
Is Emu Oil Good For Hair Growth?

This oil might not have struck you as being good for your hair, but it has many proven benefits for stopping hair loss and stimulating growth. Your hair is not just for cosmetics or aesthetics, but it has a purpose. The hair on our body serves as a thermoregulator. It also helps with our immune system by trapping dirt on the skin. So, if it's so important, how do we take care of it? Today we use many different varieties of products on our hair. We also tend to dry out our hair and damage it with regular washing routines. Moisture is vital to your hair, and this is where emu oil comes in. It is a great way to augment your hair maintenance or growth routine.

What is Emu oil?

A guide to using Emu oil for your hair

Emus are kept in Australia, Canada, and Europe for their red meat. The emu oil is a by-product of the farming and butchering process. It’s from the fat off the back of an emu that would normally be discarded anyway. Almost 70% of the fatty acids found in emu oil are the good kind. Once processed the emu oil becomes a blend of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is crucial to note that there are appropriate methods for harvesting emu oil for human use, and these means for collecting and processing emu oil should be verified as there can be numerous negative outcomes if these are not adhered to beyond the inhumane treatment of the animal.

Humans have been collecting and utilizing emu oil for nearly 40,000 years for treating minor wounds and shielding the skin from elements of wind and sun. Recently, it has garnered attention from modern science and medicine for its possible use in a variety of ways. Now available as an all-natural, topical skin applicant, pure emu oil is used as an over-the-counter product as well as in medical settings for its anti-inflammatory and skin penetrating properties.

Emu oil properties

As an anti-inflammatory agent, the oil enhances the health of epithelial cells, especially in its contribution to the structure of the cellular walls and its effectiveness for promoting cellular functioning. Emu oil is a highly penetrating agent, and when included in a product, it can act as a delivery system that promotes skin absorption and can enhance the potency of topical medication.In union with other topical medications, the oil helps the medication to be absorbed through the skin barrier and into the cell walls, assisting in the uptake of the medication. These two properties alone make the oil a potential remedy for hair loss, as a means to reduce inflammation and for its capacity to boost absorption of other products.

How does using Emu oil for hair growth work?

Emu oil is a natural substance and has no adverse side effects on your scalp. When you use emu oil for hair growth, it also helps reduce scalp inflammation which can be a cause for hair loss. Another benefit of this oil is its non-comedogenic properties. That is it doesn’t clog your pores. While none of these things really cause your hair to grow. They do, however, promote growth and reduce elements that might be detrimental to its growth. Emu oil won’t feel greasy when you apply it to your hair or scalp. This is because it’s a good emulsifier and it will get absorbed.

What causes hair loss?

If you see your hair falling out, or thinning and you do not know why you may result to using wigs thinking there is no way to stop or reverse this. Finding the root cause can be of great help in finding the right remedy or treatment to bring about normal hair growth. Causes of hair loss include:

Mental or physical stress - like because of divorce, the death of a loved one, a car accident, or the sudden onset of an illness can contribute to hair loss or thinning of your hair. However, these situations can be temporary, with the hair growing again once you’ve recovered from whatever caused your stress.

Childbirth, a high fever, medication for arthritis, depression, gout, heart problems or high blood pressure, are also known to cause hair loss. Ringworm of the scalp, fungal infections can also result in thinning hair.

Vitamin imbalance, having too much of a certain vitamin and too little of another can lead to hair thinning or loss. One such supplement is vitamin A, which is needed for healthy skin. Too much can be unhealthy, especially for your hair. The amount required is 5000 IU (International Units) for adults daily. Dermatologists advise these anti-oxidant vitamins A, C, B vitamins along with Biotin for healthy hair growth. Exceeding the recommended daily dosage can lead to unhealthy hair growth. Not enough iron in the body causes anemia, can also lead to hair loss.

Hair loss can be hereditary. Androgenetic alopecia is the term used to refer to female hair loss that is also found in some family members at a certain age. A diet that is low in protein will affect normal hair growth.

Hormonal changes - such as during pregnancy can cause temporary hair loss. Menopause, or birth control tablets can also bring about hair loss, especially if you have a heredity predisposition to hair thinning and loss Men experience hair loss often after the age of 60. Genes and male sex hormones add to this pattern of hair loss, as well.

