown discoloration and enable the scar to fade faster. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen always with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply often.

7. Do not be tempted to clean the burn with hydrogen peroxide. While hydrogen peroxide is a great antiseptic and bacteria killer, it should not be used on cuts, burns and wounds since it disrupts tissue growth and delays healing.

Bacitracin for burns

Bacitracin is used to prevent mild skin infections caused by scrapes, minor burns- first and second-degree burns and scrapes. The medicine works by preventing the growth of certain bacteria. Bacitracin belongs to a class of drugs called antibiotics. Bacitracin only prevents bacterial infections and not viral infections or fungal infections. Overuse or unnecessary use of bacitracin can result in decreased effectiveness.

Do not use this antibiotic over a large region of the body or severe skin infections. Consult your doctor before using this medication for severe skin problems such as puncture wounds, animal bites, profound or severe burns. A different treatment may be essential for these kinds of skin problems. Consult your physician for more information.

Usually, bacitracin has no side effects. If you have any different effects, consult your physician immediately. In case the doctor has recommended you to use this medication, remember that he or she has evaluated the benefit to you is bigger than the effects of side effects. Fortunately, most people using this treatment have no severe side effects.

In rare cases do the use of this treatment for prolonged or repeated periods may cause other kinds of skin infections such as fungal or other bacterial infections. Inform your doctor if you experience any different skin sign or if your problem does not improve. A very severe allergic reaction to this medicine is not common. Nevertheless, get medical intervention immediately if you experience any severe allergic reaction inclusive of itching, rash, swelling the face, throat or tongue, severe dizziness, and difficulty in breathing particularly.

It is worth noting that bacitracin might have other forms of side effects, thus if you experience any other effects not discussed above, consult your physician. Inform your physician or pharmacist before using bacitracin if you are allergic to neomycin or if you have any other allergies to any other medicine. This product may have inactive ingredients, which can result in allergic reactions or other health problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details.

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To make our skin tighter, eat healthily, exfoliate your skin, limit UV exposure, and use

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