To treat a foot blister do not burst or pick at a blister. Instead, cover it with an adhesive bandage to protect it while it heals. For pain and inflammation use soothe your blister with natural remedies such as apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, vitamin E or aloe vera gel. If your blister is not showing any signs of improvement or is infected visit a doctor for an assessment.
Foot blisters may occur from friction or repeated activity, like running while wearing shoes that do not fit. You can also get a blister from a sunburn or other type of burn. Blisters usually are not serious and can be treated at home with antibiotic creams and bandages. Note that it is always good to let a blister heal on its own, but very painful blisters can be popped using the right tools and proper sanitary practices.
What are foot blisters?
Foot Blisters and How to Handle Them
A blister is defined as a tiny pocket of fluid that forms on an area of the body. You can get one after having a fungal or bacterial infection, a burn, skin trauma or an insect bite. A blister may interfere with normal, everyday tasks depending on its location. For instance, if your blister is on your feet, you may have difficulty walking, exercising, or standing for long periods.
What causes foot blisters?
Blisters on your feet may be caused by friction. Walking or standing for hours a day puts pressure on the soles, heels, and toes. In many instances, blisters result from ill-fitting shoes. Shoes that fit too loosely or tightly can rub against the skin causing friction that results in blisters. Perspiration or excessive moisture in the feet can also cause these skin bubbles. This is most common during warm seasons among athletes, especially runners. Small blisters occur when sweat blocks the pores in the feet. Feet blisters can also occur after a sunburn. Other causes of skin bubbles on the feet include:
- frostbites
- allergic reaction
- exposure to chemicals (detergents or cosmetics )
- fungal infections
- chicken pox
- herpes
- dyshidrotic eczema
- bacterial infection
Diagnosing blisters on the feet
A foot blister caused by friction heals within a few days using home treatments. You should See a physician if a blister prevents walking or causes severe pain. Always visit a doctor if nausea,fever or chills accompany a foot blister in the feet. This shows a sign of an infection. Your physician may pop the blister using a needle that is sterilized. They can test a sample of the fluid to determine the cause if they suspect an infection.
Treatments for blisters on feet
You should not burst or pick at a blister. But you should leave it unpicked because open blisters can become infected. Covering your blister with an adhesive bandage helps protect it while it heals. If a blister is left alone, it may harden and eventually disappear.
How long does a blister on the foot take to heal?
Most blisters heal on their own in 1 or 2 weeks. Don't go back the activity that caused your blister until it's healed. To treat a blister, dermatologists recommend the following: Cover the blister, loosely cover the blister with a bandage.
Prevention of foot blisters
Preventing Blisters
Always choose your socks carefully, because Most people get blisters from socks rubbing against their feet. Runners are prone to this problem. Choose moisture wicking or nylon socks, which do not absorb moisture. They are more breathable and helps protect your feet.
Many blisters are caused by ill-fitting shoes, especially wearing ones that are too small. Your shoe size can vary about half-size in a day. Try on new shoes when your feet are most swollen during the day to guarantee that the shoes will be big enough to fit your feet comfortably.
Use moleskin as a preventative move. Moleskin can be utilized to cushion and protect a blister, and also prevent blisters if you are prone to getting them. Cut a piece of moleskin and attach it onto your shoe or foot where you may start to get a blister.
Use talcum powder in your socks. Decrease the friction between the feet and shoes with talcum powder. It soaks up moisture that may otherwise cause blistering. Sprinkle some talcum powder inside your socks before wearing them.
Avoid contact with blister-causing plants. Certain plants, like sumac and poison ivy, can cause blister rashes. Take precautions by wearing gloves, long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and shoes. For blisters caused by a medical condition, ask your doctor for possible treatments.
Tips: Don't walk or put more pressure on a blister if it is still healing. Even if it is not painful, but still present, don't continue with your sporting activities because you'll end up getting hurt, and most likely get another blister.
Warnings: See a doctor if you have a fever, your blister doesn't heal or appears to be getting worse or infected, feels hot, very red, or has pus inside. Don't use a match to sterilize the instrument that you will use to pop the blister.
