Cleaning a burn is a challenging matter, but you can do it yourself if you have a mild burn. There are four degrees of severity when it comes to heat-related burns- first, second, three, and fourth-degree burn. If you have recognized your burn to be first or second-degree, and it does not affect a large area of your body, you can most probably clean and dress the burn while at home.Third-degree burns and any burn covering a large region of skin should be seen by a doctor right away. A 4th-degree burn should be treated in the ER. If you are not sure about the burn degree, you should see a doctor for treatment.
In this article, we are going to explore the various types of dressing a burn wound. Read through so that you are informed how to take care of a burn properly and avoid complications.
How to disinfect a burn?
How to do disinfecting and dressing for burns?
Burn healing process can be improved by appropriate first aid, good dressings, and wound management. This can reduce the risk of the burn becoming deeper or infected, and can reduce the need for specialist review or surgery. In this part, we are going to scrutinize how to disinfect a burn.
Determining how severe the burns are
Evaluate minor burns
First degree burns are the least severe. The burns are characterized by redness, swelling, and minor to moderate pain. First-degree burns are quite common, and they are the result of brief contact with a hot object. The burn only affects the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis) and can be treated at home.
The signs of the first-degree burn:
- Swelling of the skin
- Skin that feels dry on touch
- Red skin that is painful to touch
- Do not disinfect a large first-degree burn that covers a large area of the body instead visit a doctor.
Identify second-degree burns
Second-degree burns also destroy the layer under the epidermis. These burns are caused by extending contact with hot items or extended sun exposure. Some of the second-degree burns can still be treated at home. Besides the signs of first-degree burns, characteristics of second-degree burns include blisters, mild to severe pain. However, you should not dress and disinfect a second-degree burn unless advised so by a doctor if:
- If the burn is on the hands, feet, face or groin
- If the burn results from severe blisters
- If the burn covers a large portion of your body
Determine if you have third-degree burns
A third-degree burn destroys both the outer and dermis. The third-degree burn may cause severe pain, but during recovery is typically more severe than with less severe burns. These burns occur when a heat source penetrates many layers of the skin. These burns are severe, and should not be treated at home. If you have a third-degree burn, it is crucial for you to get to a hospital as soon as possible.
Signs of a third degree burn:
- If the skin is red or white
- The skin color is unaffected when pressure is applied
- The tissue is destroyed
- Lack of blistering
- A third-degree burn is vulnerable to infection. It is crucial that you do not disinfect or treat a third-degree burn. Instead, get medical attention immediately.
Get treatment immediately for fourth-degree burns
Fourth-degree burns are quite severe, and most possibly a person who has one will be in shock. These burns damage both the skin layers and underlying tissues, such as muscles. A fourth-degree burn is an emergency case that needs immediate medical treatment. It is possible that the person will not feel pain, as they will be in shock. Later, their recovery will be more painful.
Disinfecting and protecting burn wound
Wash your hands. Use hot water to wet the hands then apply soap. Massage your hands together, making sure to wash your palms thoroughly, all of your fingers, and wrists.
- Wash your hands off with warm water. It is not crucial to use antibacterial soap. Any soap works well.
- Clean the burn with soap and water. Run your burn under cool water to help cool the skin and minimize any pain. Apply some soap to the area, and gently move it around. Wash the burn off with warm water, and softly pat it dry with a clean towel. Rinsing the burn with soap and water can help prevent severe infection.
- Any soap can work for this aim. If feasible, opt for unscented soaps to reduce irritation. The soap does not need to be bacterial. It is essential to remove any jewelry that could be constricting blood flow to the region of the burn before washing.
Apply antibiotic ointment. Smear a thin layer of antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin, to the affected area. Antibiotic ointment can help to prevent infection further while keeping the skin moist.
- Soothe the burn pain by applying aloe vera. In case you are experiencing pain, apply aloe vera to soothe your skin, but only if you have a first or second-degree burn.
- You can also take ibuprofen or any other over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications to minimize pain and inflammation.
- Do not break blisters open. Open blisters are vulnerable to infection. Your body will heal burn blisters over time. Refrain from breaking or popping any blister that is caused by a burn. The blister shield and keeps the wound sterile.Thoroughly cleanse the region if a blister break on its own with soap and water.
Dressing for burns
- Determine if you should use a dressing or not. In case your burn is first-degree, and there are no blisters or open skin, you possibly do not need to apply a bandage. If you do not have broken/exposed skin, or you have a second-degree burn, you should use a dressing to prevent infection. Types of dressings you can use for a burn will be discussed in the next section.
