Treating oily skin is important because even though sebum production is essential, excessive production may result in acne and pore clogging. When you have overactive sebaceous glands chances are high your skin will be oily.
There are simple home remedies you can go with when treating your oily skin such as using the right facial cleanser. Reduce the frequency with which you use your facial toner since it may lead to irritation for sensitive skin and cause more sebum production. Switch to mild serums and lotions that have hyaluronic acid and glycerin to properly moisturize your skin. If you’re suffering from excess oil production, visit a dermatologist early instead of worsening the condition by following unprofessional advice. You may not control the production of sebum oil on your skin, but you can treat oily skin condition.
Oily Skin Treatment
10 Home Remedies Everyone is Using To Treat Oily Skin
It is difficult to treat oily skin permanently, however, there are different home remedies you can use to reduce the build-up. Below are 10 ways you can reduce the amount of oil on your skin.
Wash your Face Often To Reduce Oil Buildup on Skin
You can reduce the amount of oil on your skin by washing it regularly. Here are some of the tips you need when washing oily skin:
Use Gentle Soaps to Avoid More Sebum Production
Rinse off using warm water and gentle soap. Stay away from soaps with added moisturizers, fragrances or powerful chemicals that may result in skin irritation that causes more sebum production.
Use Soft Washcloths to Handle Oily Skin
Get rid of rough washcloths that constantly rubs on your skin resulting in more production of sebum oil.
Acne Care Agents with Acidic Components to treat Oily Skin
If these steps don’t make any difference, go for acne care agents that have acidic components like glycolic, salicylic, beta-hydroxy acids and benzoyl peroxide that help treat oily skin. If your skin is sensitive or you develop allergies when using these products, try applying the product on a small region to see your skin’s reaction.
Use Correct Facial Cleansers
You may get effective results when you use the right facial cleansers. A study showed that a mild facial cleanser with alkyl carboxylates and sodium laureth carboxylate components was efficient when handling mild facial acne. The only disadvantage was it lead to an increase in sebum production in parts of the face. If you don’t suffer from acne but have oily skin, stick to relatively warm water and fragrance-free glycerin soap for effective results.
Blotting papers and Cloth Pads to Absorb Excess Oil From Skin
Blotting papers won’t affect the production of sebum oil on your skin, however, using it will assist you in lifting off extra oil from your face to reduce the shiny appearance. These blotting papers are easily available at your local pharmacy at an affordable price and you can also use medicated pads whenever you feel sweat is building up. Blotting papers are unique absorbent papers that help with drawing excess oil from the skin surface. Alternatively, try using cloth pads soaked in acidic cleansing components like glycolic and salicylic acid. These cleansing agents will eliminate excess oil at the same time cleansing your skin surface and pores.
Honey has Antiseptic and Antibacterial Features that Help in Treating Oily and Acne Prone Skin
Honey is a common remedy for skin complications due to its antiseptic and antibacterial features which may assist in treating acne-prone and oily skin. Another benefit of honey is it's a natural moisturizer that doesn’t keep the skin oily, the humectants that lead to this advantage absorb moisture from the skin but doesn’t replace it. For oily skin and acne conditions, apply a thin layer of raw honey on your face then leave it to dry for approximately 10 minutes then rinse well using warm water.
French Green Clay Mask Contains Absorbent Properties that help Lift off Skin Oil
Also known as healing clays, are useful in helping with the absorption of sebum oil as well as treating numerous skin complications. One of the common remedies is the French green clay available in powder form and popular for the treatment of oily skin and acne due to its absorbent properties.
How to Make an Effective French Green Clay Mask?
- Take a tbsp of the clay and add rose water or distilled water to form a paste with a pudding-like feel.
- Spread the clay mixture onto your face and leave it to dry.
- Wash off the clay using warm water then dab dry.
- Use warm water to remove the clay as opposed to peeling off due to skin sensitivity.
Oatmeal Paste to Reduce Excess Oil on Skin
You can use oatmeal to absorb excess oil, exfoliate dead skin cells as well as ease inflammation on your skin. You can grind oatmeal and can mix it with honey, yogurt or squashed fruits like papaya, apples or bananas.
How To Use Oatmeal on the Face?
- Take half a cup of ground oats and combine with hot water to create a paste.
- Add 1 tbsp of honey and stir.
- Rub the oatmeal paste into your face for about 5-15 minutes.
- Rinse your face using warm water then dab it dry.
Lemons and Egg whites as a Home Remedy For Oily Skin
Lemons with a combination of egg whites is a common home remedy for oily skin surface. These two components contain pore tightening features. Lemon is acidic and this property assists in absorbing excess oil, you can alternate with other citrus fruits. There are numerous studies indicating the antimicrobial activity of lemon, however, individuals with an allergic reaction to eggs should stay away from this home remedy.
Lemon and Egg White Face Mask Procedure for Oily Skin
- Squeeze lemon juice from a fresh fruit, use a tbsp of the juice to mix with a single egg white.
- Spread it onto your face and leave the mask to dry. Wash off using warm water and dab it dry with a clean towel.
Ground Almonds as Facial Scrub to Absorb Excess Oil
Ground almonds have two main functions for your skin, the first is exfoliating dead cells, it also absorbs impurities and excess oil from your skin surface.
