Lemons are juicy and sour fruits in citric acid and vitamin C which not only can give a delicious flavor to our dishes but are also an essential remedy for removing scars and providing your skin with a glowing radiance.Lemons can be used topically, or you can drink their juice daily to fade dark spots and remove acne. The vitamin C component in lemon has collagen formation properties which provide the skin with tensile strength and also fasten healing mechanisms in your body so that you can deal with acne and dark spots.
Flawless skin is very alluring but can be equally hard to achieve. Our lifestyles, diets, and exposure to the sun’s UV rays, harsh chemicals, and pollution can cause damage to our skin resulting in numerous skin troubles. One of them is dark spots that might be difficult to get rid of. Age, sun, acne spots or spots from chicken pox, whatever the cause, no one wants to have spots littered all over their skin. Here are some of the ways which will help you get maximum benefits from lemon juice and finally get rid of dark spots.
What causes these dark spots?
Understanding what causes these skin blemishes
Hyperpigmentation, commonly known as dark spots is a common skin ailment. Extreme exposure to the sun, pollution, and harsh chemicals can destroy your skin and result in dark spots that may be challenging to treat. You might have also tried using creams and lotions to make your skin glow, which resulted in dark spots. If you have dark spots and you are looking for a natural treatment to get rid of the dark spots without harming your skin, use lemon juice. In case you would want to know more, keep reading this article.
Human skin generates a pigment known as melanin that gives the skin its color. In some circumstances this pigment is produced in excess, resulting in pigmentation and dark spots. The common cause of this overproduction being exposure to harmful sunlight. Hormonal imbalance, mineral or vitamin deficiency, and stress can also cause dark spots formation. Sometimes even the medicine you are taking can cause these spots to be visible. But before trying out cures visit a doctor to make sure none have developed into melanomas.
Is Lemon Juice helpful in removing Dark Spots?
Lemon juice has the same bleaching attributes as other over the counter products. Its natural acidity makes it an organic bleaching agent, which, with prolonged use, can slowly reduce the appearance of dark brown spots. It breaks down the melanin pigmentation and also controls its overproduction.The lemon lightens and brightens the skin and acts as an astringent and removes excess oils and dirt from the skin. This astringent factor tones the skin and also acts as an antiseptic agent.
Dark spot lemon remedies
Ways to use lemon to remedy dark spots
If the store-bought fixes just aren't for you then simply DIY and try these lemon juice mixtures instead. Given below are the some of the best home remedies using lemon juice that you can try if you are irritated by dark spots that refuse to go away.
Plain Lemon Juice
The easiest way to use lemon to remove dark spots is to apply the juice straight to your spots. If your skin is fairly tough, you do not need to dilute the juice. Use it at bedtime so that you can leave it on your skin and let it work its magic overnight.
Pour some fresh lemon juice into a small bowl. Using a cotton swab, apply the juice on your dark spots and leave it on overnight. Clean your face with a mild face cleanser the next morning. Apply a light moisturizing cream, or sunscreen if you’ll be going outside. You can chill the remaining lemon juice for up to 5 days. Use it once every day until your dark spots are reduced which can take 1 to 2 months to see notable improvement, depending on the degree of your hyperpigmentation.
Lemon Juice And Baking For Dark Spots
The baking soda exfoliates the top, dead layer of the skin on the spots that have darkened and reveals the lighter skin present below it.Gather 1 teaspoon baking soda and some lemon juice. Add the lemon juice to the baking soda powder and mix to get a paste. Apply this paste on the dark spots and leave it on for 3-4 minutes and then wash your face. Do this daily.
Lemon & Plain Water or Rose Water For Dark Spots
For sensitive skin, dilute the juice with some rose water (or plain water) before using it. The rose water works as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce skin irritation as well as cleansing your skin.
- Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon
- Rose water – 1 tablespoon
Mix up 1 tablespoon each of fresh lemon juice and rose water. Using a cotton swab, dab the solution on your dark spots and leave it on for 6 to 8 hours, preferably at night. Then in the morning, wash your face with a face wash and pat it dry. Follow up with a light moisturizer. You can use it once daily for 1 to 2 months.
Lemon & Honey For Dark Spots
Another great way to eliminate dark spots with lemon juice is by mixing it with honey. The blend is especially useful for treating acne and acne-related scars and spots. The lemon reduces the natural oils of your skin and melanin production. Honey helps hydrate your skin making it soft and supple and forms an antibacterial layer on your skin to reduce breakouts.
- Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
- Honey – 1 tablespoon
Mix lemon juice and honey and apply the blend on the spots daily using a swab of cotton, apply the lemon-honey-blend on the affected patches. Leave it on for roughly thirty minutes and then rinse it off with water. Repeat for 2 to 3 months to reduce dark spots and get glowing skin.
Turmeric And Lemon Juice For Dark Spots
The turmeric enhances the complexion and brightens it. This herb has depigmenting properties that even out the skin tone.
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon milk
Mix the ingredients into a thin paste. Use this paste onto the affected area and let it dry, about 10 minutes. Wash your face with lukewarm water. Use this twice or thrice a week.
Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice For Dark Spots
The antioxidants in coconut oil reduce the harm caused by sun and pollution and help easily shed off dark, pigmented skin. The oil also moisturizes the skin and hydrates it.