- Apply a layer of ointment. As the burn heals, the person develops a new layer of skin. To prevent this new from sticking to the bandage, it is essential to always apply a thin layer or ointment between your skin and the dressing. You can use either antibiotic cream or aloe vera gel. Make sure that the ointment does not contain antibiotics to make sure it is effective.
- Change the burn dressing two to three times every day. Around the same period daily, softly remove the dressing. Smear fresh ointment, and wrap the burn in fresh dressing. If the dressing is sticking to the wound, dampen the gauze with sterile saline solution and carefully remove it without destroying the underneath skin.
What are the different types of a burn?
Types of burns wound dressing
A wound no matter if it is a cut, or a burn requires to be taken care immediately and adequately. For all the degrees of burn wounds, there are different types of burn wound dressings and disinfection available, which are applied to the wound to prevent further harm.
Moist dressings are mostly examined suitable for second-degree burns as first degree burns do not need such dressings. For a second-degree burn, the region should be kept moist and protected, keeping the comfort of the patient a priority. The types of dressing discussed below should help you disinfect a burn and reduce the risk of infection.
Low adherent dressing for burns
This soft silicone wound contact surface absorbs the excess fluid from the wound and provides a barrier to infection. It also allows the skin to breathe well; it is like a cushion for the wound. It can easily be removed from the wound without any pain.
Hydrocolloid dressing for burns
Hydrocolloid dressing is easy to apply and maintains a moist environment around the wound and promotes healing. One will have to apply three to five days; this dressing contains pectin, cellulose, and gelatin particles. Hydrocolloid dressing gives comfort and reduces pain. The patient can take a bath without the risk of being contaminating the burn wound. Besides, the dressing changes over time and requires less maintenance.
Hydrogel dressing for burns
This dressing is applied for blistering burn wounds and offers enough moisture to the wound. Adding water to the wound, it keeps the tissues hydrated. A loosely wrapped gauze layer is needed to keep this layer in its place. This dressing has a hydrating polymer layer which minimizes pain by keeping the wound cool.
Alginates dressing for burns
If the burn has wound drainage, alginate is used as a dressing. Alginates has thickening properties. Generated from the fibers of brown seaweed, this dressing dissolves on the wound and forms a gel to maintain the moist environment. A loose gauze dressing is also needed for it. With a moist wound bed, the dressing can be removed easily. This dressing disinfects the wound and reduces the risk of bacterial infection.
Foam dressings for burns
The dressing is prepared with the blend of semi-permeable polyurethane; foam dressings offer moisture to the wound. The entrance of moisture into the wound stops the spread of bacteria and other infections. Burn ulcers are treated with this dressing. However, the dressing is not suitable for dry wounds and third-degree burns.
Transparent film dressing for burn wound
This dressing is applied to keep away the excess water and other contaminants. Transplant is highly flexible in terms of their adherence to the wound. This dressing is suitable for all locations of the body. However, they do not work well on the wounds with high exudate or moist wound. For the second-degree burns, some points require to be kept in mind while applying to dress:
- Wash and clean the burn wound with a wound cleanser
- Avoid occlusive dressings since they can cause infection and allow non-drainage of exudates
- If the fingers are burnt, the dressing should be done to the single fingers to stop the infection from spreading
- While applying dressing on the joints, ensure that there is enough space for motion
Should I cover a burn or leave it open?
Should I dress burns?
For first-degree and second-degree burns, you do not require to cover the burn or blisters unless the clothing or any other object is rubbing against them. If you need to cover a wound, put a clean, dry or loose bandage over it. Do not put any cream on the burn, not unless you are guided to do so by the doctor.
Also the choice on whether or not to bandage a burn will depend upon the condition of the Burned pores and skin and the blister. If the blister has not broken open, there may be no need to bandage the region. However, you ought to do so if it's far likely that the blistered area might become irritated or dirty without a bandage. You have to use a bandage if the blistered skin or blister has broken open.
Use a nonstick dressing if feasible. Wrap the burn loosely with gauze, so you do not place an excessive amount of strain at the burned pores and skin. Do not put tape around your hand, arm, or leg because that can result in swelling. Change the bandage when it becomes grimy or wet. If the bandage is hard to cast off because it's far caught to the burned skin, soak it in heat water.