Coconut oil can clog skin pores in some people, particularly in those with big pores on their face, who frequently suffer from pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads, as well as those with naturally oily skin. Coconut oil is extremely comedogenic, which means it can clog pores. Thus it may actually make acne worse for some people. However, even for people with such skin types, coconut oil can be useful when used correctly to get rid of acne, moisturize the face and clear up inflamed skin and prevent other skin infections and irritation.
Coconut oil for skin
Using coconut oil in skincare
While coconut oil is the latest trend because it is full of good essential fatty acids and antioxidants. These fats are useful orally for increasing our 'good' cholesterol. However, the antioxidant benefits of topically applying coconut oil are often masked by its ability to clog skin pores. Some recommend using extra-virgin coconut oil as it is the more purified form. Unfortunately, this has the highest potential for blocking the pores. Even processed (fractionated) oil may clog the pores. It's crucial to remember that even those with oily skin need proper moisturizers, but probably not coconut oil.
Coconut oils don't hydrate
Oils don't hydrate the skin, moisturizers do. Any product that hydrates must have a water component. Coconut oil could be helpful for people with eczema, acne, or apoptotic dermatitis. Because it's antimicrobial, coconut oil protects the skin from Staph bacteria, which has been linked to eczema. The same antimicrobial properties also help protect the skin from an overgrowth of P. acnes, which plays a significant role in some cases of acne. It also helps with transepidermal water loss in patients with apoptotic dermatitis, a chronic condition characterized primarily by the skin's inability to absorb moisture properly.
Coconut oils is high on the comedogenic scale
Comedogenic refers to the pore-clogging nature of a substance. Typically in skincare, you look for non-comedogenic ingredients. While the improved barrier function and the antibacterial properties of virgin coconut oil would seem to make it a great choice for cleansing or a moisturizer for many with acne, it does cause breakouts in some but not all patients.
Try fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil if you have acne breakouts
Fractionated coconut oil has been minimally processed, it's steamed, and the longer-chain fatty acids, including lauric acid, which is irritating to some skin types, are removed, leaving the medium-chain fats behind. This is how it stays liquid at room temperature. Compared to raw coconut oil, which can feel oddly greasy and dry on the skin, fractionated coconut oil soaks in quickly and does not leave an oily feeling on the surface of the skin. Give it two weeks, which is enough time for your skin to adjust to something new. If it fails, try jojoba oil as it does not cause breakouts.
Coconut Oil and Skincare
Using coconut oil in skincare routines
People use coconut oil to help their skin because of its high levels of beneficial fatty acids, vitamins, nutrients, antioxidant compounds, and minerals. This oil is primarily made of medium-chain fatty acids, namely lauric, capric and caprylic acids, all of which can enter the skin with natural antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects. Together with vitamin E and K as well as other antioxidants and nutrients that stimulate blood flow, support the regrowth of new cells, guard against oxidative stress, stimulate collagen cross-linking, and improve the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and blemishes on the skin.
Acne develops when the pores become clogged by dead skin cells and oil, preventing the release of sebum from sebaceous gland attached to every pore. When excessive amounts of sebum block them, Propionibacterium acne begins to develop. Your immune system identifies this bacterium in the hair follicle and sends white blood cells, causing an inflammatory response, showing as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and the red, blotchy symptoms of acne on the face.
Does Coconut Oil Clog Pores?
Coconut oil can clog the skin pores, but if you use it wisely, mixed with other face-cleansing methods, the long-term benefits will be worth the short-term struggle with acne and oily skin. As you may know, not all carrier oils are designed equal; similarly, some fats are good, and others are bad. When it comes to your pores, if you are suffering from whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples, coconut oil can help clear up your problem. What helps is exfoliating your skin first, and attempting to clear off as much oil as you can before applying this beneficial oil to the same area of skin.
However, coconut oil is considered a comedogenic product. This means it can cause blackheads by blocking the pores of the skin. When you use it, you're applying an oil to your skin in addition to the bacteria and dead skin cells; the oil essentially aids in blocking the pore. Coconut oil is one of viscous oils, and this makes it harder to get sufficiently absorbed by your skin, so it essentially lays on top of the dermis and forms a film over the pores. The bacteria and dead skin cells will then fester and cause your body to produce excess sebum, which can result in acne.
With coconut oil, specific skin types come into play as each person's skin can react differently. But if you don't constantly fight acne, your skin might not be as sensitive to the oil, and it could have a beneficial moisturizing effect. Most of it is used at room temperature, which can make a huge difference in your skin. If you have issues with clogged pores, acne, or enlarged pores, it is recommended that you do not use coconut oil. Coconut oil is sold at room temperature so putting it right on your face with the above problems will lead to even more breakouts.
How exactly does coconut oil clog your pores?
Coconut oil can clog pores, but if you use this oil wisely, combined with other face-cleansing techniques, the long-term advantages will be worth the short-term struggle with acne and oily skin. Not all oils are made equal; similarly, some fats are good, and others are bad. Regarding your pores, if you are experiencing blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples, coconut oil can surely help clear them up. What helps is exfoliating first, and trying to remove as much oil as possible before using this beneficial oil to the same area.