- 2-3 drops coconut oil
- 2-3 drops lemon juice
Mix the ingredients and massage the affected area with this mixture. Let it sit for 20-25 minutes. You can rinse it off with some warm water or use a soft napkin dipped in warm water to wipe it off. Repeat this once every day.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and Lemon Juice For Dark Spots
ACV contains mild acids that help exfoliate the skin and lighten pigmented areas.
- 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon water
- Cotton ball
Mix the ACV and lemon juice with the water. Dip the cotton ball in and apply it to the blemishes. Leave it on for about 8 to10 minutes and then rinse it off. Do this a few times weekly until the dark spots fade away.
Parsley And Lemon Juice For Dark Spots
It packs a double punch as parsley lightens the dark spots and evens out the skin tone, helping lemon in its dark spot lightening role.
- 1 cup chopped parsley
- 2 cups water
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- Cotton ball
Add the chopped parsley in a teapot with the said amount of water. Boil for 15 minutes and strain the infusion of parsley and add lemon juice to it. Let the liquid cool. Apply it onto the spots using a cotton ball and leave it on for about half an hour and rinse with plain water. Refrigerate the leftover parsley and lemon juice infusion. Apply it daily on your face to lighten the brown or dark spots.
Cucumber And Lemon Juice For Dark Spots
Cucumber acts as a mild bleaching agent that brightens and lightens the skin tone. It also rejuvenates the skin and gives it a youthful appearance.
- 1 tablespoon cucumber juice
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon honey
Extract fresh cucumber juice and add lemon juice and honey to it. Mix well. Use it and let it sit for 10 minutes. Wash it off with water. Apply it one or two times daily to get quick results.
Olive Oil And Lemon Juice For Dark Spots
Applying yogurt on top of the lemon juice will help to cleanse the skin thoroughly with the natural enzymes found in yogurt. It also improves skin texture and balances the skin’s natural oil production.
- 1/2 teaspoon olive oil
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
Stir the oil with the lemon juice and apply on the dark spots. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off with water. Repeat this twice a day.
Yogurt And Lemon Juice For Dark Spots
While the lemon juice lightens the pigmented spots on your skin, olive oil moisturizes it with the fatty acids it contains.
- Lemon juice
- Yogurt (plain)
Apply lemon juice on the dark spots and let it dry. On top of the dried up lemon juice, apply yogurt to cover the dark spots. Leave the yogurt on for 10 minutes and then wash it off. Do this once daily, and you will see results in just a few days.
Tomato Juice And Lemon Juice For Dark Spots
The active compounds found in tomato juice exert an anti-tyrosinase activity, which means that they inhibit melanin production. Tomato also contains antioxidants like lycopene and beta-carotene that protect the skin from sun damage.
- 1 teaspoon of tomato juice
- 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
Mix the two juices and apply the mixture on the dark spots and leave this on for 10 minutes. Wash it off and pat dry. Apply a suitable moisturizer. Do this once daily.
Lemon & Aloe Vera Gel For Dark Spots
While the lemon juice reduces melanin and lightens skin tone, the aloe vera helps repair damage to the skin. It also boosts the generation of fibroblast cells in the skin to renew the damaged skin with fresh skin cells. Aloe vera also hydrates the skin and reduces sun damage.
- Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon
- Aloe vera gel – 1 tablespoon
Put a tablespoon of aloe vera gel in a bowl and add a tablespoon of freshly extracted lemon juice to it. Mix the two well and using a swab of cotton to apply the blend to your face. Leave it for around 10 minutes, then clean it off with plain water. Apply a light moisturizer after. Repeat this once every day for some months to get rid of dark spots for good.
Lemon & Oatmeal For Dark Spots
Lemon can be mixed with oatmeal to scrub off dead skin cells, revealing a new skin layer thus reducing any dark spots. The saponins in the oatmeal are natural skin cleanser. Both these ingredients help exfoliate the top layer of your skin, while the lemon additionally works as a bleaching agent.
- Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons
- Ground oatmeal – 2 tablespoons
Pour 2 tablespoons each of ground oatmeal and fresh lemon juice into a container. Let it sit for about 2 - 3 minutes. This lets the oatmeal soak up the lemon juice and soften. Pick up some of the oatmeal on a cotton swab and apply it on your dark spots. Leave it on for half an hour. Then massage gently on the spots, then rinse it off. Use it once daily for your dark spots and enjoy smoother skin.
Tips to keep in mind while using Lemon Juice for Dark Spots
- Lemon can cause your skin to be photosensitive. Avoid going into the sun for at least 6 to 8 hours after using any of the above remedies.
- Always wear some sunscreen when out in the sun to protect your skin from UV damage.
- Exfoliate weekly to maintain healthy and clean skin.
- Remove all makeup and clean your face before going to bed.
- Shun using a harsh face wash to wash your face.
- Ensure you drink plenty of water daily and add fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
- This will provide your body with essential minerals and vitamins needed and will also give a natural glow to your face.
- If you’re using medication for a health or skin condition, ask your doctor before using any of the above mentioned lemon-based remedies to be sure they won’t interfere with your treatment.
Keep these simple pointers in mind and go ahead with your in-house treatment for dark spots using lemon juice. Regardless of recipe you choose, if you commit and stay dedicated and consistent in your application, you will start to notice your dark spots fading in no time.