One of the exciting parts of the transition from winter to spring is being able to wear breathable sandals rather than wearing chunky boots. But wearing open shoes may not be as good as it sounds, especially when cracked heels come in the picture. The good news is you can treat cracked heels, and it does not have to be complicated. There are home remedies which are going to address your cracked heels and safely just like medical interventions. This posts will show how to manage your cracked heels and what causes them.
What causes dry, cracked heels?
Causes of deep cracks in heels
Cracked heels also called heel fissures are caused by dry skin. When an individual exerts weight and pressure to the fat pad under the heel, the skin expands sideways. If the skin lacks moisture, it becomes stiff, less elastic and vulnerable to cracking. Other causes of dry, cracked heels include:
- If an individual stands for long periods, specifically on hard flooring
- An obese individual is at high risk of getting cracked heels
- Open back shoes can expose one to cracked heels
- Beware that poorly fitting shoes are a cause of dry, cracked heels
- Friction from the back of shoes is a potential cause of dry, cracked heels
- Beware that a poor walking style can result in cracked heels
- Cold and dry weather can also cause cracked heels
Some heels cracks can be minor while others can be severe causing bleeding, discomfort, and pain, especially if bacteria seeps into the fissures. It is crucial to consult a physician if an individual experience soreness, redness, inflammation, or acute pain in any part of the foot for several days.
Risk factors of deep cracks in heels
Some conditions make other people more likely to have dry skin and a higher risk of cracked heels. They include:
1. Obesity
2. Diabetes
3. Eczema
4. Flat feet
5. Athlete's foot
6. Fungal infections
7. Heel spurs
8. Juvenile plantar dermatosis
Is dry, cracked feet a sign of diabetes?
Cracked feet diabetes
If you are wondering if dry, cracked heels can be a sign of a more severe problem than just a cosmetic problem, then the answer is yes.
While dry, cracked heels can be a result of several factors such as using hard soaps, taking too long in a hot and show and other factors mentioned above, cracked heels can be the first symptom of diabetes or a thyroid problem. Diabetes can make sweat glands to malfunction as well as uncontrolled blood sugar levels. This can result in nerve damage in your feet, commonly known as peripheral neuropathy, which restricts blood flow and circulation. Neuropathy increases your risk for dry skin and the development of cracked heels.
Cracked heels can also be caused by thyroid failing to regulate the hormones properly. The thyroid is responsible for keeping metabolic rate, blood pressure, tissue growth, skeletal and nervous system development in check. If thyroid malfunctions, your skin can dry out and result in the skin on the heels of the feet cracking and becoming dry.
Luckily, there are over the counter options to treat cracked heels and alleviate pain linked with them, such as lotion formulated explicitly for feet and cracked heels. But, if the condition does not get better after trying home remedies, you should make an appointment with a podiatrist or a foot care nurse to have your heels evaluated. It is essential to see a doctor because, open cracks or fissures can let bacteria to enter your bloodstream and cause infection, which can lead to further health complications.
How does vinegar help cracked heels?
Vinegar for cracked, dry heels
Vinegar is a mild exfoliator which can be used to treat cracked, dry heels, calluses and warts. Even though there are various forms of vinegar the most common vinegar used to treat or protect cracked, dry heels is white and apple cider vinegar. Let’s find out how you can use the two kinds of vinegar for your cracked, dry heels.
White Vinegar for cracked, dry heels
Soak your feet in one portion of white vinegar and two parts of warm water. Rub the dead skin with a pumice stone after soaking for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. Parch your feet rigorously and apply a moisturizer.
Apple cider for cracked, dry heels
Apple cider vinegar also heals cracked heels with perfection. Soak your cracked, dry feet in a combination of one part of apple cider vinegar and two parts of warm water.
How to treat deeply cracked heels?
The following practices can help you treat cracked heels at home:
Step 1: Using an emollient or humectant moisturizer to treat cracked heels at home. Emollients moisturizer penetrates through the skin and minimizes water loss. They top up the gaps between skin flakes, which makes the skin feel smooth, soft and flexible. An emollient can also help reduce water loss in the skin. Humectants penetrate the epidermis, attract water from the air, and maintain moisture. It also helps to increase the water capacity of the skin. In dry conditions, humectants may get moisture from the lower skin layers instead of from the atmosphere, making the skin dry. To prevent this combine the humectant with an occlusive to seal in the moisture.
Step 2: Applying an occlusive moisturizer over the top of cracked, dry heels. After the emollient or humectant is absorbed, you can wear a thick layer of an occlusive moisturizer over the top just before going to bed to secure the moisture in. Plosive moisturizers coat the skin in a thin film which prevents moisture from evaporating from the outermost layer of the skin. Examples of occlusive moisturizers include:
- Petroleum jelly
- Lanolin
- Mineral oil
- Vaseline and silicones
Step 3: Wear socks when going to bed. Wear cotton socks when going to bed, this will help to keep the moisture in, allow the heel skin to breathe, and prevent the bed sheets from becoming stained. Repeat this procedure for a few days until the heels soften. You can buy cotton socks online or in a store.
