
Does honey help burns?

There are no doubts about the healing powers of honey; in fact, it is even considered supernatural by some cultures. And why not? Considering the numerous benefits of this thick liquid, it is not hard to understand why a lot of people, of the ancient and of the modern store it in their houses.

Apart from its delicious taste, honey can be used to treat many different conditions. All these thanks to the rich minerals and vitamins in honey including vitamin A all the way to vitamin E, iron, magnesium, calcium, antibacterial properties and many more. With all the diseases and skin conditions honey can soothe, you are left to wonder if honey can work on burns, can it soothe a burn wound as well? Surprise surprise, honey can help with burns! Let us look at how honey can be beneficial to a burn wound and what other burn treatments and remedies you can use.

Why use honey for burns?

Should you choose honey as your go-to burn remedy as home

Among your considerations when picking a household remedy for wounds is the effectiveness of the remedy and how readily available or costly it is. When it comes to honey, it ticks all the boxes.

Reason why honey is very effective when it comes to healing wounds

How to use honey for burns?

Treating burn wounds with manuka honey

For treating burn wounds Manuka honey is the one preferred, it is the medicinal honey. Dabur honey can also be used as an alternative is manuka cannot be found, it works too. Honey is also best effective on minor burns, for severe burns visit the hospital for professional care.

Use honey as a home remedy for burn wounds

Honey or cool compress? Which is better for burn wounds?

Honey has been proved, scientifically, to be an efficient remedy for minor burns. It is a decent choice, as medical doctors put it, but they still prefer a cool compress. It is fasters, less complicated, and just better than using honey. All you do is put the burn wound in cool running water for about 15minutes and then cover it with a sterile nonsticky bandage.

Apart from honey, which other home remedy works for burns?

How do you treat a burn at home?

So we have shown you the effectiveness of honey on burn wounds. What if you don’t have honey around, what other home remedies can you use to heal and treat minor burns at home? Here are some alternatives for your wound.

Run cool water on the burn

First-degree and second-degree burns can be soothed with cool water. The water can also prevent additional injury from the burn. This is usually the first step, even before you use that honey.

Relieve the pain with a cool compress, recommended more than honey

Medical doctors prefer a cool compress than even honey itself. This is simply a wet piece of cloth kept on top of the burn. The compress will do well to relieve the pain and swelling. Apply it on the intervals of 5 to 15 minutes. Remember it is a cool compress, not a cold compress, make sure the water is not extremely cold as it can further irritate the burn.

Allowing cool water to run on the burn for 20 minutes will not only cool the skin but also relieve the pain and prevent the burn from getting deeper and affecting other layers of the skin.

Properly clean the burn, you can do this before using the honey

Cleaning the burn with a gentle antibacterial soap is essential. This will prevent infection. An infected burn can be a complication and will require medical care.

Use some antibiotics on your burn

Antibiotic ointments and creams can be used on burns with open blisters. These ointments help prevent infection in the open wound and also accelerates the healing process.

Can vinegar help with a burn?

The acetic acid found in vinegar can relieve pain, inflammation, and itchiness from a burn. It will also protect the burn from infection as it has astringent and antiseptic properties. It is a component of aspirin. Alternatively, you can make a vinegar compress. This will draw out the heat reducing the pain in the burn.

Using oats to treat a burn

When it comes to itchy burns, using oats can be very beneficial. Oats will soothe the skin and help reduce inflammation. Considering the negative effects of scratching a burn, you should try this.

Soak in an oat bath for 20 minutes. To prepare the oat bath, mix some oats in the bath water. You can add some baking soda as well; it will help with the inflammation. For smaller irritations, soak the area in a bowl of similar mixture. After you are done, do not dry with a towel, it will remove the remaining thin layer of oats. Let it dry on its own.

Vanilla extracts for minor burns

There are some recommendations that suggest using vanilla extracts to relieve the pain. The idea is that the evaporating alcohol in vanilla will soothe the burn and cool it. This will reduce the pain. Simply dab some vanilla on the would using a cotton ball.

Aloe vera has the potential of treating burns

A lot of products and creams meant for burns have aloe vera as part of their ingredients. This is because of its antibacterial, pro circulation, and anti-inflammatory properties. Pure aloe vera will stop the pain, swelling, and inflammation. It will also play a part in promoting the growth and repair of the skin.

