Blisters on your feet are quite normal but can be agonizing. Read our look through on foot blisters to learn about the causes, preventive measures as well as how to take care of foot blisters.
What causes blisters on bottom of feet?
Causes of blisters on bottom of feet
Whether you are a runner or a frequent hiker or you wear comfortable shoes chances are you have had feet blisters at some point in your lifetime.
Blisters are fluid pockets which develop between layers of skin, forming a bubble from the outer layer of skin. Blisters are the outcome of excess moisture, friction, and high temperatures, and they can be filled with pus or blood. While blisters are uncomfortable and unpleasant, they are a natural bodily response that shields the inners skin tissues from any damage.
Blisters can be caused by various environmental and medical conditions and can form in any body part. However, in this post, we will center on feet blisters. Below are the common causes of feet blisters.
Friction and pressure and can cause feet blisters
A combination of friction and pressure results in a majority of blisters on the feet. When the feet skin is continually rubbed against a shoe, sock, or rough surface, irritation, and bumps frequently occur. The result is painful swelling and redness. Before the blister itself happens, a red sore usually develop. If the sore continues to experience irritation or pressure is put on it, the skin shears. Shearing is when swelling, causing small tears in the skin. The body sends fluids to fill this gap and protect the more delicate, underneath tissue layers. Friction blisters may be painful and tender to touch.
Contact dermatitis feet blisters
Contact dermatitis or skin bumps can occur whenever the skin is exposed to an irritant. If exposure continues, contact dermatitis can form a blister. Various allergens and irritants can also result in enough swelling and pressure to cause blisters. Blisters either form immediately after exposure to the irritant or over time with gradual, low-dose exposure.
Beware that tight shoes and socks can cause feet blisters
Friction from socks and shoes is the most common cause of feet blisters. The rubbing between socks and feet, or shoes and feet make the skin to be worn out and to be vulnerable to blisters.
Blisters on feet from frostbite
Frostbite can cause blisters on the feet and toes. Frostbite happens when the feet are exposed to cold temperatures, where temperatures are about zero degrees. Extreme cold can freeze and kill cells in the skin. When this happens, a blister develops to keep heat in the body. A frostbite blister usually appears immediately. Similar to burn blisters, most people find it challenging to differentiate the symptoms of frostbite blisters from signs of frostbite itself.
Blisters on feet from burns
Feet burns can also cause blisters. For example, if you step on something hot, it is likely that you will form a blister on the spot. When human skin is burned, the body may respond by creating a blister to protect underlying tissue layers from being harmed.
It might take a day or two to develop a blister from mild burns (first-degree burns), such as those resulting from sunburn. With more severe kinds of burns, blisters for immediately. Since burns are caused by very painful conditions, the signs of blisters are not noticed by many people, or they cannot differentiate from those of the burn. Burn blister clear by the time the burn itself heals.
Beware that poor-fitting shoes can cause blister formation in your feet
You also know that not only high heels can cause blisters but also any shoe design that makes your feet uncomfortable or rubs against soft skin.
If you expose your feet to harsh chemicals, blisters could also form
Feet blisters forming as a result of chemical exposure can cause severe discomfort. Chemicals causing blisters include soaps and detergents, bath products and cleaning agents. People’s skin behaves differently to various types of chemical products- a soap causing blisters to your skin may be harmless to someone else.
Blisters can also result from excess moisture of the feet
Blisters thrive in warm, moist conditions. The inner side of a shoe usually is very wet as there are many sweat glands in the feet. Blisters caused by excess damp are common among runners and other athlete’s and during warm and humid seasons.
If you pinch your feet skin in a door or any other surface, a blister may be formed
If a fungus infection invades your feet, it is likely that your feet will develop blisters. Such a disease is expected to spread to other parts of the body.
Blisters on feet from dyshidrotic Eczema
Blisters can also form during the summer season as a result of dyshidrotic Eczema. This type of blister forms at the edges of the toes and feet. But it is a rare case.
Medical conditions causing feet blisters
Any health problem that weakens the outer layer of the skin (epidermis) can make it more vulnerable to blisters. Blisters can also be signs of various contagious diseases and disorders. Common health problems and treatments that might increase the risk of blisters on the feet include:
- Blood-thinning medications
- Most of the antibiotic treatment
- Being obese, which puts increased pressure on the feet
- Chickenpox
- Eczema inclusive of dyshidrotic eczema, which results in small, intensely itchy blisters on the edges of the toes and soles of the feet
- Nerve damage or Diabetic neuropathy can also cause a loss of sensation or pain in the feet.
