These senile moles that mostly affect the elderly should not be a cause of worry. Seborrheic keratosis may look like a growth that is cancerous, but they are harmless. Over time, however, this menace may start to itch which may result in excessive scratching and eventual bleeding. It is for this reason, and cosmetic reasons of course, that you may think of a way to get rid of seborrheic keratosis. There are some home remedies for seborrheic keratosis that you can consider. Discussed are the home treatments along with other forms of treatments and other useful information about seborrheic keratosis.
What is seborrheic keratosis?
This is a common non-cancerous skin growth that is harmless. Seborrheic keratosis manifests as a pale brown or black growth to the face, chest or shoulders. They are also referred to as seborrheic warts or basal cell papilloma.
The condition is popular among the elderly and middle-aged people and appears in clusters but sometimes can appearance individually. It is also not contagious. By 40 years, about a third of people experience at least one seborrheic keratosis, and by 70 years over 75% of people would have experienced it.
What does seborrheic keratosis look like?
Symptoms of seborrheic keratosis
Seborrheic keratoses have a similar look to moles, skin cancer, or warts. They are waxy, just like brown candle wax, and you can easily think it’s something that is just stuck on the skin surface. Seborrheic keratoses can grow up to an inch wide or can be tiny. They are not deadly or painful, but over time they become itchy and irritating.
Where does seborrheic keratosis grow?
Seborrheic keratoses usually appear on the chest, back, shoulder, scalp, face, or abdomen. They can never show up on the palms of the hands or even the soles of feet.
How do seborrheic keratoses feel like?
The texture of seborrheic keratoses is waxy. They start as rough bumps and slowly get thicker. They have a wart-like surface and look as if they were stuck on the skin surface.
What is the shape of seborrheic keratoses?
They are oval or round.
What color is seborrheic keratosis?
Seborrheic keratosis is brown, but can also be black, yellow, or even white. Seborrheic keratoses can be very itchy and annoying. Scratching or picking will only lead to bleeding and likely risk of infection.
How to remove seborrheic keratosis at home?
How do you get rid of seborrheic keratosis naturally?
You do not need to go to the hospital to get your seborrheic keratosis checked out. In most cases, you can deal with seborrheic keratosis at home. These DIY remedies for seborrheic keratosis have known to work perfectly.
How does apple cider vinegar get rid of seborrheic keratosis?
ACV is a popular choice when it comes to treating seborrheic keratosis at home. Here is how seborrheic keratosis can be treated using apple cider vinegar at home:
- Soak cotton wool in pure and organic apple cider vinegar.
- Put the soaked cotton ball on the seborrheic keratosis and bandage it there.
- Leave the bandaged cotton ball on the growth for 8 hours without removing it.
- Do this every day for two weeks.
It may take some time for the seborrheic keratosis growths to disappear with this method, at times they can vanish after some few days.
Will hydrogen peroxide kill seborrheic keratosis?
Hydrogen peroxide, of 25 percent concentration, can be used as a DIY remedy for seborrheic keratosis, and this is how:
- Apply the hydrogen peroxide on the affected skin using a cotton piece of cloth.
- The seborrheic keratosis will form a scab and turn pink after the application of hydrogen peroxide.
- To ensure the peroxide does not evaporate so fast, cover the area immediately. For this, you can use duct tape. Just remember removing duct tape from your skin can be very painful. You can also find some less painful alternatives.
- Use the hydrogen peroxide until the growth disappears.
Serrapeptase for seborrheic keratosis
Proteins can be changed into amino acids in the body with the help of an enzyme serrapeptase. The source of this enzyme is found in the gut of silkworms. The bacteria that produce serrapeptase lives here. Serrapeptase, which is usually an anti-inflammatory drug, can also be used in dissolving moles. This is done by breaking down the fibers that lead to growths. The tissues that are broken down are then excreted by the body.
Follow one of the following conditions when you want to take serrapeptase tablets:
- Take the serrapeptase tablets on an empty stomach.
- Take the serrapeptase tablets at least 2 hours after eating.
- Avoid eating for at least half an hour after taking the serrapeptase tablets. For the right amount of serrapeptase to take, talk to your doctor.
Irritations can aggravate seborrheic keratosis, avoid them
Seborrheic keratosis can be aggravated by jewelry, clothing, and other types of irritants. To avoid further aggravation, keep away from things that will further irritate your skin until you heal. You can stick to natural fibers when it comes to clothes. Cotton, for example, is gentler.
Do not scratch your seborrheic keratosis
Itching as said is rare when you have seborrheic keratosis. However, when it does itch try as much as possible to avoid the urge to scratch. This only results in inflammation and hence a possibility of infection.
Take more vitamin D to protect your skin against seborrheic keratosis
Your skin’s immunity is boosted by vitamin D. Furthermore, vitamin deficiency in the body can lead to skin disorders and problems such as moles. Your skin will be in a better position to do away with seborrheic keratosis if you incorporate vitamin D regularly.
Wart medicine for seborrheic keratosis
Seborrheic keratosis can also be treated by the same medicine used to treat warts. This method may not work very quickly, but when applied regularly the seborrheic keratoses growth will fade away. This wart remover has proved to be very effective.