Relieve the pain with some over-the-counter medications

Getting burned is a painful affair, whatever the degree. All through the healing process, the burn can be a great source of discomfort. Take some pain medication that will reduce the swelling and relieve pain. Try ibuprofen which works as an anti-inflammatory medication and a pain reliever.

Do not pop burn blisters

Popping away those fluid-filled sacks resulting from burns can be very tempting. This will, however, lead to an infection, especially if the person popping it is not a doctor. You can let the burn blister be or visit a pro.

Some burns may need bandages

Burns that are in areas that can easily get dirt or rub with other parts need to be bandaged. This will reduce the risk of a fracture and hence infection. The same applies to blisters that are oozing. It is important not to ties the bandage too tight. And also, the stick part of the bandage should not touch the actual wound. In most cases, however, the minor burns and burn blisters do not require a bandage.

Keep the burn shaded from direct sunlight

Try to avoid the sun when healing from a burn. This will prevent the risk of worsening the burn and also reduce the pain. If you cannot stay away from the sun altogether, wear loose clothes that cover the area.

Using black tea bags to treat a burn

The tannic acid in black tea can be useful in extracting heat from a burn thereby cooling it off and relieving pain. Simply place a couple of wet black tea bags on the wound and let them draw the heat.

Using milk to treat a burn

Milk can potentially soothe burn wounds. The proteins and fat in milk will promote healing and relieve the pain. Simply deep the burn in milk and leave it for 15 minutes. Whole milk, full-fat, and yogurt can all work the same way.

Using vitamin C and vitamin E to treat a burn

Vitamin C plays a part in the synthesis of collagen thereby promoting the healing of wounds. Vitamin E, on the other hand, is an antioxidant, which means it can as well help with skin repair. Eating foods rich in such vitamins will help speed up the healing of burns.

First aid for burns

Treating the different categories of burns

First aid for all types of burns

Whatever the category of burn you are facing, you should take the following steps:

Stop the burning
Remove constrictive clothing

Burns swell really first. Therefore, you should take off anything tight. This includes belts, jewelry, and any tight fitting clothes. The steps that follow next will depend on the degree of burn.

How do you heal a first-degree burn fast?

Cool the burn

For a first-degree burn, you should first cool it. Do this by either using a cool compress, i.e., a clean wet towel, or by running cool water over the burn. You can also immerse the burn in cool water. The key thing here is cool water, not cold water.

Protect the burn

Cover the burn with some clean cloth or a bandage that is not sticky, or if it is sticky, the sticky part should not touch the wound. To avoid infection, make sure the cloth is sterile and do not apply things on the wound that can lead to infection.

Treat the pain

This burn may not be severe, but it is still painful. You would need some over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen to relieve some of the pain.

Should you seek medical help for a first-degree burn?

This minor burn rarely requires medical intervention. However, visit a doctor if:

How do you heal a second-degree burn fast?

Cool the burn - Put it in cool water for 15 minutes. You can also use cool running water or cool compress. Do not puncture the blister or use ice.

Protect the burn - Use a sterile, nonstick bandage to loosely cover the burn.

Prevent shock - To prevent shock:

If this is painful, or the person has a head, leg, or neck injury then do not do it.

Visit a doctor - Some second-degree burns do not require a medical professional. However, the doctor can diagnose the damage, prescribe medications and possibly administer a tetanus shot.

How do you heal a third-degree burn fast?

Call 911 and seek immediate medical attention - As a medical emergency, call for immediate help.

Protect the burn area - Use a sterile sheet to cover large burn areas. If the fingers and toes are burned, use a dry sterile dressing to separate the burned fingers from the rest. Do not soak in water.

Prevent shock - To prevent shock:

If this is painful, or the person has a head, leg, or neck injury then do not do it. A pillow should not be kept under the head of a victim with an airway burn. This could lead to blockage of the airway. A person with a facial burn should sit upright. The doctor will then give oxygen and treat the burn.

Conclusion on using honey for burn wounds

Honey, our trusty old friend, is a good remedy for many things and yet again it proves its usefulness when it comes to healing burn wounds. This home remedy is very effective and pocket-friendly. With the right use of honey, you burn wound will be healed like magic.

There are also other home remedies apart from honey that works just fine. And if you prefer the visit to the doctor, they have their treatments as well. But if your burn is severe, or if you feel there is an infection, visiting the doctor no longer becomes an option because now you have to.

How to tighten skin?

To make our skin tighter, eat healthily, exfoliate your skin, limit UV exposure, and use

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