Certain medical conditions can contribute to hair loss. Hypothyroidism refers to an underactive thyroid gland. Your thyroid gland makes hormones that are vital for growth and development. If it fails to produce enough hormones from your thyroid gland, hair loss can result. Other conditions that can contribute to hair loss include Lupus, autoimmune disorders, chemotherapy or radiation. Medications such as antidepressants and blood thinners can also lead to hair thinning.

Hair care tips to prevent hair thinning or loss

Over styling, your hair like braiding it too tight can damage your hair. Frequent use of chemical relaxers to straighten your hair, perms, hot-oil treatments and using products with harsh, irritating ingredients can also contribute to hair damage. Daily use of hot blow dryers or curling irons can lead to hair problems. A gentle routine of taking care of your hair, eating properly and using emu oil as needed to help prevent and repair hair damage, and hair loss by keeping your scalp from over-drying.

Why use Emu oil?

Emu Oil and Hair Growth

Emu oil is not a treatment for these underlying causes, but it acts as a stimulant for the proliferation of skin and stimulating melanogenesis. These properties make the oil a potential treatment for conditions such as inflamed skin, alopecia, male pattern baldness, female baldness, and medication-induced hair loss. While the application of emu oil does not act as a cure or a treatment for these conditions, it can help counteract some of the symptoms that contribute to hair loss or thinning hair.

There are no magic natural treatments for hair growth or to reverse thinning hair. It’s important to find the cause, and then determine if your situation of hair thinning or loss is a temporary one, or if you need medical advice and treatment with medications. In severe cases, hair transplantation may be a permanent treatment option. However, emu oil has shown some promise towards a natural way of reviving hair follicles towards health and growth, particularly due to the anti-inflammatory properties it has. The oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids (EFAs) especially oleic acid, which penetrates deep into the skin and suspected of promoting healthy hair follicles.

What are the advantages of using Emu oil for hair growth?

It is triglyceride which tends to make it a completely neutral lipid. As it has no phosphorus, it penetrates right in promoting hair growth. Emu oil tends to increase the thickness of the skin and makes your hair roots stronger, causing your hair to start growing again. It is also an anti-inflammatory agent. As a result of this nature of Emu oil, it is not rejected by the body, helps to reduce stiffness and swelling on the scalp which can often impede hair growth.

When Emu oil is topically applied, it has been shown as a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor in the target tissues which amazingly lead to hair growth on our scalp. Being a good emulsifier, the oil blends easily, this means you can easily blend the oil and other products like water to produce a cream that does not leave your scalp oily. So it penetrates the skin without leaving any oily residue behind it.

Emu oil does not encourage the growth of bacterial organisms if it is in its pure and processed state. This is good for hair growth as its fights fungus and other infections on the scalp which are a barrier to hair growth Emu oil has as non-comedogenic properties. This means it will not clog up your hair follicles.

Our hair and scalps need to be moisturized, and Emu oil is a very good moisturizer. It maintains and sustains a healthy scalp which naturally boosts up hair growth. When purchasing emu oil be sure to get processed emu oil which is free from other body residues of emu bird while rendered Emu oil may still contain some contaminants.

How to utilize Emu oil for hair growth?

Emu oil should be massaged very properly into the scalp 3 times a day in order to get maximum benefits for it. It is also advised that you should apply a large quantity of oil to your hair and let it sit for 20-30 minutes then wash it off with lukewarm water. You will surely see visible results in a month or two.

Are there side effects of using Emu oil?

Since the oil is an all-natural product that does not appear to have any potential side effects when applied topically. Unadulterated emu oil is found to have no potential for causing irritation to the skin or the scalp and is as gentle on skin.

Fully concentrated emu oil is non-comedogenic, meaning that it will not clog pores like many topical products. In its pure form, emu oil is odorless and will not stain clothing or bedding. Essentially, there is a limited downside to using emu oil as a topical skin salve with the potential for added benefits of promoting healthy hair growth.

How to tighten skin?

To make our skin tighter, eat healthily, exfoliate your skin, limit UV exposure, and use

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