Using a cool compress for seborrheic keratosis
In rare occasions, seborrheic keratosis can be irritating and very itchy. Using a cold compress will help soothe the skin giving you the much-needed relief from discomfort.

What is the best treatment for seborrheic keratosis?
Other treatments for seborrheic keratosis
Home and DIY remedies usually work well for seborrheic keratosis. However, there may be a need for further treatment. Your growth can be removed if:
- the doctor is having a hard time to differentiate between seborrheic keratosis and skin cancer.
- the doctor performs a biopsy. Removing the growth is usually part of the process when performing a biopsy.
- the growth is causing a major discomfort such as itching when you wear clothes.
Cryosurgery for seborrheic keratosis
In the procedure, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the growths. A cotton swab or a spray gun is used to apply the liquid nitrogen on the skin causing the growth to fall off after freezing. This might leave a blister behind, but it will eventually fall off by itself.
Using electrocautery and curettage for seborrheic keratosis
Electrocautery and curettage usually go hand in hand. In the first step, an electric current is used to burn the growth. This is electrocautery. After this, a surgical tool referred to as a curette is used to remove the burnt growth. This is curettage. Some patients only require one and not both procedures.
Using ablation for seborrheic keratosis
This is where the growth is vaporized. The above-mentioned treatments for seborrheic keratosis all have one disadvantage or another. For example, the treatments can leave the skin around the growth lighter than the rest of the body.
Does seborrheic keratosis grow back after removal?
Seborrheic keratosis rarely grows back after being removed. In fact, if this happens, you should go for a tissue sample test to make sure the growth is not cancerous.
What causes seborrheic keratosis?
Causes of seborrheic keratosis
It is not clear the reason as to why seborrheic keratosis form. Dermatologists mention the following as possible causes and risk factors:
Seborrheic keratosis and exposure to sunlight
Part of the answer can be the sun. A lot of the seborrheic keratosis grow in body parts that usually get a lot of sunlight. The UV rays might have a part in its development. However, seborrheic keratosis also grows in places that rarely see the sun.
Seborrheic keratosis and genetics
Seborrheic keratosis can sometimes be a family affair. This, therefore, points to a genetic mutation.
Seborrheic keratosis and age
Most cases of seborrheic keratosis are experienced by middle-aged and elderly folks. So it must be something that comes with age. There is no viral infection associated with seborrheic keratosis. Friction involving the skin can, however, contribute to the condition.
Seborrheic keratosis diagnosis
Visual and physical tests are used to diagnose seborrheic keratosis. These lesions can appear on the scalp, groin area, over the spine, or under the breasts in groups or as solitary growths.
When to visit a doctor regarding seborrheic keratosis?
A normal seborrheic keratosis should not take you to the doctor. However, book an appointment if:
- there are so many growths that have appeared within a short span of time.
- the sores are not healing.
- the grows are so uncomfortable when you wear clothes.
- the color of the growths is unusual.
- the growths have irregular borders.
How to prepare for seborrheic keratosis appointment?
What happens at the dermatologist's office ?
Your family doctor or general doctor might first make a diagnosis before referring you to a dermatologist. Here is how you can prepare and what to expect from the appointment.
What you should ask the skin specialist?
When it comes to seborrheic keratosis, make sure you ask the dermatologist the following basic questions:
- Are tests necessary for diagnosis?
- Will the growths disappear on their own?
- What should I take note of or watch out for?
Be sure to ask any more questions that you feel will help you.
What the skin specialist might ask you?
Regarding seborrheic keratosis, the dermatologist might ask you:
- When did you first see the growth?
- Has the growth changed so far?
- Do you have a family history of seborrheic keratosis?
- Is the condition menacing?
Seborrheic keratosis and melanoma
Seborrheic keratosis or any growth with similar properties are not cancerous. However, if the growth is darker, it might look like skin cancer- specifically melanoma. A biopsy is required in this case for a closer diagnosis and examinations.
If the seborrheic keratosis is very thin, this can be a possible sign of lentigo maligna, a form of skin cancer. If the growth appears in numbers over a short span, then this might indicate internal cancer. All these signs required immediate attention from the dermatologist for further tests.
Skin specialists always regard seborrheic keratosis as a mere nuisance with no cause for alarm. Melanoma, on the other hand, is something completely different. This condition is the most deadly form of skin cancer, killing more people than the types. Melanoma can also spread to other parts of the body.
People with a history of seborrheic keratoses, or the ones who have seen it can easily mistake melanoma for this harmless condition. This is a deadly mistake. That is why a professional dermatologist needs to be involved. Even if you are sure the condition is not melanoma, do not ignore it. A biopsy may be necessary to check for cancer.
Causes of melanoma
Melanoma is usually caused by the harmful UV rays from the sun. Tanning bed can also play a part. With time they change how the skin behaves. Other things that can make you prone to melanoma include:
- family history
- having very fair skin
- having a weak immune system
- genetic mutation
- moles
Conclusion on seborrheic keratosis home remedies
This skin nuisance is common with age and should not worry you that much. Without any sort of interference, this condition is harmless and painless- avoid scratching and any forms of irritants. Home remedies treat seborrheic keratosis very effectively, with some working really fast while others require some patience. This is usually the best alternative for this condition. If you prefer medical care and a visit to the doctor, that too is an option.