How to Use Almond Facial Scrub?
- Take enough Almonds and grind to fill 3 tbsps.
- Introduce 2 tbsps of raw honey
- Mix the two components then spread the mixture on your face gently in a circular manner
- Wash off using warm water then dab your face dry.
Alternatively, you can grind the almonds into a paste for a face mask before you add honey. Let the paste rest on your face for about 10 minutes. Wash off using warm water and dry your face by tapping with a clean towel. Individuals with an allergic reaction to nuts should avoid this remedy.
Aloe vera Treats Flaky Skin that Firm Due To Excess Sebum Oil
Aloe vera plant contains soothing properties for many skin conditions and injuries like burns. According to studies, there’s enough data supporting the functioning of aloe vera towards treating flaky skin surface that come about due to oily spots on the skin. Aloe vera is a common remedy for oily skin.
Spread a thin layer of aloe fluid on your face before you go to sleep and let it rest till the morning after. Aloe vera commonly causes skin allergies, if you haven’t used this remedy before you should test it on a small surface on your arm. You can proceed to use aloe vera if you don’t develop any allergies within 48 hrs.
Tomatoes have Salicylic Acid that Unclogs Pores and Absorbs Excess Oil
Tomato is an everyday fruit that has salicylic acid component, it serves as a common acne folk remedy. The acidic component in tomatoes assists in absorbing excess sebum oil as well as unclogging skin pores.
How to Create a Tomato Mask Exfoliator?
- Take a tomato pulp and mix it with a tsp of sugar.
- Spread the mixture onto your skin in a circular motion.
- Let the face mask rest for about 5 minutes.
- Wash off extensively using warm water then dab your face dry.
- You can as well use the mask on the rest of your skin.
Jojoba oil can treat oily skin
Applying oil to oily skin may seem illogical, however, Jojoba oil is a common home remedy that treats acne, oily skin and other skin complications. According to a study in 2012, spreading a healing clay and jojoba oil mask three times every week assisted in healing skin injuries as well as treating mild acne. Remember to spread a small amount of the oil because it’s potent and will worsen your oily skin condition if you apply too much. Massage drops of the oil into your skin consistently and wait to see the effects of the results.
How to Stop Oily Face During the Day?

6 Steps You Need To Stop Oily Face In The Day
A lot of individuals suffer from oily skin conditions and washing your face doesn’t guarantee to stop your oily skin situation. You can, however, take some few essential steps toward oily skin care to maintain that fresh feel on your face. Start by exfoliating your skin surface with a gentle facial scrub once weekly to reduce the oily skin look. Rub the scrub gently over your skin surface then wash off using cool water.
Ingredients for Reducing Sebum Oil on Skin:
- Primer
- Facial Scrub
- Non-comedogenic moisturizer
- Cotton ball
- A cleanser containing salicylic acid
- Blotting papers
- Oil-absorbing toner
- Oil-free foundation
Massage a Face cleanser with 2% solution of Salicylic acid
Use a dime-sized quantity of a cleanser that has a 2% solution of salicylic acid. Rub your skin gently using your fingertips in a circular manner for a minute. Wash off your face with cool water then gently dab it dry.
Swipe a Cotton Ball Soaked in Antimicrobial Facial Toner across the Face
Soak a cotton ball inside an antimicrobial facial toner that has oil-absorbing property on its label. Swipe the cotton ball across your face while staying away from your eye region.
Apply non-comedogenic Moisturizers on your Face
Tap a moisturizer with non-comedogenic properties onto parts of your face that produce less oil like temples, eye section, and cheekbones. Use moisturizers with hyaluronic acid features. Ensure your moisturizers are oil-free before you spread it onto parts of your face that are usually oily like the forehead, chin, and nose.
Use a Mattifying Facial Primer
Squeeze a small amount of mattifying facial primer into your palm and tap it onto your face with your fingers, massage the primer evenly across your skin to form a light layer.
Spread an Oil-free Foundation on Your Face
Take an oil-free foundation and spread a light layer onto your face by tapping it onto your face in drops and then blend the drops across your face evenly.
Use Blot Papers on Your Face
Use oil-absorbent papers to blot your face to get rid of any oil that builds up.
How To Get Rid of Oily Skin Surface?
Preventing oily skin
If your oily skin condition is due to either hormones or genetics, then it is difficult to control. However, constant skin care routine and staying away from unhealthy diets like processed foods, foods high in sugar and fried foods may play a good role.
Using heavy cosmetic products to hide the effects of excess oil on your skin will worsen the situation. If your oily skin worsens, get rid of your makeup particularly the foundation. Get rid of oil-based products and replace with water based types. Go for noncomedogenic products because they won’t clog your pores.
Are Natural Home Remedies For Oily Skin Effective?
Even though many people believe home remedies work on oily skin, there isn’t sufficient evidence to back these claims. Whether or not folk remedies will help with oily skin conditions depends on different factors like the products you use and each individual’s state. There are cases whereby you can develop allergic reactions to remedies you haven’t used for long. Drop the product whenever your skin becomes sensitive towards the products. Visit a dermatologist when oily symptoms like acne worsen to avoid scarring or infection.