When buying new shoes, there are some things you have to consider; these are the type of shoes, the quality of shoes, the current trend or fashion, the price, and most importantly how comfortable the shoes are. Getting uncomfortable shoes will make breaking into the new shoes even harder. However, if they are the right fit, blisters don’t have to be a problem. The tips discussed will help you break into your new shoes and prevent blisters.
What are foot blisters?
A blister is a sac filled with fluid. There are using caused by friction or heat. They are very common with people who walk a lot or run. The best way to get rid of the dreadful foot blisters is by reducing the friction that causes them in the first place.
How do you wear new shoes without getting blisters?
Here are expert tips for pulling off those new shoes without having to worry about blisters.
Buy new shoes that fit you properly
Friction causes the vast majority of blisters, therefore, reducing friction to the minimum will most definitely get rid of foot blisters. Shoes that are too small will significantly squeeze your toes and heels. This will generate a lot of friction between your feet and the shoes and hence the occurrence of many blisters. On the other hand, big shoes come with a different challenge but with the same results. When you walk in with big shoes, your feet keep sliding up and down. This vigorous movement causes friction. Buying new shoes that fit perfectly, therefore, becomes the first step in reducing friction between your feet and the shoes.
Use some padding when wearing new shoes
Padding always comes in handy when it comes to protecting your feet from blisters. They significantly reduce the friction between the shoe and the foot. There are various types of padding, whether you wear them on your feet or stick them inside the shoes, they all work the same. Choose a pad you are comfortable with.
Walk short distances with the new shoes to have a feel
The blisters caused by new shoes are because your feet are yet to be accustomed to the new shoes. Wearing the new shoes for an entire day may be too much for your feet and may need some getting used to. Perhaps a short stroll to ‘test the waters’ may be what the feet need. This will also help to identify the potential hot spots and protect the area in advance.
Use antiperspirant on your feet
Sweat on foot increases the rubbing between your feet and the shoes. It is therefore important to keep your feet as sweat-free as possible to reduce friction. Antiperspirants do just that, reduce the sweat. Apply it on your feet and after it dries put on your new shoes. Sweat-free feet are also important to prevent more serious foot conditions.
Lubricate your feet before wearing new shoes
Lubricants are known for its use in reducing friction. The same use can be applied to the feet. A well-lubricated foot will be blister free. Concentrate on the hot-spots, where blisters are likely to form. There are many stick and lube products available for this.
How do you break into new shoes without the pain?
Protect your feet’s hot spots
Breaking into new shoes is difficult, ask your feet. This is especially hard for some specific regions of your feet. The areas that are more likely to get blistered by new shoes are referred to as hot spots. These obvious areas are your heels together with the top and sides of your toes. There are other areas of the feet that are not that obvious and would require you to wear new shoes and walk around with them for a while to identify the problematic regions.
After identifying these hot spots, you need to protect them from friction and moisture. To reduce the friction, you can protect the are with padding. There are many ways of padding your feet. A surgical tape is usually very effective for this. Research shows that surgical tapes are very effective in reducing blisters.
The other methods of preventing foot blisters in new shoes can also be applied to the hot spots once you identify them. They can be lubricated, moisturized, and you can use petroleum jelly and antiperspirant on them. All these will reduce friction, keep your feet dry, and remove feet sweat, especially during the summer.
Blow dry your new leather shoes
This blow dry technic only works for leather shoes; otherwise, you risk damaging it. After wearing the leather shoes, take out your dryer and blow dry over your shoes. Make sure it is not too close to burn your feet. Blow it for about 30 seconds as you focus on the problematic areas. Immediately after you finish, start to walk around when the shoes are still hot and flexible. This will stretch it and make the new shoes more comfortable.
Stretch out your new shoes
When you buy new shoes, you are supposed to go for the ones that fit you perfectly. However, new shoes are always tight and stretch out over time. Before then, you will be at risk of getting blisters. You can, however, stretch the shoes up to loosen it up a little bit. You can stuff in socks and other pieces of clothes, papers, or even a potato.
Other ways to stretch or soften your new shoes
Freezing your new shoes
Freezing your shoes is a common technique for stretching out those new shoes that cause blisters. All you need is a ziplock bag filled with water and your kitchen freezer. Put the ziplock with water inside the shoes. The common problem areas are the back of the shoe or the toe area. This is where the bag should be close to. After setting it in the right place, keep the shoes in the freezer for about 6 hours. The water will freeze and expand, stretching out either the toes or the back of the shoe.
