Many people might find dermatitis or eczema challenging to treat. Nevertheless, there are several treatments and home remedies that can reduce dermatitis symptoms inclusive of itching, cracked skin, swelling, and infections.
Dermatitis is a skin problem that affects at least 30% of people in the US, most of whom are children and youths. An individual with dermatitis will experience spots of dry, itchy skin that can bleed, crack, or become infected. This post explores treatments and home remedies for dermatitis, as well as ideas for coping and when to visit a doctor.
Does dermatitis ever go away?
Is there a cure for eczema?
Almost everyone develops itchy skin once in a while. However, when you have a long lasting red and itchy rashes, it could be dermatitis. Better known as eczema, this skin problem is frequently common in children. However, you can develop it at any age. The rashes tend to flare, going away, and coming back again. The rashes can be treated with creams and steroids, but there is presently no cure for the skin problem.
Almost everyone develops itchy skin once in a while. However, when you have a long lasting red and itchy rashes, it could be dermatitis. Better known as eczema, this skin problem is frequently common in children. However, you can develop it at any age. The rashes tend to flare, going away, and coming back again. The rashes can be treated with creams and steroids, but there is presently no cure for the skin problem.
What are the symptoms of eczema?
Most individuals have their first symptoms of eczema before they are five years old. Children may have red, itchy, scaly regions on their cheeks, or their hands and legs. Both children and adults usually develop itchy, red patches on the back of the neck, shoulders and the elbow creases.
Some individuals might have small swellings and flaky skin.The patch can also develop on the face, hand, and forearms. People with eczema develop a thick, dark and scarred skin if they scratch the rash. Eczema itchiness is typically worse at night, mainly when you go to bed. Scratching an eczema rash can result in an infection. Beware that eczema swellings are red can be painful or be filled with pus.
Other signs of eczema include:
- Darkening of the skin around the eyes
- Painful cracked skin that sometimes bleeds
- Scaly and dry skin
- Rashes that bubbles up then discharges clear fluid
- Skin creasing on the palms or under the eye
What causes eczema in babies?
- The exact cause of eczema is unknown. But the disease seems to run in families, so if one of your family members has it, there may be a higher chance that your baby will have it, too.
- Children with eczema sometimes have a family member who has allergies, or asthma. Some specialists think that that increases the chance of getting eczema. Most of the children who get eczema also get asthma or hay fever.
- Living in cold places or highly polluted area might increase the chances of getting eczema, as well.
- Beware that allergies from food do not cause dermatitis. Nevertheless, having dermatitis may indicate an increased risk for food allergies, such as peanuts.
- Eczema is not contagious. You can not get it or spread it to someone else.
What triggers eczema?
Your skin or your baby’s skin might be healthy for a long time. But then something happens and leads to a rash or itchiness. Some of the things that can trigger dermatitis or even make it worse include:
- Using harsh soaps and detergents
- Some fabrics, such as wool or scratchy materials can trigger eczema
- Sprays, perfumes, makeup, and some skin care products may also trigger eczema
- Pollen and mold are also common things that trigger eczema
- Beware that stress and anger can trigger eczema
- Dust or sand
- Various foods such as eggs, wheat, nuts, soy, and dairy products can also trigger eczema.
What is the cure for dermatitis?
How to cure eczema fast?
You can not cure eczema, but most people find that the condition improves as they become older. Remedies aim to help an individual manage the signs of eczema. Eczema remedies are categorized into two:
- Anti Inflammatories to minimize bumps, itching, and redness
- Moistures to relieve itching and dryness
Generally, people apply moisturizer and anti-inflammatories directly to the affected area as cream or ointments. There are anti-inflammatories tablets. The list below describes some medical interventions for dermatitis.
Eczema medications
A physician might prescribe a medicated ointment or oral treatment to hydrate the skin, minimize itching, and relieve swelling. Eczema medications include:
- To relieve itching and to swell a doctor can prescribe corticosteroid creams.
- The doctor may also prescribe corticosteroid tablets to relieve eczema itching and inflammation for a short while.
- Topical calcineurin inhibitors are also used to suppress swelling and reduce eczema signs.
- Some doctors prescribe antihistamines to reduce the severe itching that eczema causes.
- You can buy milder steroids, such as hydrocortisone, at the drugstore without a prescription to cure eczema.
Wet-wrap therapy for eczema
Study shows that wet-wrap therapy can help control eczema signs by increasing the moisture of a human’s skin. After taking a shower and moisturizing, wrap wet strips around the areas affected by eczema. This will help keep the skin hydrated and increases the reaction of medical cream and moisturizers. Never use wet wraps over prescribed corticosteroid creams not unless a doctor has directed this. Put a dry layer over the wet layer to stop it from drying out. Individuals allow the wraps to rest for some hours or overnight.
Phototherapy for eczema
Individuals with chronic eczema may benefit from ultraviolet light therapy. About 70 percent of people with dermatitis manage to control their signs after undergoing phototherapy. The UV light is shone on the entire body or the affected regions only. The UV light helps to reduce itchiness and swelling and enables the body to generate vitamin D. It might also help the skin to fight the bacteria and prevent infection.
What is a home remedy for dermatitis?