Medium-chain fatty acids are quite short, meaning they can permeate the skin and work fast on the deeper layers where bacteria may be working and wreaking havoc on your face. The antibacterial properties of these acids, particularly lauric and caprylic acids, can neutralize the bacteria that is creating acne in the first place. The vitamin E can also moisturize dry, irritated skin, strengthen dermal tissue, and stimulate the regrowth of healthy, undamaged cells. The antioxidant impact of coconut oil can inhibit oxidative stress, promote the healing of scars from acne and make it more difficult for acne bacteria to return.
However, some people are more susceptible to acne and clogged pores than others. Some people have naturally larger pores, which are more prone to becoming clogged; other people have sensitive skin, so even the smallest clogs can cause inflammation and breakouts. Again, if you try to exfoliate the skin first, using any number of at-home methods, such as a sugar scrub, can help the coconut oil be far more effective when it is eventually applied.
Coconut Oil Benefits for Skin

Here some of the benefits of coconut oil for skin.
Coconut oil prevents aging
Coconut oil contains vitamin E that aids in skin health. When you use a coconut oil face wash, you can be confident that the antioxidant effects of vitamin E and several polyphenolic compounds will produce impressive results. These constituents of coconut oil are well known to lessen oxidative stress and help prevent the adverse effects of free radicals. Your skin is bared continuously to the harsh environment, as well as pollutants and irritants, which can promote cellular breakdown and cause wrinkles, age spots, and other unwanted blemishes. Washing your face with it can help you dodge many of these issues.
Coconut oil moisturizes the skin
As a moisturizing tool, few things are greater than coconut oil, as it is known to penetrate the skin to deliver its nutrients to the lower skin levels, where they are needed most. By quickly absorbing into the skin, you can avoid leaving an oily residue, but the face wash will continue to lock in moisture, stopping dry skin from quickly returning, which is what happens with normal cleansers and moisturizers. Even with oily skin, or are prone to acne, coconut oil can help reduce sebum production and deliver great results.
Coconut oil boosts the Immune System
The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil makes washing your face with this natural cleanser an excellent idea. They possess natural antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal characteristics that can keep your immune system safe and reduce the chances of any pathogens on your face. Bacterial and fungal infections can often occur on broken or dry skin, particularly if you suffer from acne, so using a face wash can keep you protected and infection-free.
Coconut oil helps protects against sunburn
While it does not have a high SPF rating, it does present a small measure of daily protection, especially if you don’t spend too much time in the sun. Furthermore, if you get a sunburn, this kind of face wash is very effective in soothing the inflammation, reducing the redness, preventing the skin from drying out, and speeding the healing/regrowth process of the skin cells.
Coconut oil helps eliminate skin irritation
Dry or cracked skin, especially under the nose, on the forehead, chin, and even neck can be irritating and unsightly, but a coconut oil face wash can change all that. The anti-inflammatory attributes of this substance, together with the deep moisturizing powers, can promote blood flow and relieving to these irritated areas, while also giving vitamin E and elevating collagen cross-linking, which will lessen the appearance of these inflamed areas.
Coconut oil can help prevents acne
Occasionally, you require to give your face a deep cleanse, to eliminate grime that is blocking pores, causing inflammation and stopping the release of sebum, which can lead to pimples, blackheads, acne and other unwanted skin conditions. A coconut oil face wash trickles into pores and hair follicles to expel these toxins and dissolve the sebum that has hardened beneath the skin. Making it much easier to exfoliate, maybe with a coconut oil sugar scrub, and keep your skin smooth and flawless.
How to clean your face naturally with coconut oil?
You can use coconut oil to wash your face alone, but some people mix the oil with tea tree, geranium or lavender oil, depending on the skin type. Tea tree oil has additional antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, making it good for one suffering from acne, while geranium oil is good for people with dehydrated skin. Lavender oil is ideal for all skin types and is mainly added to the oil to improve the fragrance, as it would in other soaps and scrubs.Washing your face with coconut oil is pretty simple. You only need a small quantity of coconut oil, roughly 1 teaspoon worth. Begin by rubbing the oil between your hands, allowing it to melt as a result of your body heat. Apply this to your face with both hands, firmly rubbing in small circles for at least a minute. Be sure to focus on creases and hard to reach areas where oil and grime usually lurk, such as at the edges of your nostrils and beneath your chin.
Using Coconut Oil Face Masks
Dampen a washcloth in very warm water and place it on your face for 30-45 seconds. Wipe the residual oil off with the washcloth. Most of it should have soaked into your face by that point. If your face still feels oily, wring out the washcloth, re-wet it with warm water and wipe your face down a second time.As simplistic as this sounds, it is one of the most effective and powerful ways to give your face a deep, cleansing wash! In essence, while coconut oil can clog pores for some and may result in a worsened acne condition, with proper exfoliation, hygiene, use and patience, the perks of coconut oil can be enjoyed, leaving you looking younger and healthier than ever.