- Autoimmune health problems such as bullous pemphigus and pemphigoid
- Feet blisters from ruptured blood vessels
When very tiny blood vessels in the outer layer of the skin break, they sometimes leak blood into the tissue layers, causing a blood blister. Blood blisters occur when the skin is crushed or pinched.
How do I stop getting blisters on my feet?
How to prevent blisters on feet?
With proper foot care and some knowledge, there are effective ways to prevent blisters from developing on the feet. Below are tips on how to prevent feet blisters.
1. Always wear comfortable shoes so that you do not rub the skin or cause friction. When you buy shoes, you might want to test them and check their comfortability before going with them out.
2. Wearing clean socks is also essential so that your feet do not become moisty. This will reduce excess moisture on the feet and prevent the risk of future blisters, for workout and jogging buy sport-style socks with additional moisture absorption.
3. Fit moleskin inside shoes. If you have a pump which rubs your feet the wrong way, try placing moleskin inside the shoes to reduce friction.
4. Foot powder is also an effective method to prevent feet blisters formation. Foot powder is known to reduce sweating in the feet and enable feet to glide in and out of shoes more smoothly.
5. Deodorants explicitly designed for the feet can also help reduce friction. You can use the deodorant instead of foot powder-they both work the same. Rub the foot deodorant to your clean and dry feet twice a day.
6. If you are sensitive to soaps, bath products and other chemicals consider using natural products to reduce the risk of blisters forming. Natural products such as aloe vera and almonds are chemical free, unlike cosmetic products. If you suddenly start developing blisters on your feet, think of any new products you started using recently, they might be causing an allergic reaction to your feet.
7. Buy a supportive pair of insoles to help reduce the occurrence of blisters. Insoles are accessible in a pharmacy and supermarkets. Buy thick insoles; they are more favorable than thin insoles.
8. If you notice you have a blister on your feet, stop exercising or walking long distances, taking a rest will speed up the recovery. You may also have to clean your feet thoroughly and remove debris.
How to cure blisters on the bottom of your feet?
Luckily, there are home remedies, which are efficient and cheap and you do not have to see a doctor. However, if a blister gets infected or does not heal with the home treatments, it is essential to see a doctor. But it most cases blisters can treat with the following home remedies.
1. Cover a blister with a bandage or wrap it in gauze to let it heal. It can be hard to keep bandages on the feet due to sweat and wearing shoes. Hydrocolloid dressings are accessible in a pharmacy without a prescription and promote blister healing and pain.
2. Remove bandage or gauze to allow fresh air to reach your blister. This will help in the reduction of moisture on your feet and promote faster healing.
3. Use blister taping to prevent them from occurring if you are a runner or a hiker tape your feet to protect the skin surface from rubbing.
4. Aloe vera is commonly used for sunburns. However, its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties make it great for foot blisters too. Aloe vera can reduce swelling, and aloe vera is known to reduce inflammation. You can buy aloe vera or cut a leaf an aloe plant in your home.
5. Applying an ice pack, wrapped in a thick towel or blanket to the blister can help cure blisters.
6. Raise the infected foot with a chair or pillow can minimize blood flow to the area and reduce inflammation.
7. Keep the area affected by the blister very dry to aid the healing
8. Apply antibiotics ointments or creams gently to the blister and the surrounding skin. You can buy the ointments online or over the counter.
9. You can clean the inflamed area with hydrogen peroxide or apple cider vinegar.
10. After the blister has opened, use a small pair of sterilized scissors or tweezers to get rid of the remaining dead skin.
When to see a doctor because of bottom foot blisters?
You see a doctor if your blister changes colored extremely inflamed or refuses to heal in a few days such these symptoms could signify more severe health conditions such as herpes. A doctor can drain the blister which is infected or persistent or very disabling blisters in the hospital. A doctor uses a sterilized scalpel or needle to take a small sample of the blister contents for testing. Usually, topical or oral antibiotics will be prescribed to treat an existing infection and prevent further infection from occurring.
Should I pop a foot blister?
Should you pop a blister on your feet
If you are trying to pop a blister on your feet to reduce the pain and remove the bulge, you can resist the urge. As discussed in section one, blisters act as shielding barriers and prevent infection. If you pop the blister, you will have removed the shielding barrier, leaving the wound open for bacterias to invade. Such a condition can result in serious health problems.
Tips for runners to avoid bottom feet blisters
1. Wear your socks inside out to reduce friction between shoes, feet, and socks
2. Lubricate the feet liberally then put on a pair of ankle-length nylons
3. Place a large pad on the balls of your feet during races; they can be held by surgical tape long at the edges
4. Rub alcohol on the skin before running