Home remedies for eczema
Many home treatments can help relieve the signs of dermatitis even though people should discuss with a doctor to figure out which treatment is the best course to treat their symptoms. Here are home remedies which can help reduce the signs of dermatitis; You can either use a natural moisturizer or a foot bath to treat dermatitis at home.
Natural moisturizers to treat eczema at home
Some natural products can help seal in moisture and relieve eczema itchiness. Conventional home treatments that have proved to be effective over time on eczema rashes include:
- Apply coconut oil to the affected area to moisturize the area and reduce bacteria. Apply it once or twice a day on wet skin.
- Sunflower oil can also help control inflammation resulting from dermatitis and improve the protective skin layer. Apply sunflower oil to eczema rashes two times in a day.
- Cardiospermum oil can also be used to treat eczema. Cardiospermum is a plant extract which can minimize swelling, itchiness, and bacteria on the skin.
Treating atopic dermatitis at home with baths
Bathing daily is significant for eczema as it makes the skin hydrated and prevents infection. You can try the following baths for eczema.
Apple cider vinegar soak for eczema
There are many reported benefits of apple cider vinegar to the skin which include improving symptoms of eczema. Apple cider vinegar can help restore skin’s acidity level, which allows it to protect against bacterial infection. People use apple cider vinegar topically to cure eczema in various ways. For example by:
Adding apple cider vinegar to a warm bath to treat eczema
Put two cups of apple cider vinegar to a warm bath, immerse the affected area for about fifteen minutes, and wash the area with cold water.
Using apple cider vinegar in a wet body wrap to treat eczema
Put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water. Submerge a clean cotton fabric or a towel in the mixture. Wrap cotton fabric around the region affected by eczema.
Apply apple cider vinegar as a hair mask to treat eczema
Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a quarter cup of sunflower oil. Smear it to the scalp right after bathing. Apple cider vinegar may act as a protective barrier for the skin and enhance its moisture retention.
Baking soda bath to treat eczema
Eczema makes the skin dry, itchy, and inflamed rashes develop on the body. These regions may be itchy that an individual scratches and breaks the skin, leaving it prone to infection and making signs worse.
Baking soda can help prevent eczema flare-ups or minimize signs in some people. Mix a quarter of baking soda to a half cup of a warm bath and soothe itchy skin. It is essential to keep the skin dry and moisturized immediately after the shower.
Oatmeal bath to treat eczema
The idea of an oatmeal bath might make you think of bathtub full of warm breakfast food. An oatmeal bath does not include oatmeal and warm water, but the oatmeal used for eczema is colloidal oatmeal. It is suspended in water and does not sink to the bottom. Colloidal oatmeal can protect skin and soothe the itching and irritation from eczema.
How to prepare an oatmeal bath for eczema?
1. Start running warm water in a clean bathtub. The water should be warm as hot water can aggravate swollen skin and remove moisture from your skin.
2. Add about a cup of colloidal oatmeal under the running tap to aid mix it in with the bathwater.
3. As you keep adding the tub, combine the oatmeal using your hand.
4. After the water has reached the right level, it should feel milky and silky on your skin.
5. Often people soak eczema for about ten minutes to relieve the itch. However, it is essential to follow the directions on the package of colloidal oatmeal or ask your physician for a recommendation.
6. Do not soak eczema area for too long in oatmeal, as it can dry out your skin and aggravate itch.
7. Once done with the bath, the skin might feel sticky, rinse it off with warm water. Do not dry yourself as rubbing might irritate; instead, pat it dry.
8. Apply a natural moisturizer such as coconut within five minutes of finishing your bath.
Diet for eczema
- Together with the treatment take omega-3 fatty acids. These supplements boost the immune system and help prevent flare-ups of eczema sign.
- Vitamin D supplements can also help prevent flare-ups.
- Take probiotics regularly to prevent eczema.
Eczema Treatment for Babies
Babies may make eczema worse, as they can find it more challenging to avoid scratching. Treatment for eczema in children and infants is the same as that of adults, with the focus being on the use of moisturizer creams and ointments and anti-inflammatories that minimize the urge to scratch.
Make sure that a baby’s room is not too warm at night as sweat can make the signs of eczema worse. Treating children with eczema can be challenging and can take time. If a child is old enough speaking to them about the challenges of treating eczema and developing strategies to make the procedure easier might help them ease into regular treatment routines.
Even though there is no cure for eczema, most children who have eczema will outgrow it as they grow older. Eczema disappears in ten years in most children.
When to see a doctor because of atopic dermatitis?
An individual can frequently manage their eczema at home by using over-the-counter treatments and avoiding triggers. But, a person might need to see a doctor if complications develop. Common complications of eczema include; bacterial, fungal, and viral skin infections. This results from lack of proteins to fight these infections. It is worth noting that bacterial infections can make the signs of eczema severe.
If you have eczema, you may be more vulnerable to fungal infections, such as yeast infections. You also have high chances of getting viral infections, such as eczema herpeticum. Eczema herpeticum occurs if a person with dermatitis comes into contact with herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores.
If you have eczema look out for the following symptoms of skin infection and see a doctor if you identify any of the signs.
- If your temperature rises
- Symptoms of flu
- Weeping areas of the skin
- If eczema suddenly becomes worse