Other tips of treating cracked heels at home
- Rub the pumice stone gently against the heel
- After the skin is moisturized, you can reduce the thickness of the hard skin by scrubbing with a pumice stone. Pumice stones are available in drug stores.
- Avoid using razors and scissors for scrapping back and cutting skin.
- If you have diabetes or neuropathy, you should visit a doctor rather than treat yourself at home.
- You can use a liquid gel, or spray bandages to cover the cracked skin. These products provide a protective layer over the cracks, help reduce pain and stop dirt and germs from entering the wounds.
Medical treatment for cracked, dry heels
In severe cases of cracked heels, a doctor or podiatrist may:
- Remove dead skin
- Apply glue to seal the cracks
- Prescribe stronger softening or removal agents
- If there is an infection, prescribe an antibiotic
- Strap the heel with bandages
- Commend shoe inserts, heel pads or heel cups.
Is Vaseline good for cracked heels?
Vaseline cracked dry heels
If you got cracked heels, you could see dry and flaking skin and deep cracks in the skin. Fortunately, you can deal with dry, cracked heels using vaseline jelly quickly and effectively. But you should always consult a dermatologist for advice and causes of skin conditions.
For a home remedy cracked dry heels treatment, apply a thick layer of vaseline jelly to the heel after taking a bath and wear a pair of cotton socks to keep the balm in place. The cotton will enable the skin on your feet to breathe. Vaseline jelly offers a sealing barrier which locks in moisture to help rehydrate dry skin. It will also aid in protecting heels against further dryness and cracking. Repeat the procedure until the heel becomes soft.
Preventing cracked heels
You can take care of your feet every day with the following tips to avoid cracked, dry heels-especially if you are prone to cracked heels.
Wear socks with your shoes to reduce friction. Cotton socks are suitable for enabling your feet to breathe. They absorb moisture and decrease rubbing and help to prevent your heel from drying out. Avoid socks made from wool or synthetic. Never wear wool or synthetic socks as they can irritate the skin and cause cracked heels.
Wearing appropriate footwear to prevent cracked heels. Avoid wearing shoes such as flip-flops as they may create friction as your foot moves about unsupported. If you are prone to getting cracked heels, avoid wearing footwear like this for long periods as they may make the problem severe. Also, match your shoe with the season.
If you have dry skin avoid using hot water, use warm water instead and limit your bath in a shower to about ten minutes to prevent more moisture loss. If you are prone to crack dry heels, use a fragrance-free, mild cleanser and always blot skin with a towel to dry.
Always apply moisturizer immediately after drying the skin. Avoid using harsh soaps and scented products, skin care products which contain fragrance, alcohol or retinoids acid can often be too harsh for dry, sensitive skin. Avoiding these products may protect natural skin oils.
Cracked heels vitamin deficiency
Insufficient consumption of essential vitamins and minerals may affect skin health and make you more vulnerable to cracked heels. However, it is most likely not the underlying cause of the condition. Consult with your doctor before making changes to your diet or adding dietary supplements to your regimen.
Vitamin A is linked with healthy vision. However, it also plays a vital role in maintaining and rejuvenating skin tissue. Vitamin A enhances cell division and growth, inclusive of the sloughing of skin cells that leads to smooth, healthy skin. A deficiency may result in dryness, scaling, and thickening of your skin and may influence your heels. But vitamin A deficiency is not common in western cultures like the United States.
Orange fruits, green vegetables, carrots, milk, and eggs are all excellent sources of vitamin A and adding them in your diet can help make sure you are getting what you need to help maintain overall health. Doctors recommended dietary allowance for vitamin A is 700 micrograms and 900 micrograms or adult women and men, respectively.
Besides as an antioxidant, vitamin E keeps skin cells healthy and smooth and can work to prevent the cracks in your heels. The fat-soluble vitamin is found in foods such as green vegetables, nuts, fortified cereals, and whole-grain products. The RDA for vitamin E is 15 milligrams daily.
Inadequate intake of vitamin E does not usually affect skin health but may result in muscle weakness loss of control over your movement, or issues with your vision. Whereas most Americans do not meet their daily vitamin E needs, very few show signs of a deficiency. You should not supplement with vitamin E due to risks of bleeding unless you first talk to your doctor. Similar to vitamin E, vitamin C shields the skin from free radicals. Free radicals damage the skin's structural support proteins, collagen, and elastin fibers, and cause wrinkles or cracks in the skin.