Which is better to pop a blister or leave it alone?
Do not pop a blister unless its painful,large or likely to be further irritated. The fluid-filled blister keeps the skin under clean, which prevents infection thus promoting healing. But if you need to puncture a blister here is how to do it to prevent infection.
Protecting the Blistered Area
Don't disturb the blister if it has not popped and endure the pain. It is good to avoid exposure to bacteria by allowing the blister to heal naturally without trying to puncture it. If you must drain the blister, read the instructions below. Steps to follow when draining a blister at home:
- clean your hands with antibacterial soap and warm water.
- Using a cotton swab, disinfect a needle with rubbing alcohol.
- Clean the blister with antiseptic.
- Take the needle and make a small pop in the blister.
- Allow the fluid to drain completely.
- Apply a cream or antibacterial ointment.
- Cover the blister with gauze or bandage.
- Clean and reapply antibacterial ointment daily. Keep the blister covered until it heals.
Don’t drain the blister if you have HIV, diabetes, cancer, or other conditions that make you susceptible to infection. Look out for infection symptoms. If you see any symptoms of infection, make an appointment to see your physician immediately. They include:
- pain or Increased swelling around the blister site.
- increased redness.
- the skin is warm around the blister.
- red streaks extending outward from the blister.
- greenish or yellowish pus coming from the blister.
- a fever.
You may want to pop more than one spot on the blister, especially if it is a big one. This might help in relieving pressure that builds up in the blister. You may want to use antibiotic creams on the blister for the first day or two. But if your blister starts to itch or develops a rash, you should stop using it. If there is a flap of skin left hanging from the blister, don’t trim it. Leave it be. Clean and re-bandage the blistered area every day. If the area gets damp, change your bandage. Let the blistered area breathe at night. Replace the bandage in the morning if it still needs to heal. This will help shield it from getting dirty.
Cushion the affected area with moleskin
If your blister is in a place that receives pressure, such as the bottom part of the foot, you may consider cushioning the area with a piece of moleskin. Moleskin is a soft cotton fabric, with an adhesive backing. It relieves some blister discomfort and can help protect the blistered area. Cut a piece of moleskin a bit bigger than your blister. Cut away the center part so that it fits around the blister like a donut. Stick it to the blister. You can also try other adhesives.
Let your blister get some air
For most blisters, mostly smaller ones, exposure to air helps the healing process. If the blister is on your foot, make sure dirt does not get on the blister. You may need to wait until you go to bed before uncovering your blister. Let the affected area get some air overnight while you’re sleeping.
Using Natural Remedies
Apply aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is renown for its healing qualities, for example helping in the reduction of inflammation and pain. Apply aloe vera gel onto the blister and cover it to help it heal faster. You can use the gel straight from the plant, or you can buy aloe gel from a store.
Soak the blister in apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties and can help a blister to heal more quickly. Prepare a paste of apple cider vinegar and castor oil by mixing a 1/2 cup of vinegar with 3 teaspoons of castor oil. Administer this mixture to your blister a few times per day. Cover your blister with a bandage.
Try tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties and also works as an astringent. Dip a piece of gauze / a cotton ball in tea tree oil. Gently put this onto your blister and cover it with a bandage and tape.
Use green tea. Green tea has antibacterial qualities and contains tannic acid that helps harden the skin.
Dip a green tea bag in water for a few minutes. Squeeze it to remove excess water. Put the teabag on the affected area for several minutes.
For a Blister That Has Not Popped
Do not pop or drain it. Leave it uncovered or cover it loosely with a bandage. Try not to apply pressure to the area. If the blister is in a pressure area like the bottom of the foot, place a donut-shaped moleskin on it.
For a Blister That Has Popped
Cleanse using a mild soap and warm water. Avoid using alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or iodine. Smooth down the skin flap that remains. Apply antibiotic ointment to the area. Cover the blister loosely with sterile gauze or bandage.