Use wooden inserts in the shoe
There are some wooden inserts explicitly made for shoes. They keep the shoes in their shape. What you need is a slightly bigger one that will stretch the shoes. Regular usage of this insert will stretch the shoe you won't feel the tight spots anymore.
Use rubbing alcohol to soften the shoe
Generously apply rubbing alcohol in the problematic areas of the shoe. After which you walk around in the shoe for some time. Repeat this regularly. The alcohol will soften the shoe, and walking around will make it mold your feet.
Use petroleum jelly to soften the shoe
Petroleum jelly can also make a new shoe soft. Generously apply it on the back of the shoe and let the shoe absorb it. When you wear, the shoe will feel softer. Continue using the jelly until the tightness goes away. There are also some quality shoe stretch sprays that can be used on the shoe to widen and stretch the shoes.
Other strategies to prevent foot blisters

Buy shoes later in the day
The reason behind buying shoes later in the day is that your feet usually swell as the day proceeds. When you buy shoes in the morning, you will choose the ones that perfectly fit your feet at that time. When your feet swell later in the day, there will be no allowance for that. The shoes will become uncomfortable and lead to blisters.
Prevent blisters by toughening your feet
Blisters like soft and tender feet. If your feet are slightly hard and tough, getting blisters will not be easy. Calluses, for example, are natural padding for your feet. As you walk, or workout frequently, they slowly build up around your feet and hands due to friction. Calluses are not liked, but they are actually helpful in protecting your feet against blisters. You can moisturize the calluses to prevent painful cracks from developing. You can also toughen your feet using tannic acid. Apply 10% tannic acid on a towel and press on your feet twice daily. Do this for a couple of weeks. Runners and athletes use this trick to toughen their feet.
Lubricate your feet to avoid blisters
As established, friction makes the skin vulnerable to blisters. There is a lot of rubbing between your feet, socks, and shoes. If you minimize the friction, you reduce the chances of getting blisters. Feet lubrication is one of the best ways of doing this. Your feet will slide instead of rubbing.
Vaseline or petroleum jelly is an affordable lubricant. The downside of petroleum jelly is that dirt clings to it. This means that there is more grit in your shoe to aggravate your foot, leading to more blisters. Other lubricants that can be used include AD Ointment, body glide, sports slick, sport shield, run goo, and Teflon.
Wear the right soaks to prevent blisters
Synthetic soaks are the best here! Cotton soaks will only soften your skin as it retains the sweat. This will leave the feet more vulnerable to blisters.
How to choose the right socks to prevent blisters?
- Go for socks that wick away moisture. Synthetic socks keep the feet dry by wicking away moisture from it.
- Try double-layer socks. These reduce friction and also the wetness in the feet.
- Experiment with the density of your socks. The thickness of your socks can interfere with the space in the shoes. The best practice is to carry the socks you intend to use, or one with similar thickness when you are buying workout shoes.
- Carry an extra pair of socks. During a workout session, your feet sweat, and hence you get wet socks. Wearing these will promote blisters. You should have extra pairs to change whenever the ones you are wearing get wet.
Keep your feet dry to prevent blisters
Keeping your feet dry starts with wicking socks; however, you can also use other techniques.
How to keep your feet dry to prevent blisters?
Plain cornstarch, the one used for cooking, can be sprinkled in your shoes and socks to dry your feet. Talcum powder or baby powder can both be used for this purpose, and they smell good as well.
Protect the places vulnerable to blisters
If you have developed blisters in a spot before, then it might be vulnerable, especially when running or working out. These areas need to be covered to be protected. There are a number of options, including sports tape, gel bandages, special patches, and moleskin. Sometimes even a duct tape might come in handy.
The disadvantage of covering the location is that frequently these plasters and pads do not stay where you've put them, especially as you continue walking or running. Find one that sticks well to your feet.
Re-adjust your feet or shoes when you feel a hot spot
Blisters usually start as a hot spot. These spots can often be felt when you walk or run. The best action to take is to just stop and fix the problem. You can put a bandage, or create a protective doughnut around the hot spot if possible to reduce the friction. There are blister kits that come in handy available online. You can also re-adjust the socks as they might be bunched up causing the problem.
Change your damp socks to prevent blisters
Moisture and sweat in your socks and shoes lead to blisters. This is mainly because your feet keep sliding. Your feet and socks should always be dry and sweat-free. If you sweat a lot, or if you plan to work out for a long time, carry extra pairs of socks. Have them changed whenever they become damp.
Conclusion on preventing blisters in new shoes
Do not let the fear of blisters prevent you from buying the fancy shoes that you’ve always wanted. You just need to pick the right shoes and apply the tips we’ve shared above, and blisters won’t be a problem.