Not many people know that they can use mustard for burns, heartburns or even sunburns. How does this herbal treatment work and what benefits does it offer? And is yellow mustard the best burn remedy? Read this article to find out how to use mustard and the products to combine with it to treat a burn.
Is yellow mustard good for a burn?
Why does mustard work on burns?
Mustard is one of the urn remedies which are hardly known. Medical research has affirmed that yellow mustard is an effective agent against minor burns. People who have used mustard to treat burns have also reviewed the product positively online. However, some doctors have not endorsed the home remedy and recommend caution when trying out the method.
Generally mustard has an isothiocyanate compound, which is a strong anti-irritant. The compound makes mustard relieve the pain by producing lesser pain. Besides that mustard encourages vasodilation (enlarging blood vessels), thus increasing the blood flow to the underlying tissue.
What are the benefits of using mustard for burns?
Several benefits come with using mustard for burns. These include:
- Mustard gives a skin a healthier glow and smooth look; Spread a layer of mustard on the affected area. The softer the mustard, the better the results, that is why yellow mustard is mostly preferred. Rinse it off after some time.
- Mustard provides muscle relaxation; mustard increases the treatment effects of the salts and thus providing your muscles with relief from pain.
Mustard for burns -how to use it?
Step 1: Put the affected area into cool running water as this helps to relieve the pain and prevents the burn from progressing.
Step 2: Apply a layer of mustard oil over the burnt area; the pain should start disappearing immediately.
Step 3: Make sure you wrap a bandage loosely to the burnt area and then allow it to rest for about twelve hours.
Step 4: Rinse off any excess mustard gently
Step 5: Reap the treatment for several days to prevent any scarring and discomfort from occurring.
Is yellow mustard the best to treat burns?
There are many types of mustard that have therapeutic properties. There is yellow, brown and black mustard. For burns, yellow is mostly preferred.
Is mustard good for sunburns?

Does mustard help sunburns?
In ancient times, mustard was indeed used to heal sunburns. People thought it removed heat from the affected area. To use mustard to treat sunburn, rub it on the affected area and let it dry. Then remove it with a piece of soft cotton cloth.
Side effects of mustard on burns
Mustard functions differently from one person to another. There are some cases where some individuals get irritation very fast while other times the irritation will take time.
How do I stop a burn from stinging?
How do you get the sting out of a burn?
There are many ways that we get burnt, from touching a hot pan to laying out in the sun and splashing chemicals. Third-degree burns are severe and need medical care. First and some second-degree burns can be treated at home, depending on size and location. Below are phases of how to get the sting out of a burn at home.
Determine the severity of a burn
Look for symptoms of a first-degree burn. A first-degree burn is painful and will leave a red color on the epidermis. However, despite the stinging redness, there is no blistering. Note that the skin will remain dry and intact. Often a first-degree burn typically results from the thermal burn, hot oil splatter, touching a hot object or sunburn.
Check for blistering in a superficial second-degree burn. A second-degree burn appears with redness just like the first-degree burn. Unlike the first degree, second-degree burn affects the dermis comes with blistering. You should not be worried about pain and bleeding since they suggest that there is no significant damage to nerves or blood vessels.
Assess a second degree burn for signs to need medical care. A deep second-degree burn requires medical attention. Check for sports of pale skin interspersed between the blisters. If the blisters bleed easily and ooze, have it treated immediately as it can quickly become third-degree burn.
- Also, visit a doctor if you are not sure what level of burn it is
- If you have diabetes or a compromised immune system
- If the burn results from a chemical such as Drano
Take note of the size of the burn; A burn that affects ten to fifteen percent of your skin requires medical attention. Also take note of dehydration such as feeling thirsty, dizzy or having trouble urinating and inform your doctor.Seek medical care if necessary. The following conditions require medical help:
- Third-degree burns
- Burns on the hands, buttocks, face, feet, and groin
- If you are having difficulty breathing or you feel the airway is blocked
- Dealing with a chemical or electrical burn
Soaking and rinsing off burns
If a chemical gets into the eyes, rinse it off with water for about five minutes to prevent burning. Then see a doctor for an assessment. If you wear contacts remove them before rinsing off the eyes.
Soak chemical or thermal burns in cool water. Chemicals strong enough to burn the skin and can keep on working their way into deeper layers if left untreated. Thus, all chemical burns require medical attention.But, while waiting to visit a doctor, the best thing you can do is hold the burn under cool, not cold, running water or soak it in a water bath. The same case goes for thermal burns. You can refill a warm bathtub with cold water or use ice cubes to keep the temperatures low. Ensure that all the burned skin is immersed in water or it is underflow of running cold water.
Minimize burn pain with medication
Do not apply any burn medication for the first 24 hours. Ointments cover the burn and could prevent healing if you apply them too soon. For second-degree burn use bacitracin ointment to prevent infection as you wait to get medical treatment.
Take over the counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or naproxen will help relieve pain and swelling from the burn.
Find over the counter benzocaine products such as Chiggerex, Mandalay and Solarcaine. These products are available in wide applications such as cream, spray, liquid, and gel — Benzocaine products numb nerve endings in the skin, offering relief from burn pain.
Take the sting away with natural remedies
While one might prefer the idea of home or natural remedies, most of these methods are untested, and thus some of these medications can be risky. If you choose to use home remedy cool and clean the wound first.
- You can use mustard as discussed in the previous section
- Apply aloe to mild burns and sunburns. The chemicals in aloe vera minimize pain and swelling. They typically encourage faster healing and the growth of new skin. Treat the burn with aloe lotion several times a day, as necessary. Do not apply aloe vera on an open wound
- Sting out a burn with wort cream products; Similar to an aloe plant, St John's wort has anti-inflammatory properties. But it can be challenging to find St John's wort, look for the plant online, or on drug stores.
- Use honey to treat minor burns. Honey has an antibacterial value that enhances faster healing in a wide variety of injuries. Do not apply honey to damaged skin, or burns that are worse than first-degree burns.The only exception in a place where there is no medical facility. If you cannot get to treatment faster, use honey on the burn to help prevent infection as you wait to get treatment.
Vinegar for burns
There are various ways you can use apple cider vinegar to help cure minor burns at home. Even though most approaches recommend diluting the acid before applying it to the skin, there is no reliable evidence that provides a specific ratio of how to mix water and apple cider vinegar. Make sure the vinegar is well diluted since high concentrations can result in a burning sensation. Some approaches you can try include but are not limited to:
- Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and water and use it to spray the burned skin. Do this three times a day until the burn is healed.
- Alternatively, you can Dip a washcloth in vinegar, wring the cloth out, and pat it gently on the affected areas. You will have to do the process in the morning and evening.
- You can also take a cool bath with diluted apple cider vinegar. Follow to following steps to make a bath
Fill a basin with one cup of apple cider vinegar
1. Add two cups of warm water
2. Keep adding one part of vinegar to one part of water until the basin is full
3. Soak the affected area for about twenty minutes
4. You will have to repeat the process daily until the blister or burn disappear.
The kind of vinegar a person uses is not likely to make a significant difference in the effectiveness of the soak. Nevertheless, it may be better to avoid herbal or fruit vinegar as they contain additional ingredients.
It is worth noting that Apple cider vinegar can cause its burns. Even though the acid popular for benefits such as facial toner, hair clarifier, acne treatment, wart reducer and some antimicrobial benefits, undiluted apple cider vinegar has been known to cause its burns, so make sure it’s properly diluted.